#magic suit


Nine months, nine months had finally passed and it was time. As much as I had hated Mrs. Shaw for what she did, I had also believed her. She was clearly out of her mind, and I didn’t want to be stuck in the nearly indestructibly durable pregnancy suit forever, so I kept my grades up. More than that, I stopped going to parties, I joined a few clubs, I got a part time job. My life had actually gotten a lot better since I got stuck looking like I was pregnant with twins and about to deliver. I… I didn’t want to admit it, but some part of me actually was sad that it was going to be over. I dragged my feet as I walked to Mrs.Shaw’s office…

Mrs. Shaw’s door was open and she saw the large frame and familiar wavy brown hair of her ‘favorite’ student. Miss Lane had gone through quite the change since she stuck her in that suit, and Mrs. Shaw was quite proud of how she had tamed the spirited young woman. Something about having to look like a mother had infused the girl with a sense of responsibility and respect, she wished she could teach all the young girls in her class a lesson like that…

“u-uh Mrs. Shaw? It’s April Lane.”

“Come in Miss lane.”

April walked in with a slight waddled as she made sure not to bump into anything in the tight office. “Well… It’s been 9 months, and… I’m a straight A student now.”

“So you are… I guess your here to finally get free of that belly?”

“I guess yeah.”

“You guess?”

“I…” She looked embarrassed, how could she actually have started to like looking like this… “I’m just kinda used to it… and I’m worried I’ll go back to how I use to be once it’s gone.”

“I see..” Mrs. Shaw’s face was an uncompassionate mask, but she was laughing on the inside, she knew just what to do.“Well, I think I have an option you might like.”

“W-what? I..”

“The college has cut my budget extensively after my expensive purchases last august, and I’ve started looking into some other ways to achieve my class projects. Do you believe in magic miss Lane?”

“Magic? Are you joking Mrs. Shaw?” April laughed, stopping as she realized Mrs. Shaw looked serious. “What kind of magic…”

“The kind of magic to make a girl look like you do without the need for a suit. I’ve been studying in the library and in the antiquities section I found a rather interesting book. A spellbook you see, one that has some actual magic in it.”

“Like… real magic?” April didn’t know what to think, Mrs. Shaw wasn’t one for making stuff up, and she looked dire.

“Now, I haven’t got to cast any spells yet, as I haven’t had a willing subject to practice on. But I was thinking. Maybe you don’t need a suit to keep you grounded miss Lane. If you want to keep a big belly like that so you don’t act out like a child, how about we take care of it permanently.”


“Yes, I believe I can make you have a real belly, just as big as that, that will stay forever. You would like that wouldn’t you? To know that you look like a expectant mommy, and that you should be a good girl and work hard instead of slacking off.”

April couldn’t believe how much she wanted to be punished like this, to be stuck with an actual belly, she could just imagine getting to feel herself rubbing it, to actually feel her.. “What about the… the breasts.” she asked meekly.

“If you like having breasts that big I’m sure I can make sure that you will be filling those huge bras of your quite nicely.”

She couldn’t… she couldn’t actually be considering agreeing to this. To be stuck in a faux pregnancy forever? To actually have a big firm belly and huge tits that were real? The thought of getting to take off the heavy and restrictive suit but stay looking so big was turning her on in ways she didn’t even understand. She agreed without even thinking.

Two hours later April walked out of the school, her plump nipples visible through her bra, and her heavy belly hanging warmly over her. It was real, magic was real, her tits were real, and her belly was… real. There was no going back now, her life of parties and screwing around was over forever. She was going to look pregnant forever… just saying it made her wish she was at home with one of the toys she kept on hand. She reached up and grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing it without realizing she was groping herself in public until her hand got wet. She looked down and saw large wet spots on her shirt as if she was… She was lactating. Her breasts were real and full of milk, just like an actual pregnant woman. She quickly got to her car as fast as she could manage with her huge belly, her face as embarrassed as it looked happy.
