#stuck in costume


Nine months, nine months had finally passed and it was time. As much as I had hated Mrs. Shaw for what she did, I had also believed her. She was clearly out of her mind, and I didn’t want to be stuck in the nearly indestructibly durable pregnancy suit forever, so I kept my grades up. More than that, I stopped going to parties, I joined a few clubs, I got a part time job. My life had actually gotten a lot better since I got stuck looking like I was pregnant with twins and about to deliver. I… I didn’t want to admit it, but some part of me actually was sad that it was going to be over. I dragged my feet as I walked to Mrs.Shaw’s office…

Mrs. Shaw’s door was open and she saw the large frame and familiar wavy brown hair of her ‘favorite’ student. Miss Lane had gone through quite the change since she stuck her in that suit, and Mrs. Shaw was quite proud of how she had tamed the spirited young woman. Something about having to look like a mother had infused the girl with a sense of responsibility and respect, she wished she could teach all the young girls in her class a lesson like that…

“u-uh Mrs. Shaw? It’s April Lane.”

“Come in Miss lane.”

April walked in with a slight waddled as she made sure not to bump into anything in the tight office. “Well… It’s been 9 months, and… I’m a straight A student now.”

“So you are… I guess your here to finally get free of that belly?”

“I guess yeah.”

“You guess?”

“I…” She looked embarrassed, how could she actually have started to like looking like this… “I’m just kinda used to it… and I’m worried I’ll go back to how I use to be once it’s gone.”

“I see..” Mrs. Shaw’s face was an uncompassionate mask, but she was laughing on the inside, she knew just what to do.“Well, I think I have an option you might like.”

“W-what? I..”

“The college has cut my budget extensively after my expensive purchases last august, and I’ve started looking into some other ways to achieve my class projects. Do you believe in magic miss Lane?”

“Magic? Are you joking Mrs. Shaw?” April laughed, stopping as she realized Mrs. Shaw looked serious. “What kind of magic…”

“The kind of magic to make a girl look like you do without the need for a suit. I’ve been studying in the library and in the antiquities section I found a rather interesting book. A spellbook you see, one that has some actual magic in it.”

“Like… real magic?” April didn’t know what to think, Mrs. Shaw wasn’t one for making stuff up, and she looked dire.

“Now, I haven’t got to cast any spells yet, as I haven’t had a willing subject to practice on. But I was thinking. Maybe you don’t need a suit to keep you grounded miss Lane. If you want to keep a big belly like that so you don’t act out like a child, how about we take care of it permanently.”


“Yes, I believe I can make you have a real belly, just as big as that, that will stay forever. You would like that wouldn’t you? To know that you look like a expectant mommy, and that you should be a good girl and work hard instead of slacking off.”

April couldn’t believe how much she wanted to be punished like this, to be stuck with an actual belly, she could just imagine getting to feel herself rubbing it, to actually feel her.. “What about the… the breasts.” she asked meekly.

“If you like having breasts that big I’m sure I can make sure that you will be filling those huge bras of your quite nicely.”

She couldn’t… she couldn’t actually be considering agreeing to this. To be stuck in a faux pregnancy forever? To actually have a big firm belly and huge tits that were real? The thought of getting to take off the heavy and restrictive suit but stay looking so big was turning her on in ways she didn’t even understand. She agreed without even thinking.

Two hours later April walked out of the school, her plump nipples visible through her bra, and her heavy belly hanging warmly over her. It was real, magic was real, her tits were real, and her belly was… real. There was no going back now, her life of parties and screwing around was over forever. She was going to look pregnant forever… just saying it made her wish she was at home with one of the toys she kept on hand. She reached up and grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing it without realizing she was groping herself in public until her hand got wet. She looked down and saw large wet spots on her shirt as if she was… She was lactating. Her breasts were real and full of milk, just like an actual pregnant woman. She quickly got to her car as fast as she could manage with her huge belly, her face as embarrassed as it looked happy.

Steve grunted with effort and lifted the ladder over his shoulder, carrying it back to the store room. A simple sign now hung on the shop wall saying; May Overstock Sale 75% maternity costumes. Steve walked back to his chair and put his feet up on the counter, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

“Hi… uh… Steve.” A girl with long blonde hair stood in front of the counter. “My names Fallon, I’m here to buy a costume and i saw that the sign says that the pregnancy costumes are on sale right?”

He looked at her with a sarcastic expression “Unless the sign is lying.” She didn’t quite know what to say to his flippant attitude and he sighed deeply at her “Yes… they are on sale.”

Fallon tried to win him over and flashed a pretty smile and thanked him and walked further into the shop, the service might not be impressive but the craftsmanship was. She walked past rows and rows of bins and shelves stocked with all manner of costume. It was a specific type of outfit she needed though, she was looking for a maternity costume. She was going to play the lead in a play down at the theater, and the main character was quite pregnant. Normally she would have just got the costume designer to make her something, but she had broken her wrist in a stage accident and they were all using old costumes for this play. Sadly there was no pregnancy costume in the large chest of costumes out back and that was what lead to her being in the strange costume shop at the back of the mall.

She was glad the outfit was on sale, the prices weren’t… unreasonable, but it was her own money and she didn’t have a lot to throw around on it. She was still fretting over the poor seamstress’s hand when her deep green eyes finally spied it.

“Yes, this is exactly what I need.” She pulled out an unflattering outfit from the shelf. It was a thick and padded white outfit, but it’s shape looked just like that over a heavily pregnant woman with massive breasts. She would easily look like she was a month passed due with twins in this costume, but she was the only one with the skills to pull of a character like Madam Em. The sign said all outfits fit any size and she was in a hurry so she didn’t bother to check if it actually fit. She simply took it to the counter and asked to be rung up.

Steve looked annoyed to put his phone back down and quickly too her money and stuff the outfit unceremoniously in a plastic bag. He thrust it out to her and went back to texting someone. She left the store in a hurry, the strange cashier made her feel nervous, and she fiddled with her glasses anxiously. It didn’t matter though, she had the perfect costume to wear under that big dress, and it hadn’t cost her much.

A few days later was their first rehearsal and she was in the dressing room getting into character. The thick outfit had two straps to hook your arms through and hung off her heavily. Fallon huffed with effort, surprised at just how heavy it was sitting on her chest. The breasts were immense, if they had been real tits they would have easily been the size of soccer balls, they even had large protruding nipples. If the tits were big, the belly was huge, she felt like a blimp, she couldn’t see her feet no matter how far she bent, and come to think of it, she didn’t want to risk bending over. The weight of her belly so so much that she was afraid to loose balance.

She slowly managed to get the flowy dress over the costume and took a look at herself in the large mirror. She looked… ready to give birth. The costume was extremely believable, she moved a little and watched her belly and tits jiggle, moving with every breath. The outfit seemed tighter now, like it was even better fitted than before. She rubbed her belly for a moment and was surprised how warm it felt, it was almost like-

“Fallon are you ready yet?” one of the other actress’s poked her head through the door.

“O-oh, uh.. yeah!”

“Iiii’m not interrupted something am I?” She joked.

“W-what!? No, i.. I’m coming.” She grabbed her script and straightened her glasses before rushing after her as fast as she could. The outfit was heavy, but she felt surprisingly winded trying to run in it.

The rehearsal went on for quite a while, Fallon’s feet were sore, and she really needed to pee, but she was determined to keep going.

“Uh…  ?”

She frowned, annoyed to have to stop again and break character. “Yeah what’s up?”

“Don’t you think the milk is taking it a bit far? I mean, congrats on figuring out how to get.. whatever you did to work, but its kind of distracted seeing you leaking all over the place.”

“Now now Derrick, if she wants to be method with this I’m not gonna tell her no. *sigh* Nows a good a time as any to call it wraps for the night anyhow. Great job with putting the extra effort in on that outfit Fallon, you all could learn a thing or two from her,”

Fallon nervously rushed off the stage, if the compliments weren’t embarrassing enough, getting them for having an outfit that actually lactates was cringeworthy. She went back to the changing room and started to strip out of the dress. It had two large wet spots were the milk had seeped though. It even kinda of smelled like milk she thought. The dress was much harder to get off than to put on and she struggled to get out of it. Eventually it finally came off and she had to try not to fall over as it caught on her head.

With the dress finally off she went to remove the heavy pregnancy suit. Her tits felt sore and the heavy belly must be crushing her. As she looked down nearly fainted. there… there was no outfit. No costume, nothing, just skin, just her own body looking as heavily pregnant as the costume. She reached down and grabbed hold of her huge tits, giving one of the a squeeze and moaning as a few arcs of pearly white milk sprayed all over the changing room mirror.

She was nearly hyperventilating. There was no costume at all any more, it was her own body that was all swollen and pregnant looking. Gone were her perky B cups, and lightly toned abs, instead she had breasts bigger than her head, capped with light brown areolas that puff out to a nipple larger than her thumb, droplets of milk hanging from it’s tip. Below the huge tits was the belly of a pregnant woman, not just any pregnant woman, but a woman so heavily pregnant as to be nearly comical. She felt her bump with a mixture of shame and arousal. As much as she was freaking out, her hormones were so out of balance that her libido was already sky rocketing. She was… she was attracted to this? Was she really getting off on being stuck looking like some pregnant chick. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror again. The belly should have been obscene, but she held it tight with both arms and found herself enjoying the feeling of the plush warm flesh pressing back against her arms just a little too much.

A short time later Fallon left the changing room wearing a loose coat from the chest, she nearly got to her car before she ran into Derrick.

“Wow… damn Fallon you are crazy. This is taking your work home with you a bit much don’t you think?” He gestured to her gravid belly and breasts. “Are you really gonna keep wearing that all the time?”

She didn’t have an excuse planned, a reason that she would keep wearing the outfit, all she could think of was to embrace the lie. “Yeah, I’m just that method, I’m gonna wear it the whole play.”

“You are way too serious about this shit..” he laughed, leaving her standing by her car awkwardly. She felt a little ashamed that she was going to run around looking like a heavily pregnant girl, but as much as she wanted to go straight back to the store and demand for that little Steve shit to fix this, she hoped that this was permanent even more, and Fallon was going to die of embarrassment for that.

She slowly managed to get into her car and found that driving while this pregnant looking was an issue, her belly pressed against the steering painfully, and her tits were spilling all over the place. She couldn’t get her seatbelt on and she eventually had to give up on it and just hope that she didn’t get pulled over.

Luck was not on her side though. She was only half way home when she heard the ominous beee-whooop and flashing blue lights. She started swearing under her breath and started to try and think up a plan. The officer got up to her window, a small clipboard in hand. He tapped on the window with the back of his knuckle and flashed a light inside as she wound down the window.

“Hello mam, do you realize how fast you were going?”

“Officer I… she sighed and looked down at her heavy tits, which were dripping milked down her belly under her shirt. "I don’t know if you can see but I’m.. I’m very pregnant.”

He seemed to take stock of just how large she was, and when he noticed how much milk was seeping through her shirt his face turned quite red. “Oh, uh… yes, you are. You look like you uh… you need to get home and take care of a few things right?”

She gave him a relieved look and he took the bait. “I’ll ignore the ticket this time, just don’t make a habit of speeding like that.” he nervously rushed back to his cruiser and left. Fallon sighed and tried to clean a little of the milk off the steering wheel before continuing to drive home. This had to be the weirdest day of her entire life, she was just glad she was good enough at acting to pull off this whole pregnancy thing…            

“Okay class, so the college is trying to raise awareness about unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancies. In order to promote said awareness we are going to having a little project…” Mrs. Shaw reached under her heavy oaken desk and pulled out a tan-ish white body suit, it had distinctive breasts and a large belly.

“These are fake pregnancy suits. The school spent a ‘large’ sum of money to make sure they were very realistic and durable. You are probably wondering what these have to do with our little project, and the answer is simple. You all will be required to wear one of these for a week and then right a essay on your experience.”

The class collectively groaned, and the girls looked quite annoyed at the prospect. I was more than annoyed, and I was going to let the teacher know it.

“I don’t need to wear some fat suit to know how a condom works Mrs. Shaw, if I can’t opt out I’ll just take the F.”

“Miss Lane, please sit back down, and the school is REQUIRING all students to do this.”

“No this is ridiculous, I’m not wearing one of those things!” I pushed my chair out with a loud squeak and walked out of the class, leaving a stunned Mrs. Shaw and a surprised classroom. There was no way I was gonna be stuck in on of those things, hiding my perfect body. I’m 5'6, 130 lbs, long wavy brown hair, C cup breasts, and I’ve been told I have a great ass. No way am I gonna cover all that in some fat suit.

“Miss Lane to the front office, Miss lane to the front office.” The intercom blared out and I groaned and rolled my eyes, Shaw must have called about my outburst…

Twenty five minuets later I walked out of the front office red in the face, this was absurd. I can’t believe they could literally deny me of my credit for the class for not completing this, I’m gonna actually have to wear one of the bloated pillow suits… Mrs. Shaw is going to enjoy this way too much.

By the time I got back to class all the other girls had donned their costumes and left, it was just me and Shaw.

“Well well miss Lane, it looks like you will be participating after all.”

“Yeah I’m here, only because I’m being forced to be, so lets get this over with.”

Mrs. Shaw had a smug look on her face as she pulled out.. my suit. I nearly gasped out loud and I’m sure my eyes bulged, this suit was easily twice the size of the others.

“It looks like all the girls took all the suits that were less far along, so all that’s left is this nine months with twins outfit.”

Her voice was dripping with her snide enjoyment, and I could tell she set this one aside for me personally. I tried to play it cool “Whatever, either way I’ll look fat so I don’t care what size it is.”

Mrs. Shaw motioned for me to turn around and remove my shirt and bra, this was humiliating. I now stood naked from the waist up with my back to the teacher ash she placed the costume over me. The first thing I noticed was how tight it was to my body, clearly made from a slightly stretchable material, I couldn’t get it to move at all so there was no sliding it off once the zipper was zipped, plus it was so heavy! I couldn’t believe how big and firm the fake belly was, or how it stuck out from me like a beachball. The tits! They were at least G cups and whatever they were made of jiggled and sloshed about as I moved, heavily bouncing on my chest. This was going to be miserable, I could barely keep it together as I felt Mrs. Shaw start to zip it up. She finished zipping it and I knew my fate was as sealed as the outfit, but I had only moments to worry about my upcoming week before I felt her fiddle with the zipper again.

I pulled away and turned around to find her holding a container of fast acting permanent glue. The glue that was hardening over the zipper as I stood there. I frantically tried to reach the zipper, but I already knew that even had I been able to reach it, it was already hard and unmovable.

“What the hell!? Why did you-”

“Miss Lane, you are disruptive, disrespectful, and have no respect for this school or this project. So I have decided to teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

“So you stuck me in this fat suit!? I’m just gonna cut it off!”

“Not so fast Miss Lane, the school ordered very high grade outfits and the material is very unlikely to be damaged by a pair of scissors, it would take industrial grade power tools to remove that costume I’m afraid, that or the precautionary material to melt that glue. WHICH I will gladly give to you at the end of the school year if you manage to get an A for the rest of the year and work with the video production class to do a PSA about pregnancy. Otherwise your going to be stuck like this for a VERY, very long time…”

“I’ll… I’ll just look online how to melt the glue!”

“What glue? What brand did I use, do you remember the bottle? Did I even have the right glue in the right bottle or did I switch the label? Face it miss Lane, you are going to be nine months pregnant for… about nine months. IF you can get good grades and be a good student that is…”

“But… But I…” I wanted to fight her, I wanted to punch her in the face, or scream, but I knew she had got me good with this. Nobody was going to believe loud mouth lane that good ol’ Mrs. Shaw had done something like this, so I was playing by her rules. “O-okay… Mrs. Shaw… I should go home and study I guess…”

“Now that’s what I like to hear… Oh and you’ll need this.” She threw me a bundle and I caught it, causing my huge breasts to jostle heavily. I realized it was a maternity shirt and tried not to grimace when I saw the word MOM written across the front it bold letters. She was mocking me.
“There’s no way you would fit in your old clothes, so this will have to do till you can buy a few more. Now go home and get to studying, we wouldn’t want you to fail a test…”

I gave her a final frown and pulled the shirt on, embarrassed and defeated I walked out of the class and started to make my way across campus to my car, suddenly wishing I had parked closer now that I was carrying all this extra weight. I could feel the stares of the other students, most of whom didn’t know about this class project, and my face was scarlet red by the time I reached my car. I looked at myself in the door mirror apprehensively.

I was unprepared for what I saw, I looked huge. It was my cute face and pretty hair attached to easily the most heavily pregnant woman I had ever seen in person, and I was going to be stuck like this for nearly a year            
