

Pretty sweet deal: Ajani, Gideon, kiora, Dovin, Spark double.
#mtg #mtgfam #magicthegathering #mtgedh #edh #magiccommander #tiktok #geektok #nerdtok #new #ajani #gideon #dovin #kiora #mythicrare

#mtgfam    #magicthegathering    #mtgedh    #magiccommander    #tiktok    #geektok    #nerdtok    #gideon    #mythicrare    

Last of the decklist. Also, I’ve already made some cuts and edits from a recent play test. Tazri is a nice fun edh deck that benefits from a lot of opponent interaction. Like a D&D game, its not necessarily about winning, but experiencing. Also wrecking bad guys.
#mtgedh #mtg #mtgcommander #magicthegathering #decklist #new #foryou #tiktok #geektok

#mtgedh    #mtgcommander    #magicthegathering    #decklist    #foryou    #tiktok    #geektok    

This deck utilizes the “Full Party” mechanic predominantly in the Zendikar Rising set where the more members of your party you have- at least one of any Cleric, Rogue, Wizard, and Warrior Creatures - then you can do combos off of that. Tazri as a commander helps by using her effect to get your party together faster, and as she is a white card her color identity is all colors so you jave a lot of playing options for cards in your deck.
#mtg #magicthegathering #magiccommander #mtgedh #mtgcommander #tazri #geektok #geek #nerd #tiktok #new #foryou

#magicthegathering    #magiccommander    #mtgedh    #mtgcommander    #geektok    #tiktok    #foryou    

Deck list for the Tazri D&D Party Squad commander deck. Part 1, Creatures.

#dnd #d&d #mtg #magicthegathering #new #tiktok #geektok #tazri #mtgcommander #mtgedh #decklist #nat20

#magicthegathering    #tiktok    #geektok    #mtgcommander    #mtgedh    #decklist    

Kaalia update cause I’m bored at work and this is all I am doing till someone is bleeding to death or needs food.
#mtg #magicthegathering #magicthegatheringcards #geektok #tiktok #mtgtiktok #kaalia

Making a Kaalia, Zenith Seeker EDH deck, see if I can make a decent poor man’s kaalia. Lord knows I dont have the money for an ACTUALLY good Kaalia deck, but I like the challenge of building the best I can with what I got.
#mtg #kaalia #magicthegathering #edh #mtgcommander #commander #rakdos #geektok #tiktok #foryou #new

#kaalia    #magicthegathering    #mtgcommander    #commander    #rakdos    #geektok    #tiktok    #foryou    
The Bundle Box came in the mail first. Still waiting on the Booster Box from TCGPlayer.com . . . . #

The Bundle Box came in the mail first. Still waiting on the Booster Box from TCGPlayer.com
#mtg #kaldheim #mtgkaldheim #magicthegathering #magicarena #vikings #metal (at Bluefield, West Virginia)

Post link

What’s a creature type that should have its own tribal-based commander, but doesn’t? I’ll go first:


If you pull it, you must build it. Thems the rules…

Rebuilt, better than ever!

I won’t be likely to make any friends with this…

My First DnD Character

With the release of Adventures in the Forgotten Realms just around the corner, I thought back to my very first DnD campaign (5th Edition - starting around 2016) and the character who I played. And I got to thinking about how that character would be as a Magic: the Gathering card.

So, here is Caramip Daegrel, a Gnome Rogue (also a tinkerer). I will include some of her story, for those curious.

Art by TheFirstAngel, on DeviantArt (this art helped inspire the character)

Caramip was from a family of rock gnome tinkerers. One of her grandfathers had been an adventurer in his youth, and she loved to hear his stories. He would also play various games with her, games which where actually teaching her various Rogue abilities, such as picking locks and speaking in Thieves Cant.

As an adult, she worked in the family business, making various clockwork items. One day, her grandfather pulled her aside, gifting her his old adventuring gear, including a silver dagger with a mysterious symbol carved into its hilt. Within a week, he had passed away. Although the physician indicated it was from natural causes, Caramip felt that not everything lined up, especially with how healthy her grandfather had seemed when last she saw him.

So using the skills she had learned as a child, she started to investigate. She eventually joined a bounty hunters guild so that she could have more criminal contacts, who may know something about the symbol on the dagger.

One of her assignments brought her to the north, a region of icy islands, where she met the adventuring party. With the group, they uncovered a vampiric cult/mafia, with some ties to the symbol on the knife. Through the adventure, Caramip discovered she could make a clockwork bomb, using a Firestarter device and dynamite. This explosive knowledge was key in the final confrontation with the leader of the vampire legion.

For those who play tabletop games, who was your first character? And what would they look like as a Magic card?

Some creator tags: @flavoracle@kor-artificer@askkrenko
