#maglors wife


I just HAD to draw some siren Mags because there is a horrifyinglack of siren Maglor out here in these Silm streets, like how dare you?! He’s constantly associated with both water and music (his voice is like the sea, he wanders the shores singing for eternity, all the material is right fucking there.) We’re fucking up, Silm fandom…we’re fucking up.

Ok, so here’s Maglor as a siren with his textual ghost-turned my OC husband Ringo post-Kinslaying. This is the version slash AU where Mags threw himself and his Silmaril into the sea but instead of drowning, Ulmo blessed/cursed him to be a siren. Him and Ringo still meet up “between the sand and the sea” quite often and it’s hella cute and adorable.

(pic I used as reference here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/drowned-man-being-assisted-by-a-mermaid-english-school.html)

For some reason I could not stop thinking about La Playa from La Oreja de Van Gogh – a romanti

For some reason I could not stop thinking about La Playa from La Oreja de Van Gogh – a romantic song!!! – as sort of a noldolante? kind of? And thus i doodled this to get the urge out.

One time I read a hc/story where Maglor’s wife died in the First Kinslaying (fighting for the feanorians, hence her wearing armor in that second panel), and he started the noldolante as a lament for her before it expanded to all of them which… is the reason for this lol

Best i can translate the lyrics is:

“I’m going to write you the prettiest song in the world

I’m going to capture our story in only one second

One day you will see that this crazy one forgets little

Now matter how long the years pass in his life.”

[technically the last line is gender neutral as well, but uh, creative liberties eyy]

Post link


I posted this a little ahead of schedule, but it fits with day 5.

Maglor/Maglor’s Wife slightly AU fic, with Ivárëbeing Maglor’s wife.

Rated Teen (it just has a tiny bit of non-explict sex)

4500+ words.

Ivárë finally leaves Valinor at the end of the First Age to look for her husband.

Read on AO3

In keeping with the season, I offer you two gifts.

One is this gif, which properly and accurately sums up the relationship between Maglor and his mrs.:


And this second is this fic about them, which I may or may not have been planning for a year.

It’s not the last fic in the au, I can almost guarantee…but chronologically at least, it’s the end of the Silmarillion. And by that I mean the 1950s.

Merry Christmas to one and all.
