

A quick sketch of Maglor

The regent of Noldor*posting old picture

The regent of Noldor

*posting old picture

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When you realize Maglor was a soldier, poet and king all at the same time

I just HAD to draw some siren Mags because there is a horrifyinglack of siren Maglor out here in these Silm streets, like how dare you?! He’s constantly associated with both water and music (his voice is like the sea, he wanders the shores singing for eternity, all the material is right fucking there.) We’re fucking up, Silm fandom…we’re fucking up.

Ok, so here’s Maglor as a siren with his textual ghost-turned my OC husband Ringo post-Kinslaying. This is the version slash AU where Mags threw himself and his Silmaril into the sea but instead of drowning, Ulmo blessed/cursed him to be a siren. Him and Ringo still meet up “between the sand and the sea” quite often and it’s hella cute and adorable.

(pic I used as reference here: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/drowned-man-being-assisted-by-a-mermaid-english-school.html)

Elwing yeets herself into the sea and gets turned into a seagull.

Maglor yeets himself into the sea and gets turned into a siren so Ulmo can have his own personal Spotify playlist for eternity (fuck off Manwë this is my pet kinslayer and I’m keeping him)

Maglor/Spouse headcanons

(featuring my OC for his hubby, Ringwë “Ringo”Ilyannon)

Despite being the shorter of the two, Mags is the big spoon (he also tops most of the time)

Ringo is a NEAT FREAK and his eye twitches when one thing is out of place while Mags is literally a hot mess “it’s organized chaos, Ringo!”

Ringo followed his husband to ME, not because he was swayed by Fëanor’s words but for two other reasons, first was loyalty to Mags and the second was because he was just getting mad bored in Valinor (where nothing ever happens unless Morgoth is around to stir shit up) and he needed material to write a play about that wasn’t The Merry Misadventures of Gods Part II (his very popular comedy series about the Valar). He wanted to be around when history was being made.

He and Maglor fought side by side on several occasions even though Maglor was a spell-singer and Ringo had to learn fighting skills on the go (“I never fought but I’ve air-fenced for roles before”)

Ringo was Mags’ biggest support when Mae was captured and he got into fights with his brothers about his “failure” to rescue him (“I’m writing a new play. It’s called ‘if you don’t leave my husband alone I’ll kick your fucking teeth in”)

Ringo is a total blanket hog which Mags doesn’t mind because it gives him excuses for cuddles “you’re gonna share this warmth one way or another”

When the Gap fell, Mags ordered Ringo to go with the retreating survivors and this stubborn bitch said “if we’re dying, we’re dying together whether you like it or not.”

Whenever they get bored of their wandering, they stay in Amon Ereb (which is a perfectly serviceable keep that Mags sings an enchantment around to make it look like ruins)

Mags calls Ringo “coivenya” (my life)

They argue in the dumbest ways, Mags will sing obnoxiously to annoy Ringo while Ringo recites increasingly insulting poetry.

They’ve definitely sucked each other off under the table when meetings got boring

Ringo was away when Maedhros killed himself so he came back to find his husband and law-brother gone and the fortress a mess, he at first thought that they’d been assailed by orcs. But then he heard Maglor’s singing and found him at the edge of the water.

Weirdest place they had sex? On Himring’s roof. Maedhros had them up there patrolling for orcs and whatnot but when a couple hours passed and all they saw was snow, they were like “Welp, bored now” and banged on one of the turrets (facing forward so they could still scout for enemies). When Mae heard about this, he tried to be the intimidating older brother but ended up laughing his ass off because him and Fingon did that same thing one time.

Whenever Ringo’s having a bad day, Mags would pick him up some of his favorite fruit (strawberries, but when they were Exiled and on the road it was hard to get them. He learned to freeze-dry them from Celegorm so they’d have a supply when they were on the go). When Mags is having a bad day, Ringo does hilariously bad but surprisingly accurate impressions of people Maglor dislikes and it has him cackling every single time.

Ringo may be a neat freak but that doesn’t extend to his hair. His hair is curly as fuck and most of the time it’s thrown up in a braid because he can’t be assed with it, so Mags usually takes care of it.

Feanor didn’t like Ringo at first because his family were Fingolfin’s supporters and said that no son of his would marry a potential “plant.” Ringo’s parents didn’t like Maglor cuz of his dramatic and admittedly arrogant musician personality, fearing he would be as flighty as his stage persona. So the two of them did what any reasonable elves would do, eloped. They did the equivalent of a drive-thru Vegas wedding with like three of Mags’ brothers there.

When he got back home, Mags didn’t even bother hiding it from Feanor. “Where did you get to, son?”

“Oh, I went out and got married” cuz at that point the marriage was already performed and Feanor couldn’t do shit about it. He eventually warmed up a tad when he saw how happy Maglor was (and how Ringo made the twins laugh)

Ringo was happy that Mags had such a large family since he was an only child himself and always wanted siblings.

Maglor just saying “fuck u dad, I’m getting married” inspired Mae to be public about his own relationship with Fingon.

⚔️ Six Of Swords ⚔️

UPRIGHT: Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage.

REVERSED: Personal transition, resistance to change, unfinished business

Six Of Swords Upright:

The Six of Swords represents a state of transition, to leave behind what is familiar and move towards the unknown. However, this move is essential for growth and personal development. The sadness over what is lost (or released) will soon be replaced by greater mental clarity and a renewed acceptance of change.

The Six of Swords invites to let go of whatever is holding one back, be it from past or present circumstances.

Six Of Swords Reversed:

The Six if swords reversed represents going through a personal or spiritual transition or rite of passage that allows to leave behind a relationship, belief, or behavioural pattern that is no longer useful. This is an intensely personal and private journey, and it must be worked in isolation to make it happen.

If there is struggle to move forward from the past, the Six of Swords reversed suggests that there may be unfinished business, unresolved conflict, or lessons which need to be understood before being able to wholeheartedly move forward in life.

Ok, so. The image of the Maglor with the swords behind him came to me weeks ago, while I was struggling with some personal feelings. It was meant to be vent art, but I liked the concept too much and didn’t know how to give form to it. I made the sketch in minutes, and then abandoned it for weeks because I just didn’t know what to do with it. But I felt bad about abandoning it, so here we are.

Even though I went with a very flat/no-perspective style that is kinda tarot like, the card thing wasn’t part of the original idea. I just happened to realized later than the meaning kinda fitted the picture and my constant state of being.

(and I know that’s not what reversed means, but actually reversed looked weird)

Kanofinwe Makalaure FeanarionMaglor the Mighty Singer

Kanofinwe Makalaure Feanarion

Maglor the Mighty Singer

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Nerdanel: You guys need a hobby

Caranthir: I have a hobby.

Nerdanel: Being bitter isn’t a hobby.

Maglor: I have a hobby as well.

Nerdanel: Listening to sad music isn’t a hobby either.

Maedhros: What about procrastinating? Does that count?

Nerdanel: I give up.

Celegorm: When have I done anything rash or irresponsible?

Maglor: I have a list. It’s twelve pages long and alphabetized.

Nerdanel: If you took a shot every time you made a bad decision how drunk would you be?

Maglor: A little tipsy

Maedhros: Very drunk.


Maglor: *calls* Did you feed the twins?

Maedhros: They already ate.

Maglor: Was it organic?

Maedhros: *watches Elrond and Elros eat more dirt* … yes

Amras: Five months!

Maglor: why is he yelling at you?

Caranthir: just ignore hi-


My favorite  lyrical boy with Maedhroses swordYou can find more art with Maglor and others using #Ma

My favorite  lyrical boy with Maedhroses sword

You can find more art with Maglor and others using #Maglor or #Silm in my blog

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Maglor the mighty singer! (Aka, Rockstar of Beleriand) the family is almost done.

@feanorianweek​ 2021 DAY SEVEN: The Swearing of the Oath Be he foe or friend, be he foul or clean,br

@feanorianweek​ 2021 DAY SEVEN: The Swearing of the Oath

Be he foe or friend, be he foul or clean,
brood of Morgoth or bright Vala,
Elda or Maia or Aftercomer,
Man yet unborn upon Middle-earth,
neither law, nor love, nor league of swords,
dread nor danger, not Doom itself,
shall defend him from Fëanor, and Fëanor’s kin,
whoso hideth or hoardeth, or in hand taketh,
finding keepeth or afar casteth
a Silmaril. This swear we all:
death we will deal him ere Day’s ending,
woe unto world’s end! Our word hear thou,
Eru Allfather! To the everlasting
Darkness doom us if our deed faileth.
On the holy mountain hear in witness
and our vow remember, Manwë and Varda!
—The Annals of Aman, §134

Those of you who guessed Ides of March and ancient Roman inspiration guessed correctly!

Here are some close-ups:

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