
magykal anniversary day two: flytei made this piece after a conversation in the discord about how je

magykal anniversary day two: flyte

i made this piece after a conversation in the discord about how jenna didn’t have any regard for simon’s life in flyte because of how different of a person he is compared to who she grew up with

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The Marsh Python lay trapped in the Mott. It made do with eating whatever unwary fish and eels came

The Marsh Python lay trapped in the Mott. It made do with eating whatever unwary fish and eels came its way and dreaming of the day it would be free to swallow as many goats as it could manage.

Nicko and Jenna went skating. At first they were happy to circle around the iced-up Mott and irritate the Marsh Python, but after a while they began to venture into the landscape of the marsh.

Whoo first day of the magykal anniversary!! i’ve had this idea in my head for like four years and i’m so happy i finally got it done!

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