#majin buu saga


Dabura vs Gohan

[By fenyo_n]

#dragonball    #dragon ball    #dragon ball z    #dragonball z    #saiyan    #super saiyan    #supersaiyan    #universe 7    #hybrid saiyan    #hybrid    #half blood saiyan    #ultimate gohan    #mystic gohan    #adult gohan    #teen gohan    #son gohan    #dabura    #darbula    #demon school    #goku vegeta    #majin buu saga    #buu saga    #buu arc    #majin dabura    #team u7    

Dragon Fist Explosion!

[By willyanselmo.art]

#dragonball    #dragon ball    #dragon ball z    #dragonball z    #saiyan    #super saiyan    #supersaiyan    #pure saiyan    #son goku    #son gokū    #kakarot    #kakaroth    #kakarotto    #dbz oav    #db oav    #buu saga    #majin buu saga    #goku ssj3    #supersaiyan 3    #super saiyan 3    #dragon fist    #dragon fist explosion    #hirudegarn    #evil demons    

TheMajin Buu Saga is the fourth major plot arc from the Dragon Ball Z series. It deals with Majin Buu’s emergence into Earth by the evil wizard Babidi, the emergence of Old Kai, the introduction of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation, and the fusion technique.
The Saga finishes with the Fusion of Super Saiyan Gotenks  and an unusual friendship being built between Majin Buu and Mr Satan.


Picture Source: http://thegamecontrollers.weebly.com/hd-wallpapers.html
