#malayan pangolin

SUNDA PANGOLIN is one of 8 species of pangolin, and these little guys are from Southeast Asia. Sunda

SUNDA PANGOLIN is one of 8 species of pangolin, and these little guys are from Southeast Asia. Sunda Pangolin or Malayan Pangolin prefer forests and may burrow in trees like this one. Their unique scales, (which are made out of same protein as our hair and nails!) are great protection for them when they are feasting on ant colonies that probably won’t like that very much.

Other than their large, curved claws, their super long tongue and super sticky saliva are great for digging into those trees and log to find their meal. They also walk on their hind legs while balancing with their long tail, giving them a super cute and funny walk.

They are unfortunately one of the world’s most trafficked mammals due to their meat being considered a delicacy and their scales being used in traditional medicine throughout Asia. Them reproducing only once per year doesn’t really help. If we want to keep those termites out of our houses and a stable balance in our ecosystem, as well as just to keep these cool guys around, we should continue to spread awareness and protect them!

For more from this series >click here<


Calendar making update:

Hey folks! As I have a slow traffic on tumblr, I am going to continue to post these individual pages here, for those whoever stumbles across them. And those who choose to take a closer look at each of the month’s illustrations before deciding to purchase one instead of keeping some as a surprise.

I also do enjoy writing out a little description for each of these creatures. <3

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