#male frans



Now don’t feel depresso, I feel romantic and confident (?)

So here, smooches uwu

Aweeee qwq

I doodle lot of stuff on my job, so I decided do some on digital for fun

Other old doodles

Lazy to translate (and is not really important honestly), just dorky stuff

I’m tired of see smiles and teeths, so here some doodles I do weeks ago

Day 16- Money

Franstober by @uhhbananafrappe

Redraw of traditional draw uwu

Also time for lot of strawberries

I’m lil’ busy this days and without computer so I can’t post my digital doodles here, hope I can next week

But here, a doodle from work

Just doodles no sense, only the lovely dork(?)

Also, there’s a raffle if ya want to enter

Insert a “later” here because I forget write it(?)

I doodle this when I drink, just dork and I don’t know why xD

I ffad this drinking soñry i donr jnow what km doing

im sorry dor draw a lot og horritEla frans, abdko i lie im nt sorry

Much doidles I do whn i das drinig sometgung

Hey happy Valentine’s days, I only can do something smol, but hope y'all have a nice and lovely day!
