

I’m one day late!

Franstober 2021: Day Ten — Chase is now released on AO3.

Franstober Prompts by @uhhbananafrappe
Horrortale by sour-apple-studios and request by @minina-7431

Franstober 2021: Day Nine — Experiment is now released on AO3. I’m having a bad time with Wattpad for now. That’ll take a while to fix.

A preview of Sticks, Stones & Bones.

Franstober Prompts by @uhhbananafrappe

Franstober 2021: Day Eight — Blind is now released on AO3 and Wattpad.

How were they both so blind to each other’s feelings?

Franstober Prompts by @uhhbananafrappe

Franstober 2021: Day Seven — Ride is now released on both AO3 and Wattpad.

Franstober Prompts by @uhhbananafrappe

Franstober 2021: Day Five and Six — Private and Public is now released on AO3 and Wattpad.

Oh, and to further creativity. You can drop some of your ideas for some dates (in my ask box) and I’ll see if I can try to at least incorporate or make them.

Franstober Prompts by @uhhbananafrappe

Update on Franstober Day Five.

If any of you are wondering when I’m posting Franstober for today. It won’t be coming out today.

Day Five (Private)and Day Six (Public) will be released as a two-parter and, so I will need another day to work it out, but trust me I will be publishing the two parts tomorrow.

Franstober 2021: Day Four — Tired is now released on AO3 and Wattpad.

Thanks again to @uhhbananafrappe and credits to @stacycpr for letting me make an unofficial sequel to her prompt. Read the first part first, then the second.

Franstober 2021: Day Three — Secret is now published to AO3 and Wattpad.

This is pretty angsty, but ends with a happy ending! And it’s much longer. Sorry for the wait!

Happy reading!

Thanks again to @uhhbananafrappefor the prompts.

Franstober 2021: Day Two — Bonds is now released on AO3.

I’ve made something I can say I’m really proud of. If you thought that the last one was good as some kind of twist of fate, well, this is better.

Credits to @uhhbananafrappe for both the inspiration of this prompt and Franstober itself.

Day 16- Money

Franstober by @uhhbananafrappe

Frisk’s documentary gone wrong pt 2

continuation (kinda? xd) to Venelona’s post <3

Franstober day 19: video

prompts by @uhhbananafrappe


Franstober day 5 - private :3

Undergate by: @saturnbelaand@undergate-blog

Franstober by: @uhhbananafrappe

Hope you like it guys ^^

OOOHHHH things are heating up in here

This is awesome!! I highly appreciate you considering my au for the amazing franstober event<33

venelona: Franstober Day 24 - CollarI don’t draw these two in the collars often but I quite like the


Franstober Day 24 - Collar

I don’t draw these two in the collars often but I quite like them

Franstober by fabulous @uhhbananafrappe(List of prompts)

Post link
venelona: nuvex:I wanted to at least do something for @uhhbananafrappe ‘ s amazing Franstober, so he



I wanted to at least do something for @uhhbananafrappe ‘ s amazing Franstober, so here you go! <3

October 18 Prompt: Jealous (List of prompts)

Support me on Kofi~

Pat him

Post link

Franstober, Day 12 “Seed”- @uhhbananafrappe

AU: Fated-AU (by @shayromi&@catsitta)

Franstober, Day 10 “Chase” - @uhhbananafrappe

Au: Axetale <333

Franstober, Day 9 “Experiment”- @uhhbananafrappe

Au: Faithtale
