#male kidnapping

male kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnappingmale kidnapping

“Thank you for your time doctor.” Officer Donaldson says, entering the doctors office, closing the door behind him. “Of course, you sounded like it was important.” The doctors shakes his hand, and motions for him to sit on the chair. “Yeah. Uh. I cant sleep properly, and I need to be at my best for my job.” He says, looking down at his tight uniform. “I see.” The doctor says, writing something down. “Are you going to work later?

"No, just finished my shift.” Officer Donaldson forces a weak smile, and the doctor nods. “Olay. Let me see.” He gets up, pulls a small little torch out of his pocket and lifts the cops arm by his wrist. The doctor turns the light on, a small, red beam shines right into the mans eyes, but he doesnt even flinch.

“Now, focus on the light, the red little light. How it moves, how it feels.” He says calmly, his voice getting a little deeper. The officer takes a deep breath, his eyes stuck at the light, before everything starts to feel heavy, dizzy, yet so relaxing. “How does it makes you feel.” The doctor asks, stroking his wrists gently. “Good. Uh. Im sorry. Im just so tired.”

Donaldson sighs, his eyss still looking into the light. However, there is a sudden shift, the light starts flickering quickly, shifting through every color, spinning even. “What is this?” The cop grunts, trying to pull away, but someone, something holds him back. “Its okay officer. Just watch the light. It feels calm, warm, easy. Doesnt it?” The doctors smirks, as he could see that something in the mans mind was reacting to his subtle commands. He had him under before, several times, it is just a matter of time.

“When I snap my finger, Officer Donaldson, your mind will go to sleep, just obeying my orders, do you understand?” He says, firmly grabbing the mans wrist. “Yes Doctor.” Donaldson says sleepily, and with that, the doctor snaps his fingers. Instantly, the officers eyes roll back into his head, as he lets out a soft moan.

His body starts swaying slowly, back and forth, before the doctor grabs his shoulder, securely holding him in place. “Very good, Officer.” The doctor smiles. “Now, lets see. Get up.” He demands and the cop does as hes told. Donaldson body is heavier than before, sluggish movements, with his head still swaying slightly and his vacant eyes losing focus.

“Flex and get hard.” The officer raises his beefy arms and all of his muscles tense harshly. The fabric of his uniform just barely able to restrain them. “Good.” The doctor starts feeling his biceps, his arms, his shoulder and his neck, circling the officer slowly. “Freeze.” He demands, now standing in front of him, looking into his eyes.

“So beautiful.” He says, running a finger along his jawline, through the beard, along the cheek, the eyebrows down his nose before he traces the outlines of the officers soft lips. “Open up.” Donaldson opens his mouth and immediately, three fingers enter his body, slowly, carefully, moving back and forth. “That feels good, right?” The doctor growls, and the officer moans deeply.

Chuckling, the doctor now runs his hands along the mans broad chest, feeling his pecs through the uniform. “Officer. Harder.” With that, the muscles tensed even more, much to the doctors amusement. “Good boy.” He pats his chest, before he unzips the jacket, and pulls his shirt up, exposing the mans well formed abs. “Better than last time, Im impressed.” He smirks, running a finger through the outlines of the hard muscles, up his chest, across his pecs and nipples, pinching him a couple of times.

“I like what I see, good job.” He smiles and this time, pats the officers cheek, with him smiling derpily, while he drools satisfied. The doctor looks down, and sees the massive tent forming in his pants, but also, the even bigger one in Officer Donaldsons uniform. “Now. Arms down.” He demands, and the cop follows his words instantly.

“Stand at attention, officer.” Donaldsons whole body gets rigid, stiff and hard, as he puts his hands at his back, spreads his legs slightly and raises his voice. “Yes sir.” The doctors dick twitches excitedly. “Good boy.” He steps behind him, hugging him from behind, feeling his strong chest again before running his hands to the mans crotch, firmly grabbing his erect cock, rubbing the palm of his hand against him.

“Did you get bigger?” He frowns, and walks around him. The doctor unbuttons Donaldsons pants, letting them drop to the floor, enjoying the sight of the immense throbbing cock inside the briefs alread stained with pre cum and sweat. “It looks like it.” He says proudly, feeling the officers cock with his hands, causing the man to groan. “Thats right.” He says happily, but now is not the time. Unabld to help himself though, he touches his own dick, getting the officer dressed properly again.

“Officer. I need you to come to my house this weekend, alone, when I call you. Understood?” Donaldson nods once. “Yes doctor.” “You will be wesring this uniform, those boots, and dont forget about this.” He says, enjoying to play with the mans leather holster around his waist. “Yes doctor.”

The doctor nods contently, raising the officers arm once more by the wrist.“ Sit down again.” As the officer sits down, the doctor shines the red little light back into his eyes. “Now officer, when I snap my fingers, you will come back to yourself. Your mind will wake up, but you wont remember a thing. Your body will relax, you will be calm, and once your home, you will shower, and send me picture of yourself naked. Understood?”

“Yes doctor.” He says sleepily. “Good.” With that,the doctor snaps his fingers and the officer blinks a few times. “I just think you need some rest.” He says. “I Will prescribe you a light sleeping pill, take one right before bed.” The doctor says, sitting down again without showing off his bulge. “Thank you.” Officer Donaldson smiles, as he touches himself gently, aware of his erection. “Thats my job.” The doctor laughs.

Officer Brady is on his way through a more isolated, wooded area out of town. Just the usual patroling at night. There is no other vehicle on the road, and he is still a little pissed that his partner called in sick 5 min before the start of the shift. Without any replacement avaiable, he was bound to do the shift on his own. Normally, this wouldnt be allowed, but in a small town, things tend to be different.

He is driving along the road, when he sees a car standing at the side, with two guys standing by the trunk, seemingly looking for something. Brady slows down and stops right beside them. He cannot see their faces, or hear their voices but they seem to be around 20 years old.

Brady rolls down the window, takes his flashlight and illuminates the scene. Two young man, one a little shorter, the other quite tall, look at him. Both avoiding the blinding light, lift their hands to look at him.

“What are you doing here? At night?” He says, his deep voice ringing through the forrest around him. “Ehh.” The small guys says, exchanging nervous looks with the other guy. “Our car broke down.” The big guy says, his voice rough and husky. Turning the torch towards the hood lf the car, Brady thinks deeply. “Do you need help?” He says and at first, the tall guy shakes his head, before the small one nudges him with his shoulder.

“That would be great officer.” He says, his voice so soft and smooth. Brady nods, parks the car a little further down the road and steps outside. Catiously, he unbuttons his holster, just in case. As he walks towards the youngsters, he notices the small guy lighting up a cigarette, while the other one scratches his arm nervously.

“Whats the problem?” Brady scoffs, his hands at his hips, just inches away from his gun. “I dont know.” The guy says, blowing smoke towards Brady, who frowns, waving his hand to wipe away the dust. “What is that?” He coughs, taking a step closer towards their car.

“Just some herbs, to calm me down.” The guy said, grinning, taking another deep breath of his cigarette. “Smells disgusting.” Brady says, before he gets dizzy. “Are you okay officer?” The guy said worringly, taking a step towards Brady, who steadies himself against the car. “Yeah, its fine.” He coughs, blinking multiple times. Again, the guy blows out, this time, right at the Officers face, the dust inavding his nostrils, his mouth and his eyes.

“What the fuck dude??” Brady comes to his senses and pushes him away, but then, he stumbles, one arm at his forehead, the other at his holster, desperately trying to draw his pistol. “You… you are arrested.” He says, his vision getting blurry, his head and body heavy. “I dont think so.” The guy says triumphantly, and disarms Brady rather easily.

Then, the other guy appears from behind him, restraining him with ease. “Jack, I think this is a mistake.” He says, holding back Brady, whos still trying to fight back. “Shut up, Danny boy.” Jack grunts, getting closer towards Brady. “This is perfect.” He chuckles, looking at the Officer, unable to get free. “But.. hes a..” Interupting him, Jack barks loudly. “SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Danny gets silent, while Brady ceases to struggle. “Let me go, I dont know who you are, but you should listen to your friend.” He says slowly, before Jack gently lifts his chin to look into his eyes.

“Thank you Officer, but no.” He says, taking another deep breath, and blowing the smoke right into Bradys mouth, who takes all of it in. His eyes roll back for a second, and his body gets stiff. “What are you doing to me?” He groans, but Jack cackles. “Youre mine now.” Jack pats his cheek, and motions for Danny to let go off him. “Get inside the car, look out for any intruder.”

Danny nods and leaves. Brady stands there, dizzy, confused, and helpless as Jack walks around him. “Nice body.” He smirks, noe behind him, he hugs him, stroking him through his uniform. “Fuck you.” Brady says derpily, but something in his mind is enjoying this. “So resentful.” Jack says, wrapping a hand around the Officers neck, slightly chocking him. At the same time, he places a hand at his shoulder, right by his neck.

“Now listen, Officer.” He whispers into Bradys ear. “Focus on my voice. Just my voice. As I lead you, deeper and deeper into the forrest.” Jacks voice gets even smoother, softer, and more arrousing at the same time. Brady shakes his head, but the grip around his neck tightens intensely. “As an Officer, you were trained to serve, conditoned to serve, made to serve. And now, I will reactivate that part of you, the best part of you.” Jacks voice invades the cops mind. Every word feels so heavy, so toxic, yet so right. “Dont, please.” Brady begs.

“You now you want it. You know its how you are meant to be. Dont you? Jack grins, and lets go off him. The Officer drops to his knees, steadying himself against the cold floor. Catching his breath, he coughs again and again. But Jack lifts his head again, this time, he puts the cigarette into Bradys mouth and instantly, he takes another deep breath, the smoke filling his lungs, the taste filling his mouth.

"Good Officer.” Jack says, pulls at the cigarette one last time and throws it away. “Now get up.” He watches Brady get up, his eyes foggy and his body stiff, with his muscles bulging through the tight uniform. “What do we have here?” Jack says, searching every pocket of the Jacket, until he finds a wallet. “Ah, gotcha. Vince Brady. Is that right?” The Officer nods mindlessly.

“Officer Brady, can you hear me?” Jack smirks, putting a hand at the shoulder once more, this time, he pinches him firmly, before leaning into him again. “Yes.” Brady says in a dull voice. “Good. Now listen to me. You are mine now. You will do as I say, when I say it. Understood?” Jack grunts and Brady nods.

“Now. Strip.” He demands, and the Officers followd his command. Brady takes his Jacket off, his Vest, his belt, his holster, his shoes and his pants. While Jack watches him closely, stroking his cock through his jeans. “Thats what I like.” He says, looking at the huge bugle in the cops briefs. “Get inside tje car, backseat.” He points at the car, and as Brady gets inside, Jack collects the uniform and puts it into the trunk.

“Is he ready?” Danny says once Jack is in tje car, also in the backseat. “Not yet, get us home while I finish him.” Jack turns to the Officer who stares into the void, all that its left are his briefs, socks and gloves. He leand into him again, pinching his shoulder. Bradys eyes roll back into his head instantly, and his cock moved rapidly.

“Officer Brady. When I touch you, when I speak to you, when I want you to. You will strip just like before, get on your knees and worship my cock. When Im generous, you can take it into your mouth, understood.” Licking his lips in expectation, Brady nods. “For now, I need you to follow my voice, even deeper into your mind.” Jack starts stroking Bradys chest, his nipples, his tummy, through his abs and down to his crotch.

“I want you to put all of your restistance, all of your will to fight back, and all whats left of your old self into your cock, making it harder than ever before.” The Officer groans, bending his body, and Jack feels the mans dick sweeling more and more. “Good boy.” He smiles, but you can only cum when I allow it. Without my permission, you must not cum, once.“ He says, stroking him again and again, enjoying the sight of this bulky man, at the verge of his dick errupting.

"Now, Officer, when I snap my finger, you will cum, and with that, you will be my mindless tool, my fucktoy, wearing your dirty, stained uniform all day, sucking my cock, whenever I need you too.” Brady groans loudly, unable to hold back any longer, and his dick is already leaking harshly.


With that, the cops dick shoots a massive load, once then twice, moaning loudly. And instantly, his body slumps into the seat of the car, his will, his personality gone forever. “Good boy.” Jack smirks triumphantly and looks at Danny, whos rubbing his cock while driving. “Thats always the best part.” He grins, and Jack slides his hands into his jeans. “Now its my turn.”

Pasquale was so happy when he finally got his bike license. As always, safety goes first, so he visited a little bike shop out of town. A few of his friends, and the reviews on google told him that this place is worth its money.

He slid into the leather pants, leather jacket, gloves and boots, loving how the whole attire formed around his skin, his muscles and his whole body. Something felt off though. Somehow, he felt a tickling sensation on his skin, draining him, but making him happier than before at the same time.

Stepping outside, the owner handed him a fitting helmet, with a sly grin on his face. “Found this in the back, limited stock.” He said, his voice sounding deeper than before. Pasquale got turned on by this, feeling his cock already bulging against the tight leather pants. Maybe this was just the excitement, the arrousal of wearing a leather outfit. “Thanks” He nodded, and put the helmet on.

As soon as it went down his face, it happened. The helmet sent out a high pitched sound, virbrating through every fiber of hid body. Without being able to fight back, his mind got overpowered easily. Just 29 seconds later, his whole body went stiff and rigid. His eyes went vacant, and his mind dull. Pasquale let out a soft moan, his voice muffled by the helmet.

“Very good dude.” The owner rubbed his hands and took a step closer towards the leather man. “Told you, youd look hot.” He said, taking a good look of Pasquale from every angle. Then, he hugged him from behind, feeling his pecs, his arms, his chest, his hips, down to his crotch, feeling his rock hard cock through the pants.

“Now. Give the suit what he desires.” The owner whispered, and instantly, Pasquales body compulsed slightly, as he shot load after load into his pants. The suit taking this gift quickly. The man lead him to the back of the shop, placed him in a corner and enjoyed hearing the young man releasing himself time and time again as the suit reprogramed Pasquales mind, making him a leather drone for his new master.


“Does it turn you on?”

Derek heard a voice ringing through the speakers in every corner of the room. He just woke up from being chloroformed inside his own house. A masked intruder broke in, subdueing him with a strong and tight choke hold.

“Who are you?” He groaned, his eyes slowly adapting to the darkness hovering in the air all around him. Derek tried to move his arms, but in shock, he noticed that he was chained to the brick wall behind him. “The hell.” He pulled at his arms, but it was no use. Looking down at his body, he saw that he was shirtless, only wearing a blue, stained pair of shorts.

“Does it turn you on?” The voice asked again, this time, in a menacing tone. Derek panicked, desperately pulling at his arms. Then, a door opens at the opposite side of the room, and a huge, bulky man steps inside. Wearing a leather outfit, sunglasses and smoking a cigar.

“Who are you?” Derek stuttered, trying to back down, but the was a wall. The man didnt say a word, instead, he covered Dereks mouth with his gloved hand firmly. “Shut your dirty mouth.” He growled, before leaning in closely. “A slave talks when the master allows it.” The man smirked deviously, and blew smoke right into his face.

Dereks whole body stiffened, and in his horror, his cock hardened as well. He hoped the man wouldnt notice, but it was too late. “Nice package.” Now he started grinding his crotch against Dereks, who tried to hold back a soft moan.

“Thats right, we’ll have fun tonight.” The man wrapped his hand around Dereks neck, who knew he wasnt going away any time soon.

#male kidnapping    #male hypno    #tf story    


That was one one the nights where i’m really hungry.. so I move to a motel room and order a pizza. In the time I wait for it, i prepare my instruments: some cloth, chloroform, ropes… when the nice pizzaboy i saw days ago arrives, I open the door and hide myself. The poor boy seems to be confuse as he see noone
”Hello…. hey, there is your pizza!”
He looks around, but as he turns his back to me, i get out and grab him from behind. He feels he’s in a trap, he struggle like a wild animal..
But the chloro kicks in with no mercy, and he fight less and less. In the fumes of chloro, when he’s about to pass out, he ask for mercy under the cloth:
“please…. please….. i’m just a pizzaboy…”
I steadly keep his face covered and reply:
“Shh…. just relax… there’s nothing you can do anymore“

At the end he became just a floppy toy in my arms. A good night is about to begin, for me.

Quella era una delle notti in cui sono davvero affamato … quindi vado in una stanza di un motel e ordino una pizza. Nel momento in cui la aspetto, preparo i miei strumenti: del tessuto, del cloroformio, delle corde … quando arriva il bel ragazzo delle consegne che ho visto giorni fa, apro la porta e mi nascondo. Il povero ragazzo sembra essere confuso mentre vede nessuno “Ciao…. hey, c'è la tua pizza! ” Si guarda intorno, ma mentre mi volta le spalle, esco e lo prendo da dietro. Si sente in trappola, lotta come un animale selvatico .. “Cosa … MMMMPHH MMPH!” Ma il cloroformio entra senza pietà e lui si agita con sempre meno fornza. Nei fumi del cloroformio, quando sta per svenire, chiede pietà sotto il panno: “per favore…. per favore … sono solo un ragazzo … ” Mantengo costantemente la sua faccia coperta e rispondo: “Shh …. rilassati … non c'è più niente che puoi fare “ Alla fine diventa solo un giocattolo floscio tra le mie braccia. Sta per iniziare una bella notte.

Clip from Bestdeaths.com


Good boy. Now give me the other hand

Sherrif O'Riley thought he had me all figured out. I made a mistake and got caught with my latest price struggling in the trunk of my car. Stupid faggot Mark, I picked him up at a bar, and drugged him. Just for fun, it felt good to dominate other men. It made me hard just fantasizing about it, but I came into my pants when I did it the first time.

Now, O'Riley brought me into the Sherrifs departement, late at night. He escorted me into the basement, where I had to get undressed. Stupid old man, had a nice look at my meat when I stripped. I could tell he was into that stuff, by the way he wasnt able to look away. Sure, make sure Im unarmed. I get it.

“Good boy.” He cuffed my hand. “Now give me the other hand.” I growled, but I knew I had no chance, yet. Just then, the telephone rang, and he ordered me to stand by the wall, sure old man. With his back turned to me, I realized that this was it. My biggest chance yet.

No one was around, no other fucking pig in sight. Smirking, I tiptoed towards O'Riley. Standing right behind him, I smelled his cologne, mixed with sweat from the 10 hour shift. It made me hard, but I needed to focus. I watched the camera turn to the other side, and luckily, he hung up.

Instantly, I wrapped the handcuffs around his neck, choking him from behind. It was easy to dominate him. Hes a pig, sure, but old and weak without his gun. He tried to reach for it, but I put more pressure on his neck as I pulled him into the locker room around the corner.

“Stop.” He groaned in distress. “Make me.” I hissed, and angrily, pulled at the cuffs. “Arghaga…” He tried to scream, but nothing but low groans came out of his mouth. At the same time, I felt adrenaline rush through every fiber of my body. This was it, my dick harder then ever, while he struggled to breathe.

O'Riley dropped to his knees, his whole body dropping down, as I released him from my hold. Dont know if he was out cold, dont care honestly. Quickly, I opened the handcuffs, and threw them away. “Good boy.” I mocked, and kicked his lifeless body.

I ran a hand through my hair, and walked casually through the room, when I decided to take his uniform, easy as that. I undressed him, without giving a fuck. I laughed when I saw his stained briefs. Fucker pissed himself while I nearly came into mine. His ill fitting uniform felt good though, and I looked the part.

I took a cap from the counter, dragged his body into another corner and left the room, avoding the cameras with easy. I found a pair of car keys in his pockets, and took his cop car. It smelled like him, and smoke. Nobody asked me any questions. They werent too many people there, and a good looking man, can talk his way out of any situation.

I lit up cigarette and checked the reflection in the rare view mirror. “Fuck youre hot.” I smirked and drove away.


“Whats in that drink again? It tastes funny” The jock said, taking another sip from the bottle I handed him. “Just a protein shake, bro.” I said, running a hand through my sweaty hair. I met him a month ago, on a little football field outside of town, right next to some woods. Since I saw him wearing a tight football kit, I knew I needed to have him.

He shrugged, emptying the bottle at once. “Thank you, I needed that.” Smiling derpily, he bend down to pick up his bag, but he tripped, just barely steadingy himself against the goal post. “I thank you."I smirk, watching his eyes losing focus, while he rubs his forhead. "Im so dizzy.” He groaned, and I bit my lips. “Are you okay, bro?” I say confortingly, checking our surroundings. No one in sight, lucky me.

“I dont know, I-” His eyes roll back into his skull, as he collapsed right into my arms. “Good boy.” I swiftly catch him, and without wasting anymore time, I dragged his massive body right into the woods. “What…are….where am I?” He moaned as he woke up inside my arms, with me hugging him from behind.

“Everything is fine, Im here.” I said, gently stroking his cheek, running my fingers along his soft lips. He started moving, but I already restrained him. His legs, wrists and body tied up, he was unable to move an inch. “What did you-” He growls but it was enough. I quickly gagged him, and taped his mouth shut. “Shhh. Dont worry, Ill be gentle.” I smirked and started to touch him. His neck, his massive shoulders, his tits, abs and further down to his cock.

“Mhmmm” He protests, but, still being weake ned by the sedative I mixed into his drink, I easily over powered him. “Youre mine now.” I firmly grab his massive meat through his shorts, rubbing him intensely. Shaking, he foughr back, but that just turned me on even harder. “Youre a fighter, I hoped so.” I slap his cheek teasingly before I got up and dragged him to the trunk of my jeep. “We’ll have some fun at home, boy.”


I will never forget the first time he took me. I just turned 20 a few days ago, and we had a party at a friends house. I was so drunk, but I needed to get home on my old bike.

It was way past midnight when I found myself on an empty road right next to massive open fields, just a few lights illuminated the road in front of me. Of course, me being drunk as fuck, riding my bike, there was no way for me to hide my altered state.

Just then, I heard a car approaching me from behind, and it was a police car, which easily overtook me and a light told me to stop. I was annoyed, but I wasnt going to fight a cop. When he get out of the car, I instantly felt intimidated. He looked bulky, huge arms and thighs bulging in his tight uniform.

I told him that I was drunk, and he made some tests, which I failed badly. He smirked slightly, and cuffed me. I tried to fight, but he was just too strong. He grabbed my neck, ordered me to shut the fuck up as he lead me to his car.

Sitting on the backseat, I felt the whole world spin in front of my eyes. Something felt so wrong, like a bad dream. I expected him to bring me to the station in the middle of town, but instead, we drove to a no tell motel, a scary place, with an empty parking lot. He parked the car, and turned to me. His beautiful face, so rough, so violent.

“If you scream, you will regret it.” He grunts, and grabs my neck with his leather gloved hands. “Do you understand?” He said, his voice sending shivers down my spine. I nodded. The grip around my neck got worse, and I was gasping for air. “You talk when I allow it, you wont look at me, you wont touch me.’ He said, his ember eyes glowing in the pale moonlight.

"You are mine now, I own you, you do as I say, or youll get punished.” He lifted my chin slightly, and even though I was scared for my life, I could do nothing but nod. He let go off my neck, and I finally took a deep breath.

Then I noticed my rock hard dick tenting in my trousers. Somehow, this turned me on like nothing before. Before I knew it, he pulled me out of the car and pushed me towards the house. Inside, he exhanged a knowing look with the man watching the hotel, and lead me into a room.

Instantly, I felt my heart racing, my legs giving in, and I let out a helpless whimper. “What are you-” He grunted angrily and pushed me onto the bed. “I fucking told you, havent I? He ran a hand through his slick hair, before he grabbed my neck again, easily picking me up. "Im in need for a new cumslut, and youre the perfect fit.” A content smile formed on his face.“

He threw me onto the bed, my hands still cuffed as he stood there, rubbing his large cock. "Youll like it, Im sure.” He growled, and reaches for soemthing inside his jacket. Tape. Shaking my head, I tried to get away but it was no use. He taped my mouth, several times, with me barely able to breathe. Everything happened so fast. He turned me around, and pulled my pants down completely. He pressed me against the matress and leaned in. “Youre not to look at me, at my dick. This is about me, not you. I dont fucking care about you. You are here to satisfy me.” Breathing down my neck, I couldnt help myself but rub my dick against the bed, already leaking precum.

The last thing I heard, was him opening his pants, before he entered my hole. He fucked me hard, thrusting faster and faster. I came multiple times, moaning against the tape. Hearing him groaning, grunting and breathing loudly made it harder to stay concious. Then, he came into me, his cum covering my ass, and my back.

After that, he bent down once more. “Good boy.’ I knew he enjoyed it, just as much as I did. I didnt dare look at him though, so I focused on his voice, on the sound of him getting dressed again. He took my purse, and took a picture of it, for my adress as he said.

He told me I was his tool now, to help him release some steam. I got dressed again, and he brought me back to my bike. "If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you.’ Were the last words of him, before he left. Now, 2 weeks later, Im waiting for him to take me again.




Sleep buddy. Sleep.

Relax and enjoy your nap.

So fucking hot! Where’s this from?

So hot! Anyone know the show its from?

#agents    #male on male    #male kidnapping    

(stories are just for entertainment)

Alex was used to having brands reach out for him due to his large social media following, and so he wasn’t surprised when a large cosmetic brand sent his management a contract. He was invited to join a little group of influencers in New York, and learn about the brand, its products, and at the end, catch a deal with them for a few ten thousand dollars. 

He found himself partying downtown when he got a text from one of the organizers, Michelle, that his Uber arrived and he was meant to return to the hotel. He stepped outside the club, wearing a tight black leather jacket, denim jeans, and white shoes. A little drunk, but satisfied, he turned to the right and saw a nice black car, with its driver standing beside it, casually smoking a cigarette, wearing a dark, three-piece suit. 

He approached him, smiling brightly. “Are you the guy?” He said, running a hand through his nicely done hair. “You Alex?” That man’s voice was so smooth, it sent chills down his spine. Opening his mouth, he tried to say something but no words came out. Instead, he nodded quickly. The man nods approvingly and opens the door for Alex to get into the back seat. Inside, he let out a huge sigh, looking around the luxurious interior. 

Running his fingers along with the leather seat, he flinched when the driver closed the door, sitting down and starting the car. Then, he turned around to look at Alex, who felt intimidated instantly, but he tried to shrug it off. Something about this well-groomed man seemed off, but who was he to judge, with his tattoos, his deep voice, and his well-formed body. “There is a bottle of water if you need something else to drink.”  

Alex turned his head and saw the little bottle sitting right next to him. “Oh, sounds good.” He said and grabbed the bottle, opened it, and nearly emptied it at once. A coy grin formed in the corner of that guy’s mouth, when he turned to the front and started the car. A few minutes later, Alex’s head started to hurt him badly. It was extremely hard to focus on anything, with everything spinning around. He steadied himself with one hand against his forehead and took several deep breaths. 

“It will pass.” The guy said chuckling, looking at him through the rearview mirror. “What are you-” He said but then, everything went black.

Then, Alex woke up again. His head heavy, his whole body aching, he tried to move, but his muscles wouldn’t obey him. “Good. Just in time.” He heard somebody say and remembered what just happened. His eyes slowly focused, and he found himself lying in the back seat of the car, with the driver sitting next to him, just finishing tying his hands behind his back.

“What are you doing?” He said angrily, and tried to pull his arms away, but failed. “Just a few more steps.” The man grinned deviously and ran a hand through his scruffy beard. Alex looked around, just noticing that he was stripped of his leather jacket, his jeans, socks, and shoes. His clothes were piled on the driver’s seat, folded accurately. “Are you insane?” He grunted angrily, shaking his whole body from left to right, 

With a swift move, the man grabbed his throat with his leather gloves, and hold him in place, leaning in closer towards him. “Still got fight in ya, huh?” He scoffed, pressing Alex’s body into the car seat. “The Russians will like this.” Alex was shocked, a million thoughts running through his head. “Russians?” He said nervously, his eyes darting through the car once more, looking for any way to escape. 

“Some Russian dude saw your Instagram, and decided to have you, for himself.” The man said, pulling at his cigarette, and blowing it right towards Alex, who started to breathe heavily. “You cannot do this, I’m on a brand trip, they’re gonna look for me.” He spoke hastily, grasping for straws. “Kid. It’s just a cover-up, all those little influencers are gonna be sold to their new owners.” Alex shook his head in disbelief. This must be a dream, a bad dream, a fucking nightmare.

“You- You don’t have to do this. Let me go, and I’ll pay you instead.” The man grabbed his chin and started laughing. “You couldn’t afford me, in a million years.” Alex started to shake heavily, but his muscles wouldn’t move an inch. “Don’t exhaust yourself, Alex. The dose of relaxation drugs would calm down a raging horde of elephants. Let alone someone like you.” He says mockingly and ran his hand along Alexs’ exposed thighs. 

“I gotta admit, you’re a special one.” His fingers brushed over his crotch, just enough to feel his cock inside his boxers, but it was enough to cause Alex to panic. “Please, don’t. I- I just wanna go home.” The man touched him gently, again and again, making him let out a painful moan. “You’re going home, kid. Your new home.”

Alex closed his eyes, shook his head violently, trying to snap out of this predicament. Just then, he heard another car arrive, and he looked outside the window. For the first time, he saw his surroundings, which seemed like an empty warehouse of some sort. “Right on time, huh?” The man chuckled again, patting Alexs’ cheeks. “Was nice meeting ya, boy.” He said and reached for a tape lying between his legs. In one swift motion, he taped his mouth and left him lying there, fearing for his life.

Alex couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, but it sounded like a few guys talking gibberish. Before he could react, the door behind him opened quickly, and he felt himself getting dragged out of the car. “Mpffhhh. mpffhh.” He screamed out of the top of his lungs, but nothing came out of his taped mouth. Two men were carrying him away towards another, bigger car.

With one last look at the man, now checking a steel case filled with so much money, Alex was lifted into the car and taken away, to his new home, his new life. Never to be seen again.


(stories are just for entertainment)

When Sean woke up, he had no clue where he was. His vision blurry, every little thing around him seemed to be moving as he lifts his head, feeling like he had one too many drinks. He tried to take a deep breath, but his mouth was shut, gagged, and taped without any choice to fill his lungs with the precious air all around him. Instead, he breathed through his nose, barely able to understand what’s happening to him.
Moving his arms and legs, he noticed that he’s tied to a wooden chair, unable to move even an inch. Blinking several times, he tried to clear his vision, but his head felt like imploding when he heard somebody. A man’s voice, deep and rough. He couldn’t turn his head enough to look for that man, maybe his only opportunity to get out of here, out of this room, filled with dust, smoke, and the smell of decay slowly invading his mind, making it even harder to concentrate.
It was unclear who that man was, and he didn’t understand a word he was saying. Sean just knew, that somehow, he felt at ease just listening to the sound of that voice. Slowly but steadily, his eyes regained focus and he saw himself in a mirror at the other side of the room, his wrists and legs bound to the chair. “What happened. How did I get here?” He thought to himself when he heard that man coming closer.
“Yes. I got him.” He said slowly, his voice sounded more intimidating than before. “It was easy, I will have him by you by sunrise.” Sean realized that he was in trouble, and he started to fight against his restraints, shaking his arms and legs. The chair started to move, but not enough to do anything useful. He wasn’t going to give up that easily, he screamed into the tape, trying his best to get off this chair, out of this room, and back home.
“Gotta go. Yes, he’s awake. Time to get going.” The man said, now standing a few feet behind him. Sean looked into the mirror, seeing a huge male shadow standing between the door frame when he realized, that he must have gotten kidnapped last night after his shift ended. He remembered that he went home, wearing his uniform, and when he arrived at his house, he felt someone approach him from behind, but before he could do anything, he got subdued by a large figure, knocking him out by choking him barehanded.
Sean trained his whole life, to be healthy, to be strong, and to do a good job as a police officer, but this man, was way too strong for him, but maybe, he just got lucky. The man stepped out of the shadow, and he saw his face. A man, maybe a few years older than him, with neat hair, a short beard, and a dangerous, but content look in his eyes. “Hey there, Sleeping beauty.” He said, his voice even rougher than before.
He reached for him, firmly placing a hand on his shoulder. Sean tried to fight again, to pull away, but his grip kept him in place. “Mmmmphhffm.” He screamed, his face turning red by exhaustion, but all it did, was painting a huge grin on that man’s face, scaring the shit out of sean. “We’re much of a fighter, huh?” He said mockingly, and walked around the chair, now standing right in front of Sean, whose eyes wandered all over that guy’s body.
He wore a black suit, white shirt, a black tie, and black leather gloves. If he’d have seen him any other day, he wouldn’t have noticed him in a crowd. But now, he stood there, menacingly, grinning widely while looking down at Sean. “It wasn’t that easy to catch you off-guard, I’ll admit that.” The man said approvingly, stroking Sean’s shoulder gently. Rocking back and forth, he tried everything to get away, but the man just laughed.
“Calm down, boy.” He said seriously, and sat down on Sean’s lap, keeping him in place with the weight of his huge body. “You ain’t going nowhere.” Now face to face, Sean looked into his eyes and knew that he was right. He was at his mercy, maybe he’d let him go, maybe he’d ask for money from his family. He could only hope. To his displeasure, the man started to fondle him, running his hands all over his body, feeling the fabric of his tight uniform between his fingers, seemingly enjoying this very much.
Sean was disgusted, he tried to scream again, but no words came out of his mouth. Then, however, the man grabbed his neck with both his, causing him to flinch heavily. “Listen, boy. Don’t make it harder than it has to be.” He said firmly and breathed against his cheek. Sean tried one last time to break his restraints but failed again. He took several deep breaths and closed his eyes, defeated. “That’s right. The boss always gets what he wants. You’re no exception.”
The man pats his cheek gently, and he relaxed, checking his phone again. Sean got lost in his thoughts, thinking about what will happen to him now. Who is that boss? “Too bad we don’t have more time.” His voice got a little deeper, causing Sean to raise his head again. “I normally have some fun of my own, before I deliver.” He said slowly, licking his lower lip in excitement while running a hand down sean’s body, further down to his crotch, rubbing his dick through his pants.
He could feel him touching him, again and again, but there was nothing he could do about it. “Mmppfpf.” He muttered quietly, barely able to keep his head up with his body slowly giving in to his assailant. “Especially with such a fine specimen as you, Officer Connely. The man touched him for a little while longer, before leaning back, searching for something in his pockets. At the sound of a paper bag, Sean flinched again, and knew what was coming right away. “mmpfpf nppfnfnp.”
“Don’t be scared. I’m a professional.” He chuckled, and before he could react, Sean’s head got bagged inside that paper bag. It was hard to breathe already, but now, he started panicking. He moved his whole body violently, but it was no use. The man was still sitting on his lap, one hand holding the back while the other one was at his chest, stroking him eagerly. His vision got blurry again, and he screamed, once, then twice, before everything went dark.
His whole body slumped into the chair, his eyes rolled back and his chin dropped to his chest. “That’s good, boy.” The man said, lifting his head again to remove the bag. Then he removed the rope, and carried officer Connely to his car, to deliver him to the collector.

Lennards first week as a cop is over, and he cant help himself but admire the sight of him in uniform. Hes standing in front of the mirror inside his apartment, wearing his navy blue clothes, flattering every inch of his body. His shift just ended, and hes tired, but happy. Then, suddenly, the doorbell rings. Raising his eyebrows, he goes towards the sound and opens the door. A man stands there, rather small, slim, rough skin, wearing what seems like doctors clothing. “Yeah?” Lennard says, slightly confused. “Good to finally see you in person, officer.” The man says, his voice immediately penetrating the officers mind, giving him a headache. “Do…do I know you?” He struggles to keep his eyes focused, with his head and whole body starting to spin, his vision blurring. “Oh. You will, Lennard.” The man smirks and raises his hand. “Its time to serve, officer.” With a snap of his fingers, the cops body goes rigid, his eyes roll back into his mind and he lets out a long, guttural sigh. “Wont you let me inside?” The man shrugs, before Lennard leads him inside. He walks slowly, sluggish, with his mouth open. “Thats enough.” The man demands and Lennard stands still. “Very good. Now, Flex.” The cop lifts his arms, his biceps bulging inside the tight uniform. “Even better than I imagined.” He says, stroking the cops arms, shoulders, and his neck. Walking around him, he enjoys the sight of this buff man, powerless, a slave. “Officer. Freeze.” The man lifts his finger, feeling Lennards soft lips, running it through his scruffy beard, along his firm jawline. “Yes. Good job.” He says, now placing both of his hands at the mans chest. “Harder.” With a snap of his fingers, Lennard flexes even harder, his muscles tensing harshly. The fabric of his uniform barely able to keep him contained. “Good boy.” He smirks, causing Lennard to grin derpily. “Very good boy.” The man enjoys what hes feeling, running his hands down to Lennards crotch, grabbing his cock firmly. “Is that all?” The man tilts his head. “Officer. Listen to me. I want you to focus on your cock. Get hard, harder than ever before.” Lennard opens his mouth, a grimace spreading over his face. The man can feel his dick getting bigger and bigger, bulging against the palm of his hand. “Thats enough, boy.” He snaps his fingers again. “Now, on your knees.” Lennard nods. “Yes sir.” He gets down, his face now right in front the mans crotch. “Yes officer. Good.” Lennard eyes roll back as he lifts his head. He walks behind him, admiring his new slave even more. Then, he bends down, whispering into the officers ear. “Now, lets have some fun.” He wraps one arm around his neck, and starts chocking him, gently. “Just give in, officer.” The man says softly, gets down as well and pulls Lennard back. He then grabs the mans cock, rubbing it with the palm of his hand. The cop moans. “You will be mine, just like all the others before. Put all of your resistance into your cock, you can feel the urge to cum, but not yet, boy.” Lennard breathes heavily, the agony of not being able to release himself spreading across his face. His body gets stiff, his thighs bulge and he starts to thrust into the air. He moans again, and again. “Lennard, once you cum, you will be mine forever. When you hear my voice you will get back into this state. You will do what I say, anything I say. Understood?” The man demands again. “Yes, sir.” Lennard moans deeply. “Good. Then you may cum.” With that said, Lennard shoots multiple loads of his precious cream into his underwear, staining it instantly. His whole body slumps to ground, into the arms of the man. “Good boy. Very good boy.” He says lovingly, his deep voice sending shivers down the officers spine. “Youve been such a good boy.”
