#male on male



The Great Shift: Budding Musician

Max was laying in bed after having mediocre sex with his girlfriend Riley. He laid there on his bed, stone faced and naked as Riley laid down next to him after finishing.

“I can’t believe you made me do all the heavy lifting, you really need to step up your game.”

“Uhuh,” Max said with a flat tone. He continued staring to the ceiling. Riley sat up and got in Max’s face, though even this didn’t provoke a reaction out of him.

“Hello!? I’m talking to you!” Riley waved a hand directly in front of Max. Max swatted her hand away in response. “God, what’s gotten into you lately?”

“Nothing, I’m just frustrated,” Max mumbled.

“Really? This again?”

“It’s an artist thing, you wouldn’t get it,”

“Seriously? Anyone knows what writer’s block is, you’re not special.”

Max broke his focus off the ceiling and looked at Riley. She only shook her head at him.

“I get you’re frustrated with yourself, but constantly moping about it isn’t gonna help you write a new song. You need to get out and live life, and maybe stop feeling so sorry for yourself too. It’s so pathetic.”

Riley’s last remark got Max up and moving. He hopped out of the bed, grabbing his pillow and a blanket as he stormed out of the bedroom.

“Where are you going?” Riley shouted.

“To the couch, I don’t need this crap.”

Max slammed the bedroom door shut once he left. Riley sat there, dumbfounded at what just happened.

“Give the ugly guy a chance they said, it’ll be fine they said,” she scoffed as she tucked herself into bed.

Now Max found himself laying in a cruddy sofa couch, wallowing in self pity and misery. He kept tossing and turning, but the couch simply could not replace the comfort of a memory foam mattress. Eventually, Max stopped tried to get comfortable and just accepted his fate.

Accepted it.

Just like he did when he missed an important deadline for writing a new song, and instead of doing something about it, he just rolled over and accepted his fate. His band had just started taking off, but were immediately dropped from a record label offer after Max failed to deliver.

“I’m just not feeling inspired right now… Maybe tomorrow I’ll write something… I don’t wanna force the music…” and other various excuses Max kept making. Eventually his bandmates got fed up with Max and kicked him out of the band.

“Man, this fucking blows.” Max muttered to himself.

Max replayed all of his bad memories as he tried going to sleep. This, of course, only made him bitter and more unable to sleep. This continued for a while, until Max eventually closed his eyes and kept them shut in an attempt to fall asleep. He wasn’t sure if it was working, as he was still very much awake and aware of his surroundings. What made him unsure if he was falling asleep was a sudden onset of vertigo he felt. He felt himself getting warmer and warmer, but also unable to move to do anything about it. The dizzying sensation ended with a feeling of falling, similar to the feeling one experiences when falling asleep.

It was after this imagined fall that Max was able to move again. Except instead of laying down on a couch, Max found himself standing. With a stream of water hitting him.

Max flailed at the sudden change in surroundings. He also winced from his eyes having to adjust from complete darkness to bright lights.

“Man, what in the hell is happening-” Max stopped midsentence when he heard himself talking in a voice that wasn’t his. His Southern accent changed into a New Yorker’s accent.

It was then that Max started realizing the full magnitude of the situation he was in. Warm water was still hitting his exposed back. Max was already naked, but the water was new. He was in the shower, and in a bathroom that wasn’t his. His focus then shifted to his body.

“Yoo… This ain’t right…”


Max slicked back the short, black curls he now possessed in place of his old shoulder length, blond hair. He felt around his new body, and although he was always skinny, the body he found himself in was more toned than flabby and skinny.

“Whew, goddamn…” Max couldn’t help but trace along the muscles of his new set of abs. “Maybe I should hit the gym more,”

Max kept admiring his new body for a while longer until his eyes caught a glimpse of the shower supplies in the foreign bathroom. There was the usual shampoo and conditioner, but there was one item that caught Max’s attention the most. It was sleek, long, and purple.

“Ayo, what the fuck is this!?” Max cried out as he held the vibrator in his hand. He knew it wasn’t just an ordinary vibrator, it was one specifically designed for prostate stimulation. He recognized it from all the times he went to sex toy shops with Riley.

Max wanted to throw the vibrator as hard as he could against the bathroom wall, but something inside of him wouldn’t let him. In fact, he started smacking his lips the longer he looked at it. He played with it in his hands, and grew more and more curious as he did so. He hit the power button, and the end of the toy started vibrating. He quickly turned it back off, but then he started slowly guiding the toy to his backside. He opened up legs slightly, and took a deep breath as he felt the vibrator slip right into his ass with ease. Max had never done anything like this before, but his new body was already accustomed to it. He felt a bump on his finger, signaling that he was on the power button. Then, after preparing himself mentally, turned on the vibrator.

“Oh Godddd!!” Max moaned as he felt a wave of pleasure roll throughout his body. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he wanted more. He pushed into the vibrator so that it went deeper into him. His dick was already hardening, and he was moaning even louder than before.

“Hey!! Is someone in there!?”

A sudden knock on the door caused Max to stop. He stayed still, vibrator still in ass, and stood there.

“I know you’re in there, I heard you moaning! Whatever you’re doing, hurry up and get out here!!”

The voice on the other side of the door left. It was a man’s voice, and it was also unfamiliar to Max.

Max stood in the shower, mad that his jerk off session got cut short. Begrudgingly, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. He found a white T-shirt and a pair of shorts sitting on the bathroom sink, and put them on. Although he couldn’t find any underwear, so he ended up having to free ball in cotton basketball shorts.


He went out into what appeared to be an apartment. It was pretty nice, but Max couldn’t spend time to admire the view. A TV in the next room was on full blast. He followed the sound into a living room, where there was a guy watching the breaking news report.

“There you are, Mr. Emilio Guardado.” The guy turned to face him.

“Huh? And who the hell are you supposed to be? The name’s Maxwell, not E-me-leo.”

“Was Maxwell, you mean. Take a look at this.”

Max took a card the man held out to him. The card was a driver’s license for Emilio Guardado, and the ID photo matched the face he had just seen in the mirror. Max wasn’t sure how to respond, but what he saw on the TV especially left him shocked.

“I guess, some weird thing just happened? People online are starting to call it the Great Shift, and now everyone’s in different bodies because of it? Look, everyone who’s watching this, I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be in a retirement home, I don’t know what I’m doing here…” The news reporter was extremely panicked, practically breaking down in tears.

The dots were connecting in Max’s head. Although being in a new body was definitely worth freaking out over, Max quickly realized that panicking wasn’t gonna help him. Instead, he tried focusing his mind. He wanted to see if he could recall any memories from his new body, but all he got were his old memories as Max. It was no use, whatever caused the swap, Max had no recollection of the actual moment when the Great Shift happened.

Switching to Plan B, he began to analyze his new surroundings. He surveyed the new apartment, and soon found a guitar that seemed to be in perfect condition. It was covered in a thin layer of dust, but that didn’t stop Max from grabbing it and giving it a strum. What came out was a beautiful melody, something Max didn’t expect from himself. It must’ve been another perk that came with the new body.

“Making the most of the situation, huh, I can dig it,” the guy said as he turned down the TV.

And from that point on, Max kept on living his new life as Emilio Guardado. He kept practicing the guitar, and he was getting better everyday with the instrument.


Max was only a songwriter in his former life, but with his natural talent at songwriting coupled with Emilio’s guitar playing, Max quickly settled into his new life. The deep funk Max was in had dissipated, and his old charismatic personality had returned. It was that same charm that had attracted Riley in the first place. Although he did occasionally wonder what happened to Riley and his old body, he never bothered actually trying to find out. He was too focused on building up his new life as Emilio.

Emilio had already built up a name for himself playing at the local spots around the block during open mic night. Sure, Emilio’s good looks and amazing guitar playing had a key role in gaining attention, but it was Max’s songwriting and charming personality that tied the whole package together. With good luck on his side, The Great Shift had allowed Max to take the good parts of his old life and combine them with Emilio’s body for an all new life.

Now it was time for Emilio’s first gig at one of NYC’s most popular gay clubs. Max hadn’t prepared for the sudden change in sexual preference, but so long as he was the bottom, he was happy. And with a rising musician like Emilio, who wouldn’t take a shot at him.


“Thank you for your time doctor.” Officer Donaldson says, entering the doctors office, closing the door behind him. “Of course, you sounded like it was important.” The doctors shakes his hand, and motions for him to sit on the chair. “Yeah. Uh. I cant sleep properly, and I need to be at my best for my job.” He says, looking down at his tight uniform. “I see.” The doctor says, writing something down. “Are you going to work later?

"No, just finished my shift.” Officer Donaldson forces a weak smile, and the doctor nods. “Olay. Let me see.” He gets up, pulls a small little torch out of his pocket and lifts the cops arm by his wrist. The doctor turns the light on, a small, red beam shines right into the mans eyes, but he doesnt even flinch.

“Now, focus on the light, the red little light. How it moves, how it feels.” He says calmly, his voice getting a little deeper. The officer takes a deep breath, his eyes stuck at the light, before everything starts to feel heavy, dizzy, yet so relaxing. “How does it makes you feel.” The doctor asks, stroking his wrists gently. “Good. Uh. Im sorry. Im just so tired.”

Donaldson sighs, his eyss still looking into the light. However, there is a sudden shift, the light starts flickering quickly, shifting through every color, spinning even. “What is this?” The cop grunts, trying to pull away, but someone, something holds him back. “Its okay officer. Just watch the light. It feels calm, warm, easy. Doesnt it?” The doctors smirks, as he could see that something in the mans mind was reacting to his subtle commands. He had him under before, several times, it is just a matter of time.

“When I snap my finger, Officer Donaldson, your mind will go to sleep, just obeying my orders, do you understand?” He says, firmly grabbing the mans wrist. “Yes Doctor.” Donaldson says sleepily, and with that, the doctor snaps his fingers. Instantly, the officers eyes roll back into his head, as he lets out a soft moan.

His body starts swaying slowly, back and forth, before the doctor grabs his shoulder, securely holding him in place. “Very good, Officer.” The doctor smiles. “Now, lets see. Get up.” He demands and the cop does as hes told. Donaldson body is heavier than before, sluggish movements, with his head still swaying slightly and his vacant eyes losing focus.

“Flex and get hard.” The officer raises his beefy arms and all of his muscles tense harshly. The fabric of his uniform just barely able to restrain them. “Good.” The doctor starts feeling his biceps, his arms, his shoulder and his neck, circling the officer slowly. “Freeze.” He demands, now standing in front of him, looking into his eyes.

“So beautiful.” He says, running a finger along his jawline, through the beard, along the cheek, the eyebrows down his nose before he traces the outlines of the officers soft lips. “Open up.” Donaldson opens his mouth and immediately, three fingers enter his body, slowly, carefully, moving back and forth. “That feels good, right?” The doctor growls, and the officer moans deeply.

Chuckling, the doctor now runs his hands along the mans broad chest, feeling his pecs through the uniform. “Officer. Harder.” With that, the muscles tensed even more, much to the doctors amusement. “Good boy.” He pats his chest, before he unzips the jacket, and pulls his shirt up, exposing the mans well formed abs. “Better than last time, Im impressed.” He smirks, running a finger through the outlines of the hard muscles, up his chest, across his pecs and nipples, pinching him a couple of times.

“I like what I see, good job.” He smiles and this time, pats the officers cheek, with him smiling derpily, while he drools satisfied. The doctor looks down, and sees the massive tent forming in his pants, but also, the even bigger one in Officer Donaldsons uniform. “Now. Arms down.” He demands, and the cop follows his words instantly.

“Stand at attention, officer.” Donaldsons whole body gets rigid, stiff and hard, as he puts his hands at his back, spreads his legs slightly and raises his voice. “Yes sir.” The doctors dick twitches excitedly. “Good boy.” He steps behind him, hugging him from behind, feeling his strong chest again before running his hands to the mans crotch, firmly grabbing his erect cock, rubbing the palm of his hand against him.

“Did you get bigger?” He frowns, and walks around him. The doctor unbuttons Donaldsons pants, letting them drop to the floor, enjoying the sight of the immense throbbing cock inside the briefs alread stained with pre cum and sweat. “It looks like it.” He says proudly, feeling the officers cock with his hands, causing the man to groan. “Thats right.” He says happily, but now is not the time. Unabld to help himself though, he touches his own dick, getting the officer dressed properly again.

“Officer. I need you to come to my house this weekend, alone, when I call you. Understood?” Donaldson nods once. “Yes doctor.” “You will be wesring this uniform, those boots, and dont forget about this.” He says, enjoying to play with the mans leather holster around his waist. “Yes doctor.”

The doctor nods contently, raising the officers arm once more by the wrist.“ Sit down again.” As the officer sits down, the doctor shines the red little light back into his eyes. “Now officer, when I snap my fingers, you will come back to yourself. Your mind will wake up, but you wont remember a thing. Your body will relax, you will be calm, and once your home, you will shower, and send me picture of yourself naked. Understood?”

“Yes doctor.” He says sleepily. “Good.” With that,the doctor snaps his fingers and the officer blinks a few times. “I just think you need some rest.” He says. “I Will prescribe you a light sleeping pill, take one right before bed.” The doctor says, sitting down again without showing off his bulge. “Thank you.” Officer Donaldson smiles, as he touches himself gently, aware of his erection. “Thats my job.” The doctor laughs.


Looks like the big boy isn’t going anywhere

ready for conversion. Be quiet, be a good boy.



Don’t resist boy. I’m shutting your fucking mouth for your own good

Hell yeah


Rowanyv gets so fucking hot tied up and gagged in a suit. What a lovely boy

Officer Brady is on his way through a more isolated, wooded area out of town. Just the usual patroling at night. There is no other vehicle on the road, and he is still a little pissed that his partner called in sick 5 min before the start of the shift. Without any replacement avaiable, he was bound to do the shift on his own. Normally, this wouldnt be allowed, but in a small town, things tend to be different.

He is driving along the road, when he sees a car standing at the side, with two guys standing by the trunk, seemingly looking for something. Brady slows down and stops right beside them. He cannot see their faces, or hear their voices but they seem to be around 20 years old.

Brady rolls down the window, takes his flashlight and illuminates the scene. Two young man, one a little shorter, the other quite tall, look at him. Both avoiding the blinding light, lift their hands to look at him.

“What are you doing here? At night?” He says, his deep voice ringing through the forrest around him. “Ehh.” The small guys says, exchanging nervous looks with the other guy. “Our car broke down.” The big guy says, his voice rough and husky. Turning the torch towards the hood lf the car, Brady thinks deeply. “Do you need help?” He says and at first, the tall guy shakes his head, before the small one nudges him with his shoulder.

“That would be great officer.” He says, his voice so soft and smooth. Brady nods, parks the car a little further down the road and steps outside. Catiously, he unbuttons his holster, just in case. As he walks towards the youngsters, he notices the small guy lighting up a cigarette, while the other one scratches his arm nervously.

“Whats the problem?” Brady scoffs, his hands at his hips, just inches away from his gun. “I dont know.” The guy says, blowing smoke towards Brady, who frowns, waving his hand to wipe away the dust. “What is that?” He coughs, taking a step closer towards their car.

“Just some herbs, to calm me down.” The guy said, grinning, taking another deep breath of his cigarette. “Smells disgusting.” Brady says, before he gets dizzy. “Are you okay officer?” The guy said worringly, taking a step towards Brady, who steadies himself against the car. “Yeah, its fine.” He coughs, blinking multiple times. Again, the guy blows out, this time, right at the Officers face, the dust inavding his nostrils, his mouth and his eyes.

“What the fuck dude??” Brady comes to his senses and pushes him away, but then, he stumbles, one arm at his forehead, the other at his holster, desperately trying to draw his pistol. “You… you are arrested.” He says, his vision getting blurry, his head and body heavy. “I dont think so.” The guy says triumphantly, and disarms Brady rather easily.

Then, the other guy appears from behind him, restraining him with ease. “Jack, I think this is a mistake.” He says, holding back Brady, whos still trying to fight back. “Shut up, Danny boy.” Jack grunts, getting closer towards Brady. “This is perfect.” He chuckles, looking at the Officer, unable to get free. “But.. hes a..” Interupting him, Jack barks loudly. “SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Danny gets silent, while Brady ceases to struggle. “Let me go, I dont know who you are, but you should listen to your friend.” He says slowly, before Jack gently lifts his chin to look into his eyes.

“Thank you Officer, but no.” He says, taking another deep breath, and blowing the smoke right into Bradys mouth, who takes all of it in. His eyes roll back for a second, and his body gets stiff. “What are you doing to me?” He groans, but Jack cackles. “Youre mine now.” Jack pats his cheek, and motions for Danny to let go off him. “Get inside the car, look out for any intruder.”

Danny nods and leaves. Brady stands there, dizzy, confused, and helpless as Jack walks around him. “Nice body.” He smirks, noe behind him, he hugs him, stroking him through his uniform. “Fuck you.” Brady says derpily, but something in his mind is enjoying this. “So resentful.” Jack says, wrapping a hand around the Officers neck, slightly chocking him. At the same time, he places a hand at his shoulder, right by his neck.

“Now listen, Officer.” He whispers into Bradys ear. “Focus on my voice. Just my voice. As I lead you, deeper and deeper into the forrest.” Jacks voice gets even smoother, softer, and more arrousing at the same time. Brady shakes his head, but the grip around his neck tightens intensely. “As an Officer, you were trained to serve, conditoned to serve, made to serve. And now, I will reactivate that part of you, the best part of you.” Jacks voice invades the cops mind. Every word feels so heavy, so toxic, yet so right. “Dont, please.” Brady begs.

“You now you want it. You know its how you are meant to be. Dont you? Jack grins, and lets go off him. The Officer drops to his knees, steadying himself against the cold floor. Catching his breath, he coughs again and again. But Jack lifts his head again, this time, he puts the cigarette into Bradys mouth and instantly, he takes another deep breath, the smoke filling his lungs, the taste filling his mouth.

"Good Officer.” Jack says, pulls at the cigarette one last time and throws it away. “Now get up.” He watches Brady get up, his eyes foggy and his body stiff, with his muscles bulging through the tight uniform. “What do we have here?” Jack says, searching every pocket of the Jacket, until he finds a wallet. “Ah, gotcha. Vince Brady. Is that right?” The Officer nods mindlessly.

“Officer Brady, can you hear me?” Jack smirks, putting a hand at the shoulder once more, this time, he pinches him firmly, before leaning into him again. “Yes.” Brady says in a dull voice. “Good. Now listen to me. You are mine now. You will do as I say, when I say it. Understood?” Jack grunts and Brady nods.

“Now. Strip.” He demands, and the Officers followd his command. Brady takes his Jacket off, his Vest, his belt, his holster, his shoes and his pants. While Jack watches him closely, stroking his cock through his jeans. “Thats what I like.” He says, looking at the huge bugle in the cops briefs. “Get inside tje car, backseat.” He points at the car, and as Brady gets inside, Jack collects the uniform and puts it into the trunk.

“Is he ready?” Danny says once Jack is in tje car, also in the backseat. “Not yet, get us home while I finish him.” Jack turns to the Officer who stares into the void, all that its left are his briefs, socks and gloves. He leand into him again, pinching his shoulder. Bradys eyes roll back into his head instantly, and his cock moved rapidly.

“Officer Brady. When I touch you, when I speak to you, when I want you to. You will strip just like before, get on your knees and worship my cock. When Im generous, you can take it into your mouth, understood.” Licking his lips in expectation, Brady nods. “For now, I need you to follow my voice, even deeper into your mind.” Jack starts stroking Bradys chest, his nipples, his tummy, through his abs and down to his crotch.

“I want you to put all of your restistance, all of your will to fight back, and all whats left of your old self into your cock, making it harder than ever before.” The Officer groans, bending his body, and Jack feels the mans dick sweeling more and more. “Good boy.” He smiles, but you can only cum when I allow it. Without my permission, you must not cum, once.“ He says, stroking him again and again, enjoying the sight of this bulky man, at the verge of his dick errupting.

"Now, Officer, when I snap my finger, you will cum, and with that, you will be my mindless tool, my fucktoy, wearing your dirty, stained uniform all day, sucking my cock, whenever I need you too.” Brady groans loudly, unable to hold back any longer, and his dick is already leaking harshly.


With that, the cops dick shoots a massive load, once then twice, moaning loudly. And instantly, his body slumps into the seat of the car, his will, his personality gone forever. “Good boy.” Jack smirks triumphantly and looks at Danny, whos rubbing his cock while driving. “Thats always the best part.” He grins, and Jack slides his hands into his jeans. “Now its my turn.”

After using the same old body for nearly three months now, I decided to look for a new one. And there he was, a handsome soldier boy on a train. I sat down a few rows in front of him and kept an eye on him, in case I get an opportunity to strike.

There it was. He closed his eyes, leaning against the window and I knew it was my only chance. Since I was a kid, I learned how to let my conciousness leave my physical body, wandering around the near emptiness of the world around me. It got even better when I realized, taking over somebody elses body is even funnier. For me at least.

I closed my eyes, and focused on my goal. In a few minutes, I could feel my mind leaving that body. A pretty young stud, a very big dick and big arms. Even though, after fucking all of his friends and many strangers, it got pretty boring. Plus, he got more and more annoying trying to get back into control. He shall have it back then, a weak body is no use for me anyways.

So I left the body, and without a second glance back I made my way to my new host. I was hovering in front of his pretty face, ran a hand through his hair, a long his jaw to his ear. Fuck. The perfect host. I moved to his back and began to infiltrate his precious body. Slowly, I hugged him from behind, my arms around his chest, wrapping him into a tight hug.

He took a deep breath, which I used to enter his body through his mouth. The soldier chocked once, coughed a few times and opened his eyes. Unable to catch his breath, he stood up and walked to the bathroom. Inside, he drank some water, his throat sore from me sliding inside him. But I wasnt wasting any time. I invaded his conciousness, seeing him standing there. I approached him from behind, and put my hand on his shoulder.

“The fuck.” He flinched, looking into the mirror. Checking his eyes, his mouth and his neck, he sighed in relief. Time for me to strike. I easily took control of his limbs, the easiest part. I raised his hand, running his fingers a long his jawline through his scruffy beard.

“Not bad for a start.” I made him grin, his eyss slowly changing in color. “Whos there?” He said, voice shaking slightly. He knew I was with him, but je couldnt see me. Turning around, slightly panicking, he tries to get back in control, but Im a professional.

“Im your new master.” I said using his voice, turning back to the mirror, smirking deviously. “What? I? I must be dreaming.” He thought, unable to use his voice. “Boy. This isnt a dream.” I say seriously, and run a hand through his hair, across his face, checking every angle. “Not for you that is.” I giggled.

“What are you? This is my body.” He groaned, while I started to flex at my reflection. “Fuck yeah.” I said, enjoying how his muscles bulge against the fabric of the uniform, so tight, so good. I got hard instantly. “Dude. STOP.” He thought, as I started to stroke his chest firmly, before umbuttoning his camo shirt. “Why? Im need to see the goods.” I smirked, pulling up the shirt, having a good look at his well trained body.

“Oh yea.” I said, biting the my lower lip. “THIS IS INSANE. STOP.” He tried his best to overpower me, but no way Im letting that happen. “Soldier boy. Were gonna have somw fun.” I smirked again, grabbing his cock through the uniform pants, rubbing it against the palm of his hand. “Massive. Not bad.” I said, opening his trousers, letting them fall to his ankles.

“Wait. No please.” He stuttered, but I didnt care. “Trust me, this is fun.” I pulled his boxers down, and looked at his huge meat, standing at attention, leaking slightly. Without any further ado, I started jerking off, quickly, firmly, enjoying how it felt using this fresh body. The soldier moaned, screamed and fought back, but once I shot the first load, he was powerless.

“Dont do that, please.” He begged, his voice getting silent. “Its just the beginning.” I smiled, getting dressed again, leaving the restroom. I sat back down, took his stuff and at the next stop, I will look for some fun.

Its Lennards first day at work as a cop, but he loves it already. He loves how the uniform flatters his muscular body, how his biceps bulge inside the jacket and how his thighs looked even bigger, pressed into the tight pants.

Now, he sits in a car next to his new Partner, Michael. An older, more experienced officer, who was meant to teach Lennard everything he needs to know. In the afternoon, the shift nearly over, they sit side by side, having lunch break.

Lennard took a deep bite from his sandwich, when suddenly, Michaels phone starts vibrating in his pocket. “Gotta take this.” He growls, fishes for his phone, his mouth filled with food. “Hello?” He says, swallowing hard, and then, he stopped moving at all. His body language changes instantly. He gets stiff and rigid, his arms start to bulge even harsher and his upper body leans back against the seat.

“Are you, ok?” Lennard says worryingly, leaning forward to check his eyes. They seem vacant, empty, life less. “Yes.” He suddenly says in a monotone voice, before he leans forward, turning the radio on. A strange sound starts playing, ringing through every fiber of Lennards body. “Dude, the fuck.” He scuffs, reaching for the radio but Michael stops him easily. “Yes.” He says, firmly holding Lennards wrist with one hand.

In one swift motion, Michael wraps his arm around Lennards neck, choking him vehemently. “Fuck. Whats wrong with you?” He groans, trying to fight him off, but slowly, the music starts to invade his mind. Something, some voice, is talking underneath the rhythmic sounds.

“Let me go!” He hit Michael with his elbow, but he is just strong. For a little while, he fights for air, but he just gets enough to not faint. Then, suddenly, he felt at ease. A voice telling him not to resist, to give in, to let go and relax.

His body gets weak, his eyes unfocus and his arm drop to the side of his body. Carefully, Michael puts Lennard back on to the seat, and places his phone right next to his ear.

“Lennard. Can you hear me?” A smooth voice says, sending shivers down his spine. “Yes.” He replies, in a robotic voice. “Very good. Im so happy youre finally hear. I couldnt wait any longer to finally see you in that uniform. You should now, that half of the guys at the station are my playthings. And I needed to habe you, since the day I met you.”

Lennard starts drooling, his mind waiting for another command. “For now, this will do. We dont wanna rush it.” The man says, and there is excitement in his voice. “Now, Lennard, I sent a video to this phone. Play it, and let Michael watch too. He did good today.” The voice giggles, and Lennard does as hes told.

He opens the messages, clicks on the link and a video starts playing. Some sort of spiral, mixed with different messages hidden beneath the shiny colors and vibrating sounds. “Just focus on the video officers.” The voice rings through the speakers.

The video plays, and the two men sit there, their minds slowly fading even further away. Michael, who had watched this a couple of times before, unzipps his pants, and pulls his throbbing cock out of his tight trousers. Instantly, he starts jacking off, quickly, like it is drilled into him.

Lennard, who is still resisting, tries to snap out of it, hearing the moans of his new partner. “What? Is this?” He moans once, reaching for the phone, but again, Michael stops him.

“Michael, why dont you help Lennard, relax.” The voice says, and Michael nods. “Yes.” He instantly grabs Lennards bulge, and starts rubbing his dick firmly. “Fuuuuck.” Lennard groans, trying to push him off, but his body isnt following his commands anymore.

With his eyes stuck at the spiral, he could just watch this man he never met before, unbutton his pants, and pulling his erect dick out of his boxers. “No, please.” He whispers, barely able to breathe. “Lennard. Listen to me.” The voice says loudly, and like a button pushed, his eyes got vacant and his body weak.

“This is your first step. Trust me, you will enjoy it once were done.” Michael starts sucking Lennards massive meat, and to his horror, it feels so good. “You will learn what it means to obey, to serve your master. To be mine.” The voice says, the words burning into Lennards mind.

“Obey. Serve.” He stutters, Michael still sucking him off. Now, he begins thrusting into the mans mouth, a reflex that he couldnt help but do, again and again. “Lennard. Once we meet, I will touch your shoulder and speak those words.”

“Time to serve, officer.”

Lennard gasps, when Michael flinches once, seemingly conditioned with the same phrase.“

"You will get back into this state, as long as I tell you to. You wont have any memory of this, at least not one you can access.”

“Mhmmm” Lennard moans, his eyes rolling back into his head. “Now, once you cum into your partnes mouth, you wont be able to resist anymore. You will follow my orders. You will obey. Understood.”

The man says in a serious tone. “Yes. Sir.” Lennard moans quietly, so close to cumming.

“Now, cum.” With that signal, he shoots a massive load into Michaels mouth, once, then twice. His dick twitching from all the pressure. Lennards groans loudly, and sits there motionless. Michael lets go of his cock, and starts touching himself again, cumming instantly.

“Very good, officers.” The voice says, and the video stops. “Now, clean yourselfes, help each other putting your uniforms back on.” Lennard takes the initiative and gets Michael dressed again, then Michael does the same for Lennard.

“Are you done?” The man asks. “Yes. Sir.”

“Good. Now. Delete the video from your phone, Michael.” And he does. The two officers sit there, fully dressed, the air filled with lunch and cum.

“Officers. I want you to do as follows. When I end the call, you will be yourselfes again. You wont remember anything unless I demand it. I will visit you soon, Lennard. Be ready.”

The call ends and the two men return back to normal.

“So, Josh, you coming back to my place?” A voice rings through every fiber of Josh’s body, and for a second, he regains his composure and looks around. He’s sitting in a crowded bar, a glass of beer half empty on the table, and a very handsome guy sitting right in front of him.

“What?” Josh says breathlessly, his head so heavy, his eyes hurting and his body just reluctantly following his orders. “I asked you to come back to my place.” The handsome man smiles, and runs a hand through his neat hair. Josh blinks, and rubs his forehead. “What is this?” He stutters, looking down at the table, and back to the mans face, who hides a grimace behind a seductive grin.

“Come on, you hooked me up on Grindr.” He scuffs, raises his hand and starts fiddling with the ring on his finger. Josh frowns, his eyes stuck at the shining piece of gold. “I did?” He says slowly, lowering his hands. “Yeah, are you okay?” The man comforts him, placing a hand on his. Simultaneously, he extended his leg, to reach Joshs calves. With the tip of his leather shoe, he strokes him again and again, calming him down.

“Yes, it’s okay.” He moans deeply, and closes his eyes. But now, a voice rings through his body again, the mesmerizing, overpowering voice of this guy.

“Its okay big boy. Its what you are made to be. Just relax. Let me guide you. Obey me. Obey.”

He opens his eyes, meeting the gaze of the strange man right away. With the mans eyes shining lightly, his mouth forms into a huge smile. “So, what do you say?” He asks again, stroking himself through his tight leather jacket. “Yes. Yes please.”

Triumphantly, the man gets up and motions for Josh to follow his lead. Like a drone, he runs after him and gets into a car. With both man inside, the stranger plugs headphones into Joshs ear, starts his playlist and they take off. Just a quick introduction, deeper into Joshs subconsciouness.

During the ride, Josh lets out multiple moans, groans and growls, both of his hands on his crotch, rubbing against his cock, pleasing himself. “Very good.” The man smirks, touching himself as well.

At his house, he unplugs the headphones, Josh unable to think straight, drools and leans his head back against the seat. “The perfect specimen.” He growls and runs his fingers along Joshs jawline, through his beard, his lips, his neck and down his chest. “Lets go, boy.”

He pats his chest, and the two of them head inside. “Wait here, stud.” The man pats his shoulder, and leaves the room. Joshs body sways back and forth, slowly losing his balance. Just in time, the man returns and stands in front of him. “Just another step, boy. You can rest soon.” He strokes his face. “Kneel.”

Josh gets down, and opens his mouth, as he is now conditioned to. The man lifts his chin, before sticking three fingers into his mouth, slowly moving them back and forth, making him gag. “Thats good. Good boy.” He smirks, runs a hand around his head and pulls him against his bulging crotch. “Take a good sniff, you will get it soon.”

Josh moans, and licks the mans cock through the jeans. “Ambitious. Adorable.” He scuffs.

I open the door and walk through the hallway right into the living room, spotting him. Yosef, a dear

I open the door and walk through the hallway right into the living room, spotting him. Yosef, a dear friend of mine, is standing in the middle of the room, motionless, his chin resting on his chest and his arms hanging down. Just as I love him.

I conditioned him to go under every time I send him a special voice message. A little command I inplanted deep in his mind, he is the perfect specimen for this experiment. Of course, he isnt aware of this at all. Thats even more exciting. Yosef would unlock the door, dress up in one of his many track suits, adidas is my favorite, and wait for me, his master.

Good boy, just how I like you. I think to myself and walk up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, leaning in to him, whispering right into his ear. “Thats right, well done.” I say, massaging his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his jacket on my skin.

He opens his mouth, and growls deeply. I lift his head gently, and have a look into his beautiful, empty eyes. Unable to focus, and completely vacant, he stares into the void. “Thats it.” I grin, touching my erect cock through my pants.

I walk behind him, and hug him from behind, running my hands across his chest, his tits, nipples until I unzip his jacket, and grab his bare chest. Yosef breathes deeply, and I feel his whole body react to my touch. Every fiber of his body gets stiff and rigid, including his massive cock now tenting in his joggers.

My hands slip inside his trousers, and I grab his leaking meat, starting to jerk him off. He begins to thrust against my hand, and I slirk deviously. “Finally.” I lick his ear, making him moan. But before he cums, I release him, and walk around once more. “On your knees.” I demand, and he does. Instantly, he presses his head against my crotch, licking me through my bulging jeans.

“You hungry?” I open my pants, pull them down, including my underwear and he begins to suck my dick. I was waiting for this moment for a month now. And it feels so good.

Post link

Pasquale was so happy when he finally got his bike license. As always, safety goes first, so he visited a little bike shop out of town. A few of his friends, and the reviews on google told him that this place is worth its money.

He slid into the leather pants, leather jacket, gloves and boots, loving how the whole attire formed around his skin, his muscles and his whole body. Something felt off though. Somehow, he felt a tickling sensation on his skin, draining him, but making him happier than before at the same time.

Stepping outside, the owner handed him a fitting helmet, with a sly grin on his face. “Found this in the back, limited stock.” He said, his voice sounding deeper than before. Pasquale got turned on by this, feeling his cock already bulging against the tight leather pants. Maybe this was just the excitement, the arrousal of wearing a leather outfit. “Thanks” He nodded, and put the helmet on.

As soon as it went down his face, it happened. The helmet sent out a high pitched sound, virbrating through every fiber of hid body. Without being able to fight back, his mind got overpowered easily. Just 29 seconds later, his whole body went stiff and rigid. His eyes went vacant, and his mind dull. Pasquale let out a soft moan, his voice muffled by the helmet.

“Very good dude.” The owner rubbed his hands and took a step closer towards the leather man. “Told you, youd look hot.” He said, taking a good look of Pasquale from every angle. Then, he hugged him from behind, feeling his pecs, his arms, his chest, his hips, down to his crotch, feeling his rock hard cock through the pants.

“Now. Give the suit what he desires.” The owner whispered, and instantly, Pasquales body compulsed slightly, as he shot load after load into his pants. The suit taking this gift quickly. The man lead him to the back of the shop, placed him in a corner and enjoyed hearing the young man releasing himself time and time again as the suit reprogramed Pasquales mind, making him a leather drone for his new master.


Good boys always make sure to check in with their masters. A selfie in the morning, after gym, during the shower. It doesnt matter, master needs to see every inch of you. Strip, get hard and take a picture.

Maybe youll get rewarded next time he takes you. Maybe youre allowed to breathe while he fucks your man pussy. Maybe, youre allowed to look at him without being gagged. We will see.

Officer Ramirez stood in front of the mirror, awaiting todays shift to begin. He was still at home, but in about 20minutes, he had to leave to the station. Ramirez enjoyed flexing at himself. For around a month now, hes been hitting the gym like crazy. He wasnt like that all his life, more like, quite the opposite actually.

For the love of god, he couldnt remember why or what made him work out every day. But he didnt mind seeing his well formed body bulging against the fabrics of his now tight uniform. He enjoyed the looks he got, from men and women alike, and how he could beat up anyone standing in his way.

Suddenly, his pocket started vibrating, a phone call obviously. He pulled his phone out and took the call. “Yeah?” He said quickly.

“Time to let go.” A voice rang into his ear, and immediately, his eyes blanked out and lost focus. Still holding the phone close to his ear, he started groaning underneath his breath while rubbing his own cock tenderly.

“Are you alone?” The voice said firmly. “Yes.” Ramirez said in a dull voice, his once so manly tone slowly fading away. “Open the door.” He hung up and made his way towards the main entrance. A rather small man stood there, wearing a puffer jacket, jeans, leather boots, sunglasses and a black cap. “Very good.” The man said and walked past him.

Ramirez closed the door and followed him back to the living room. “Time to see the goods.” The man smirked, snapped his fingers and watched Ramirez flex instantly. “Lets see.” He said, walking around Ramirez, who stood there drooling.

“Nice arms.” The man started touching the officer everywhere. His biceps, shoulders, his neck, running his fingers through his scruffy beard. Ramirez moaned everytime he touched him, and his dick twitched inside his pants. “Youre doing good boy.” Running a hand along his waist line, the man felt his muscles move underneath the uniform.

“Looks much better doesnt it?” Ramirez nodded. “Yes, sir.” The man, seemingly happy with his work, hugged Ramirez from behind, touching him firmly. “Just a few more weeks, youll look so good next to my bed.” He whispered into the officers ear, who let out a long guttural groan once again.

At last, the man grabbed Ramirez cock firmly, and rubbed his hand against the massive meat twitching wildly. “Be patient, you wont cum until I allow it.” Holding himself back, the officer drooled even harder. “Very good.” The man walked around him once more, and pat his cheek, making Ramirez smile derpily.

“Now.” He said and walked towards the door, but the cop stood still. “Its time to come back.” At this words, Ramirez whole body went riggid, and he regained his composure. “Wow. I must have blanked out again.” He giggled and went back into the bathroom, touching his erect dick on the way, while the man quietly left the scene.


That was one one the nights where i’m really hungry.. so I move to a motel room and order a pizza. In the time I wait for it, i prepare my instruments: some cloth, chloroform, ropes… when the nice pizzaboy i saw days ago arrives, I open the door and hide myself. The poor boy seems to be confuse as he see noone
”Hello…. hey, there is your pizza!”
He looks around, but as he turns his back to me, i get out and grab him from behind. He feels he’s in a trap, he struggle like a wild animal..
But the chloro kicks in with no mercy, and he fight less and less. In the fumes of chloro, when he’s about to pass out, he ask for mercy under the cloth:
“please…. please….. i’m just a pizzaboy…”
I steadly keep his face covered and reply:
“Shh…. just relax… there’s nothing you can do anymore“

At the end he became just a floppy toy in my arms. A good night is about to begin, for me.

Quella era una delle notti in cui sono davvero affamato … quindi vado in una stanza di un motel e ordino una pizza. Nel momento in cui la aspetto, preparo i miei strumenti: del tessuto, del cloroformio, delle corde … quando arriva il bel ragazzo delle consegne che ho visto giorni fa, apro la porta e mi nascondo. Il povero ragazzo sembra essere confuso mentre vede nessuno “Ciao…. hey, c'è la tua pizza! ” Si guarda intorno, ma mentre mi volta le spalle, esco e lo prendo da dietro. Si sente in trappola, lotta come un animale selvatico .. “Cosa … MMMMPHH MMPH!” Ma il cloroformio entra senza pietà e lui si agita con sempre meno fornza. Nei fumi del cloroformio, quando sta per svenire, chiede pietà sotto il panno: “per favore…. per favore … sono solo un ragazzo … ” Mantengo costantemente la sua faccia coperta e rispondo: “Shh …. rilassati … non c'è più niente che puoi fare “ Alla fine diventa solo un giocattolo floscio tra le mie braccia. Sta per iniziare una bella notte.

Clip from Bestdeaths.com


Good boy. Now give me the other hand

Sherrif O'Riley thought he had me all figured out. I made a mistake and got caught with my latest price struggling in the trunk of my car. Stupid faggot Mark, I picked him up at a bar, and drugged him. Just for fun, it felt good to dominate other men. It made me hard just fantasizing about it, but I came into my pants when I did it the first time.

Now, O'Riley brought me into the Sherrifs departement, late at night. He escorted me into the basement, where I had to get undressed. Stupid old man, had a nice look at my meat when I stripped. I could tell he was into that stuff, by the way he wasnt able to look away. Sure, make sure Im unarmed. I get it.

“Good boy.” He cuffed my hand. “Now give me the other hand.” I growled, but I knew I had no chance, yet. Just then, the telephone rang, and he ordered me to stand by the wall, sure old man. With his back turned to me, I realized that this was it. My biggest chance yet.

No one was around, no other fucking pig in sight. Smirking, I tiptoed towards O'Riley. Standing right behind him, I smelled his cologne, mixed with sweat from the 10 hour shift. It made me hard, but I needed to focus. I watched the camera turn to the other side, and luckily, he hung up.

Instantly, I wrapped the handcuffs around his neck, choking him from behind. It was easy to dominate him. Hes a pig, sure, but old and weak without his gun. He tried to reach for it, but I put more pressure on his neck as I pulled him into the locker room around the corner.

“Stop.” He groaned in distress. “Make me.” I hissed, and angrily, pulled at the cuffs. “Arghaga…” He tried to scream, but nothing but low groans came out of his mouth. At the same time, I felt adrenaline rush through every fiber of my body. This was it, my dick harder then ever, while he struggled to breathe.

O'Riley dropped to his knees, his whole body dropping down, as I released him from my hold. Dont know if he was out cold, dont care honestly. Quickly, I opened the handcuffs, and threw them away. “Good boy.” I mocked, and kicked his lifeless body.

I ran a hand through my hair, and walked casually through the room, when I decided to take his uniform, easy as that. I undressed him, without giving a fuck. I laughed when I saw his stained briefs. Fucker pissed himself while I nearly came into mine. His ill fitting uniform felt good though, and I looked the part.

I took a cap from the counter, dragged his body into another corner and left the room, avoding the cameras with easy. I found a pair of car keys in his pockets, and took his cop car. It smelled like him, and smoke. Nobody asked me any questions. They werent too many people there, and a good looking man, can talk his way out of any situation.

I lit up cigarette and checked the reflection in the rare view mirror. “Fuck youre hot.” I smirked and drove away.


“Whats in that drink again? It tastes funny” The jock said, taking another sip from the bottle I handed him. “Just a protein shake, bro.” I said, running a hand through my sweaty hair. I met him a month ago, on a little football field outside of town, right next to some woods. Since I saw him wearing a tight football kit, I knew I needed to have him.

He shrugged, emptying the bottle at once. “Thank you, I needed that.” Smiling derpily, he bend down to pick up his bag, but he tripped, just barely steadingy himself against the goal post. “I thank you."I smirk, watching his eyes losing focus, while he rubs his forhead. "Im so dizzy.” He groaned, and I bit my lips. “Are you okay, bro?” I say confortingly, checking our surroundings. No one in sight, lucky me.

“I dont know, I-” His eyes roll back into his skull, as he collapsed right into my arms. “Good boy.” I swiftly catch him, and without wasting anymore time, I dragged his massive body right into the woods. “What…are….where am I?” He moaned as he woke up inside my arms, with me hugging him from behind.

“Everything is fine, Im here.” I said, gently stroking his cheek, running my fingers along his soft lips. He started moving, but I already restrained him. His legs, wrists and body tied up, he was unable to move an inch. “What did you-” He growls but it was enough. I quickly gagged him, and taped his mouth shut. “Shhh. Dont worry, Ill be gentle.” I smirked and started to touch him. His neck, his massive shoulders, his tits, abs and further down to his cock.

“Mhmmm” He protests, but, still being weake ned by the sedative I mixed into his drink, I easily over powered him. “Youre mine now.” I firmly grab his massive meat through his shorts, rubbing him intensely. Shaking, he foughr back, but that just turned me on even harder. “Youre a fighter, I hoped so.” I slap his cheek teasingly before I got up and dragged him to the trunk of my jeep. “We’ll have some fun at home, boy.”
