#male skinsuit


‘Why didnt I thought of this…’ I said to myself. I forgot to refuel my motorcycle… now I sit here and my tank is empty.

I got off and started pushing it down the street. Still 147 miles to the next gas station.

After some time I’ve heard a truck coming closer. It stopped next to me and the window got let down. A fat man with beard revealed himself.

“Everything okay?”, he asked.

“My tank is empty.”, I replied.

“I was on my way to the next gas station. Hop in, I can take you with me.”, he said smiling.

I was a bit hesitant.

“What about my bike?”, I asked.

“We can secure your motorcycle in the trailer.”

“That would be great!”

“Allright, you can meet me at the parking spot in front of us.”

He drives away and parks about 150 meters in front of me. I push my bike towards it. The trailer is already open as I arrive and the driver gets out of his cabin.

He was a head shorter and definitely older than me.

We stowed my bike and entered the driver cabin again.

“Thank you for taking me with you.”, I said when he started the truck.

“It’s always a pleasure to help young men in dificult situations.”, he replied.

What a wierd response, I thought.

We drove a short time when he started to do small talk.

“I’m Pete. What is your name?”, he asked.

“I’m Jordan.”, I replied.

“Nice to meet you Jordan. May I ask if you are from around here? I dont see people on a bike her often. Oh, and how old are you? You seem pretty young.”

I was getting suspicious of him. Who would ask such things a stranger? Maybe he just doesnt like silence. I shrug.

My testicle started to itch, what an inopportune time, I thought. Maybe I shouldnt have worn my jockstrap today. I pulled on the tight leather around the area to stop the itching.

From the corner of my eye I saw how he was watching me. To distract him I answered.

“No, I’m not from around here. I’m driving through the whole country right now. And I’m 26.”

“You could be my son with that age. I’m twice as old as you.”, he said and chuckled. “So you’re doing a roadtrip. Alone?”

“I started with a friend but he left. Now I’m doing it alone.”


Some minutes of silence again. I enjoyed it.

“You can put your feet up if you want.  Or take your boots off if they are too uncomfortable or too warm.”, he said out of nowhere.

That was strange, but a nice offer.

“Thanks, but they are in fact really comfortable.”, I answered.

Silence again, I hope this time for longer.

His phone rang and he picked it up. From his responses it sounded like it was a friend.

“Is it okay for you if we do a small stop soon? I have to pick up a friend?”, he asked me after hanging up.

I looked around to find out where he should fit in this cabin. Pete noticed that.

“If you pull the curtains behind you to the side you can see a bed. It would be nice if you stay there until I put him down again.”, he said.

“Alright, I’ll do it.”, I answered.

I pulled the curtains to the side and a gross looking bed got revealed. It had so many stains and chips leftovers. I took a step towards it as I thought that it wouldnt take long but then I felt a sting in my right ass cheek. As I turn around I see how Pete empties a syringe into my butt. I tried to get away but I already started to stumble and fell mostly onto the bed.

Pete parked the truck at the side of the road and closed the window curtains.

“I’m sorry Jordan, but you are really my type.”, he said with a dark grin.

I tried to move but I couldnt. i tried to scream but I could only get out a whimper.

“I injected you with my own creation. It paralyzes every muscle except the heart.”, he said.

He now took my legs and put them onto the bed so that I laid straight on it. He run his fingers all over my body. From my pecks to my feet. He took the zipper from my one-piece-racing-suit and pulled it down till he reached my belly button. He stared for a long time at my abs and then he started to massage and lick them. It kinda felt good, I didnt had such intimate body contact in a long time. I tried to imagine my girlfriend licking my six pack instead of an old creepy guy but it didnt really work.

As he was finished he grabbed my left foot and pulled my boot off. It kinda turned me on. The second it came off I could smell my feet and it was a strong smell. Hey, I never took them or the suit off the whole last week as they were super comfortable and the motels I stayed at never had a shower.

He raised it to his nose and took some deep breaths. I noticed how his dick raised in his jeans and he noticed too. Ho opened his pants and put his dick out. It was pretty small.

“I’ll clean it up. I promise.”, he said as he took my gloved hand to wank while sniffing my boot. He shot his load all over my abs. When he finished he took a wet warm rug to clean my body. It felt great. Then he put my boot back on. I hoped that he would make me able to move again as he pulled out another syringe.

“You know Jordan, now that I played with and observed your body,  I came to the conclusion that you’ll be the new me.”, he said.

I was shocked. What does he want? Does he have a body swap machine somewhere? Dear god, I hope not.

“You’ll be my first body suit. I got this serum from the black market.”, he told me. I tried to move but nothing even twitched. He put the syringe on my neck and with the other hand pressed my cock the last time.

“Dear god, thats huge!”, he shouted as he emptied the syringe.

He took a step back to look at me nervously.

I started to feel my body tingle and then it started. I saw how my chest started to deflate, followed by my legs, arms and head. Pete cheered.

As the transformation finished he lifted me, well my empty skin from the bed, causing my biker clothes to slip completely off.

He sniffed my armpit and groaned. After that he took his clothes of and started to feel for my asshole. He went head first into me. At first it hurt but it felt good shortly after. I felt how his chubby legs filled out my muscular legs, how his fat belly pressed against my well formed abs, how his small dick grew to fill up my huge cock and how his beard tingled for a short time as he slipped his head inside mine.

As he finished he let out a loud moan, but it was my voice.

“I cant wait to put all of this on. I’m sorry Jordan that you had to be it but you were totally my type: tall, good looking, muscular and wearing a racing suit.”, I heard my voice saying.

So he knew that I’d be conscious after he put me on. I dont want this life as a suit.

He took my jockstrap and my thick wool socks and put them on. The socks were wet and cold. Probably because I wore them non stop even at these high temperatures. He took the suit and put it on. After that he lifted my, now his feet, to smell them one last time before he put my boots on. He finished with my gloves and went back behind the steering weel.

He drove close to the gas station, took my bike, filled it up and drove as myself away.

Now almost 2 months later, I almost got used to being worn. At first it felt really weird, as if I’m the boot but after a while I enjoyed it. I had no duties anymore. Pete only took me off once since that day and I can feel how he enjoys being inside me. He loves wearing my clothes, especially the racing suits and normal suits. He loves driving with the motorcycle through the whole country.

Sometimes, when he feels alone he even talks to me. He knows that I cant answer but he just wants to get things off his chest while knowing that someone is listening.

He took me off at my birthday, maybe because of sympathy or because he didnt know how to act that day if he would’ve met someone from my old life that day.

Now he is making money off of instagram by posting pictures of him in my body suit to finance his motorcycle trips.
