#malec family


I’m really getting annoyed now with people who really don’t get the Shadowhunters Chronicles, what part of CHRONICLES you don’t get!!!

Someone i know read The Infernal Devices for the first time a couple of days ago and then she said “I really loved the books however i will not read the rest of the book series as they will be boring and repetitive, the same things will happen in every book again and again and that will make the story boring and unauthentic, and why is Magnus going to have a major role his character is soo flat and boring and has no depth”

and i was like “whatever scenes Magnus had in TID are NOT enough for you to get him or what he’s been through because literally nothing about him is said in the books”

And then she told me “okay fine what about Jace and Clary for example why do they have to make apperances and take part of the story when their series is over, see it’s very repetitive” by which point i really gave up on the conversation.

So people here’s the thing a CHRONICLE is supposed to be about the past, present, and future of a certain world and guess what!!! Characters stories are supposed to be entertwined through the books ALL the books not just their books that’s what makes the world whole. Don’t judge characters that you’ve read about in like four or five scenes, or characters you’ve read nothing about at all.

If you want to open up your mind to the world well that is great, but if you don’t want to well please pretty please don’t judge what you don’t know, don’t guilt trip what people like just because you don’t know what you’re talking about because honestly when she was talking about my FAVORITE books and characters like this I honestly felt attacked. I get that people have different tastes and intersts and i respect that so in return respect ours because this song is getting really old.

do you ever cry because Max Lightwood-Bane had a note attached to him saying “who could ever love it?” from his bio-mom, but then the rest of born to endless night is just the entire Lightwood family fighting to hold him like this kid is gonna be soooo loved 
