#ghosts of the shadow market


I really hope @cassandraclare won’t be bothered, but this one was too hilarious for me to just ignore! (took inspiration from one of her recent tweets!)

#SecretsOfBlackthornHall 4!

I’m loving this project by @cassandraclare!

I had couple of theories for this one, but who do you guys thin the ghost might be?


“There were plenty of times, especially when we were younger, when we’d tell ghost stories out there and scare ourselves that something was watching us” (from another letter by @cassandraclare)

I rarely think about this, but there was a time when Mark had really been the eldest, the one who had to take care of the kids, including Jules

#secretsofblackthornhall #2!

“I just love him, Magnus, like he was my own. He is my own. I’d kill anyone who wanted to hurt him, just as I would protect Mina or Jem with my life.”

Just what I didn’t know I needed thank you @cassandraclare for always being able to make me (ugly) cry :’)

First release day in the new #secretsofblackthornhall project, congratulations to @cassandraclare!

Can’t wait to read more about all the characters!

lariablog:I’ve read lots of funny theories about Cortana’s next owner.. and one of my personal fav


I’ve read lots of funny theories about Cortana’s next owner.. and one of my personal favourites was about little Mina! What do you think?

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Part 2!

As previously said, this is not absolutely to be considered canon, but was one of the many ideas I’ve read so far about Mina and really wanted to draw it!

Hope you like :)

Post link
 I’ve read lots of funny theories about Cortana’s next owner.. and one of my personal fa

I’ve read lots of funny theories about Cortana’s next owner.. and one of my personal favourites was about little Mina! What do you think?

Characters belong to @cassandraclare

Post link


“Later Matthew would look back and remember it as his last happy day”

Hey Tessa please never refer to jem as daddy ever again I don’t know if I can handle it


James “no homo” Carstairs: god I fucking L O V E Will Herondale

oh fuck

oh shit I’m so sorry guys

I’m dropping my love for will

all over the place

fuck I’m so sorry

oh god

oh no

I’m really getting annoyed now with people who really don’t get the Shadowhunters Chronicles, what part of CHRONICLES you don’t get!!!

Someone i know read The Infernal Devices for the first time a couple of days ago and then she said “I really loved the books however i will not read the rest of the book series as they will be boring and repetitive, the same things will happen in every book again and again and that will make the story boring and unauthentic, and why is Magnus going to have a major role his character is soo flat and boring and has no depth”

and i was like “whatever scenes Magnus had in TID are NOT enough for you to get him or what he’s been through because literally nothing about him is said in the books”

And then she told me “okay fine what about Jace and Clary for example why do they have to make apperances and take part of the story when their series is over, see it’s very repetitive” by which point i really gave up on the conversation.

So people here’s the thing a CHRONICLE is supposed to be about the past, present, and future of a certain world and guess what!!! Characters stories are supposed to be entertwined through the books ALL the books not just their books that’s what makes the world whole. Don’t judge characters that you’ve read about in like four or five scenes, or characters you’ve read nothing about at all.

If you want to open up your mind to the world well that is great, but if you don’t want to well please pretty please don’t judge what you don’t know, don’t guilt trip what people like just because you don’t know what you’re talking about because honestly when she was talking about my FAVORITE books and characters like this I honestly felt attacked. I get that people have different tastes and intersts and i respect that so in return respect ours because this song is getting really old.


So I’m sitting in my bed peacefully reading when out of nowhere it hit me, we have only 3 trilogies left in the Shadowhunters chronicles just THREE my heart honestly clenches at the thought because imagine this, your sitting in your favorite reading spot holding the last book as if holding on to dear life, crying your soul out (because let’s face it, it’s Cassandra Clare we’re talking about), you turn the page and there’s a dedication to the fans and that’s it. No more witty remarks from Alec, heartache from Magnus’ kindness, heartwarmth from Jem, Tessa, baby Jessa, absolute love and devotion from Julian to his family, stunning badass moments from Clary and Isabelle, love quarrels between Jace an Simon, and every other character we came to know and love with all out hearts. I really can’t and don’t want to comprehend that though.

People who say “don’t you already have that book” need to understand that different book editions equals a new book it has a different feeling and smell and texture yes it’s the same story but IT’S A DIFFERENT BOOK


Shadowhunter Families

To be a Herondale is to love so deeply and passionately that you feel like you’re flying rather than falling.

To be a Carstairs is to be the sword and shield between what you love and the world against it.

To be a Lightwood is to burn bright with the love you have not only for others, but the love you learn to feel for yourself.

To be a Blackthorn is to be so devoted to your family that the hand striking at them comes away with its blood on your armor.

To be a Fairchild is to understand and love those around you for the strength that others call a weakness.

To be a Lovelace is to let the ones you love choose their path, even if it breaks your heart when they never return.

To be a Morgenstern is to sink to any depth for what you love, even if you hit the ground burning on your own passion.

To be a Shadowhunter is to love.

Why can’t we just experience the things we absloutly love and adore all over again. I get that feeling every time i’m rereading my favorite book or rewatching my favorite movie like i want to experiance these intense feelings for the first time again because no matter how many time you return tou your favorite book or movie it will never be like the first time.

Guys i need help!!

Now I remember Cassandra Clare saying that there’s going to be an extra story about “Jem and Tessa’s wedding and why no one remembers it” my question is, is this story going to be in The Lost Book of The White first edition or Chain of Iron first edition? I can’t for the life of me remember which one it was and I can’t find the post where she said that!! TIA


London, Grosvenor Place, 1901

Once upon a time there was a prince with golden hair and dark green eyes. He was happy, until a prince from a neighboring kingdom told him that his mother the Queen had been unfaithful to his father the King.

In despair, the prince purchased from a faerie woman a potion that would force his mother to tell the truth. But when he gave it to her, she swooned away, near to death. The royal physicians came, and in their silence, they cured the Queen, but they could not save the child who would have been the next prince or princess of the realm. And worse, the truth was soon revealed: the Queen had never been unfaithful to the King.

It was then that the prince learned that innocence lost cannot be regained. There are stains that cannot be washed away. Not after years of repentance. Not in a whole lifetime of regret.

Chain Of Gold Question

There’s a scene where Lucie meets Jesse in the Lightwood manor and she sees “a blond boy who looks familiar” then he vanishes.

Do we know who thatis??!! I don’t know why but this particular thing is bugging me and @cassandraclare asks are closed

Okay so i think this month is really stressful for all bookworms what with Chain of Gold and Crescent City being released on THE SAME DAY and Sabaa Tahir FINALLY revealing the cover, title, and release date of An Ember in The Ashes 4 “A Sky Beyond The Storm” i mean seriously guys what are you doing to us!!!

In TWO days just TWO freakin days Chain of Gold is gonna be released and I’m sooooo ready to be thrown back in this world of pain and happiness and agony and more than ready to have my heart broken to pieces and shoved down my throat!!
