#malec forever


It’s Christmas Eve!! \o/

Hope everyone is excited to see lots of Malec-themed gifts? I KNOW I AM :D

The gifts will be tagged with #malecsanta21 and the #username of whomever the gift is meant for! This way everyone hopefully should be able to “find” their gift(s) quite easily :) I attempted the @ username thingy too, but it didn’t work for everyone that’s participating.

The gift-posting is scheduled to commence at 8PM GMT (one hour from now ;) and should automatically go on until it runs out some time around noon tomorrow, with new gifts posted every 15 minutes! :D

Thanks to some amazing Backup Christmas Angels, everyone is getting gifts! *throws confetti* And heeeeyy I’ve actually finished queueing all the gifts on time for the second year in a row! This third lockdown has been good for something at least, bwahaha.  *throws some more confetti*

HO HO HO!! *runs off*

P.S. the AO3 Archive will be published around 8PM as well, I’ve set an alarm for myself 8-)


Ho Ho Ho!

It’s time to conclude the sixth edition of the Malec Secret Santa:)

Hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and that you’ve enjoyed all the amazing gifts that were posted!

May these gifts be little lights of distraction during these difficult times for everyone <3

The fantastic @sivan325​​​ deserves extra love and gratitude for being an abolsutely wonderful Christmas Angel this year in helping me out to create an extra gift, making sure no one would be left empty handed this year! Thank you darling, I really appreciate that you wanted to help me out in a pinch! <333

If you’d like, you can still add your works to the AO3 Collection! Just poke me if you do, and I’ll add the link to the Tumblr gift post as well. You can also repost your gift(s) to your own Tumblrs now, of course :)

That’s all from me in terms of service announcements, see you all again next year! #MalecForever, after all.

-x- Leonie (leetje)


Are you all ready to find out who your secret santas were? :D

Most of you should know the drill by now. The list is in alphabetical order. Ctrl+F search your name on desktop works the quickest :)

Go forth and tacklehug your no-longer-secret santa! They definitely deserve some loving!

 Happy pride month, sweethearts! Concept art for the very same reverse AU: Lorenzo Ray as Shadowhunt

Happy pride month, sweethearts! Concept art for the very same reverse AU: Lorenzo Ray as Shadowhunter and Andrew Underhill as warlock. To your info my fic-writer made Lorenzo a great selfie-lover. And dear Andrew turns out a dog-person. 

P.s. Lorenzo is fond of diamonds. You can see one in his ear.

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 Concept art for reverse AU where Magnus is a Shadowhunter and Alexander is a warlock. Unfortunately Concept art for reverse AU where Magnus is a Shadowhunter and Alexander is a warlock. Unfortunately Concept art for reverse AU where Magnus is a Shadowhunter and Alexander is a warlock. Unfortunately

Concept art for reverse AU where Magnus is a Shadowhunter and Alexander is a warlock. Unfortunately my fic-writer didn’t wrote any lime (yet).

If you don’t know what lime is you are probably not old enough for this kind of stuff. Or am I too old now?  What year is it again?

Back to it! So, my fic-writer is lazy-ass, so I had to do all the work myself.

full version here https://twitter.com/Grizzlyhare1 WARNING: NSFW 

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Illustration for reverse AU, you already know the plot a little, Magnus and Catarina (first time draIllustration for reverse AU, you already know the plot a little, Magnus and Catarina (first time dra

Illustration for reverse AU, you already know the plot a little, Magnus and Catarina (first time drawing her, hello!) are Shadowhunters and they are parabatai.

They were going to have some training but instead Magnus is freestyling and Catarina is scrolling through his music and if course they are gossiping. Mostly about Magnus’ love-life.

They are obviously much younger (Magnus is 19) as Shadowhunters and both are carefree as they don’t have the weight of all the world on their shoulders yet

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