


Up the Hill

for@christian-latte-anon, based on my response in this post

“What do you think about moving out of the city?” She asks, not hesitantly, but a little haltingly. Like she thinks he’ll want to stay here, in their little apartment where they’d moved right after they got married, and she doesn’t want to press it too hard. Neither of them has had one, solid place to stay for a very long time. Maybe it’s time they did.

Raleigh’s immediate, almost-before-she-finishes-her-sentence response is, “I’ve always wanted to build my own house.”

Mako’s whole face lights up, and then Raleigh mirrors her grin, and they’re looking up properties for sale by evening. They don’t care where it is, anywhere calm and safe where they can make a home. A place they can stay, for a very long time.

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