#malevolent is a comedy


Listen to episode 1 and episode 21 back to back.

The most funny thing is that when the eldritch monster wakes up in this bewildered amnesiacs head he’s all sweet and gentle and patient and uses compliments for the desired effect. Because like yeah, he needs this random guy to do his bidding because if he doesn’t he’ll be powerless and also die. Yes John’s being manipulative here, it’s a matter of survival, but he could have tried to control Arthur using fear. Instead he uses gentleness, he understands it’s the path of least resistance. This is before they even know eachother, before they’ve been through hell together, before John even truly learns the value of kindness his first instinct when faced with the uncertainty of mortality is to be kind. As a result the two are able to immediatley get to solving the mystery and work to remedy their mutual situation as a team. John is impressed by Arthur’s resourcefulness and wit. He witnessed Arthur’s openess and capacity for empathy, even for monsters. They become friends even if it was only a manipulation at the start.

Meanwhile, when Yellow calls Arthur friend, Arthur is like fuck no. He finds that threatening for some reason. Arthur, when he wants to control new amnesiac John? His best friend who he’s been through everything with? He insults him. He tells him about how he’s a super evil piece of shit demon. He threatens him with death and banishment and torture and is just doing his best to be the biggest meanest bossiest dick he can possibly be. 

Part of this is because Arthur is far far too genuine and emotionally impulsive to play dumb and manipulate with kindness but c'mon. He can’t chill out long enough to have some empathy for his confused friend like a real human being? The first thing he does is use Yellow as an emotional punching bag for his own sense of loss. Yellow is in this state because Arthur put him there, totally by choice. This is so ruthless. He tries to make Yellow afraid of him. Of course Yellow goes on the defensive, and then Arthur calls him pathetic and monstrous for doing so. (But Yellow pretending he knows what John is talking about regarding the King because he doesn’t want to seem ignorant omfg). Arthur talks about how he’s changed John into something more human while not realizing he himself has been changing and the person he has become is a total selfish emotionally constipated asshole who uses power and fear as a tool.

Arthur tells Yellow about how he’s such a smart cool investigator that he defeated a god. Then he proceeds to get attacked by wolves, insult a bar full of violent men, vomit all over some guy, and pass out in a dangerous location. 

Yellow gets to see Arthur is not only an ass but also a hapless idiot.

Really making a great impression on your new headmate.
