#malice angel


The ink demonth day 29: lies

Once again here we are, old friend.

Face to face after a long and painful run, does it hurt?

How does it feel? To watch me and others suffer from your silly words, your meaningless promises.

You lied to us, Joey.

You always did.

Now here you lie, dead on the memory of the world with only the monsters from your madness to make you company.

Woops Bendy and the Ink Machine has taken over my life once more. Anyways take some character designWoops Bendy and the Ink Machine has taken over my life once more. Anyways take some character design

Woops Bendy and the Ink Machine has taken over my life once more. Anyways take some character designs I’ve been working on for the characters. This is the first time I’ve drawn Allison, Norman, and Buddy so their designs are probably going to change.

(and yes I know I misspelled Allison’s name on the drawing but I’m too lazy to go back and fix it)

Post link


Just a lil doodle :P


Idk much about junji ito but his work is super cool and ive had this idea for a batim crossover in my head for a while ^_^

The original drawing is fanart by @/obj_SHEP on twitter!! I got the idea for this entirely from their art - i thought it was official since it’s redrawn and used for merch, tattoos etc so often but i didnt find out until after id almost finished so credit goes fully to the original artist for the redraw inspo!
