#malin ryden


As Malin updated in the previous thread -


So amazing. THANK YOU to everyone who has shared or pledged so far - it really does mean the world. We are now into the fun territory of potentially making enough over the print&postage budget to afford us a few months of time on making arc three! But, I also wanted to add some tangible stretch goals, so the first has been added to the kickstarter page already:

As well as the video I’m sharing here, which has a handy BREAKS section in it at around 15:03. If you’re curious to know more about the comic, Malin and me, how it’s made or who you’re actually giving money to make…why not check this short film out that I made with Jack Woodhams for Wacom last year ^_^

Thank you again! THANK YOOOOOOO!!! xxx

So, yesterday there was another Breaks update, page #269 and a slight shift of focus from the boys.L

So, yesterday there was another Breaks update, page #269 and a slight shift of focus from the boys.

Look’s like someone’s busy…

Post link
Well, page #267 of Breaks is up and we are skirting ever closer to tumblr’s censors…Cortland

Well,page #267 of Breaks is up and we are skirting ever closer to tumblr’s censors…

Cortland and Ian are getting a little competitive… this is suppose to be a teamplaying exercise, boys!

Post link

Oh, hai, guys! The comic will be back with you on Monday, but exciting news before then: I’m at thoughtbubble comic festival the weekend after next and will have with me this baby! Issue 7 in print from Soaring Penguin - a prologue to the second book, if you will - as a sketch cover! So you can have something printed and also get a luvverly personal pic on the front :) I’ll have them at Lakes and MCM too, but they’re debuting at Thoughtbubble - hope to see you there ^_^
