#malin ryden


As ever, clicky the link for the full page, folks! Update over at @tapasapp - and we’re part of their Creator Bonus program, so every view really does help us out. It’s a good time to binge as we get closer to the ending! ^_^

Can we talk about Spencer senior’s hair in the 80’s? I mean!

Click for the full page! Sorry I forgot to update here for a week or so, eeek! But the pages are continuing on, so see it as bonus reading if you missed them! :)

Once again, Cortland giving face. As he notices Cail’s XD
Click the link for the full page. We’re at the day of the fight! eeee!

Make with the click to see the full update at Tapas, folks! ^_^

Read the full page at the link :)

Also included here is the first link to our new Tapas merch shop! Tapas have introduced merch and have kindly offered us a slot - so you can display your BREAKER status proudly! Just two tote bags available so far. one single sided, and one with a little secret so you can choose which side you want out :D

BREAKS o'clock! As ever, click the link to read the full update ^_^

I mean…secrets? In this comic?? What’s bugging Cortland? Click the banner to read the full page, as ever.

BREAKS o'clock from Malin and me, folks! Read the full page here:


Comic update

It’s Monday! As ever, click the banner to read the full update. ^_^

Sometimes we all need to be outside of our heads, eh? We hear ya, Irena x BREAKS update from Malin and me over on @tapasapp^_^

Read the full page here:


Awwww, sleeping beauties! On a train! I remember those things. Back when life was normal. *le sigh*. XD

Read the full page:


FESTIVE WISHES from www.breakscomic.com^_^
Next year we’ll start uploading our FINAL chapter, eeeee! How has it been nine whole years since our weblaunch in 2013? Back on smackjeeves, awwww. These days we’re exclusive to @tapasapp where you can still read updates every Monday as we dive into the end of this story. Thank you to those of you who have been with us since the start, and before! And thank you to everyone who has read, supported, backed or bought copies of the standard collected print editions from Soaring Penguin.

We cannot wait to share the end of the story with you! Everything will be answered at last! We are very excited, but it’s going to be mixed emotions, for sure! ’^_^ >_< 0_o ;_;

For those of you who may have found me through Life is Strange - Max and Chloe’s story may be wrapping up (which…*gulp*!), but Ian and Cortland have another chapter to go and a whole lot of romance and drama for you to catch up on. So, if you’ve enjoyed the LiS comic, then do find us at

It’s BREAKS o'clock and Spence is a long way from Manchester, having a way less fun time than the others are…0_O


I’m still away, so bit of a late link share, but the page went up as usual earlier ^_^

Check out “BREAKS part 318” from BREAKS

on Tapas https://tapas.io/episode/2366832

Time to start updating here again, maybe? Sorry we abandoned this spot for so long!

It’s Monday… And yep… Updates have continued every Monday. So, if you’ve not read since we lost updated here,you have a lot to catch up on! ❤️

As Malin updated in the previous thread -


So amazing. THANK YOU to everyone who has shared or pledged so far - it really does mean the world. We are now into the fun territory of potentially making enough over the print&postage budget to afford us a few months of time on making arc three! But, I also wanted to add some tangible stretch goals, so the first has been added to the kickstarter page already:

As well as the video I’m sharing here, which has a handy BREAKS section in it at around 15:03. If you’re curious to know more about the comic, Malin and me, how it’s made or who you’re actually giving money to make…why not check this short film out that I made with Jack Woodhams for Wacom last year ^_^

Thank you again! THANK YOOOOOOO!!! xxx

So, yesterday there was another Breaks update, page #269 and a slight shift of focus from the boys.L

So, yesterday there was another Breaks update, page #269 and a slight shift of focus from the boys.

Look’s like someone’s busy…

Post link
Well, page #267 of Breaks is up and we are skirting ever closer to tumblr’s censors…Cortland

Well,page #267 of Breaks is up and we are skirting ever closer to tumblr’s censors…

Cortland and Ian are getting a little competitive… this is suppose to be a teamplaying exercise, boys!

Post link

Oh, hai, guys! The comic will be back with you on Monday, but exciting news before then: I’m at thoughtbubble comic festival the weekend after next and will have with me this baby! Issue 7 in print from Soaring Penguin - a prologue to the second book, if you will - as a sketch cover! So you can have something printed and also get a luvverly personal pic on the front :) I’ll have them at Lakes and MCM too, but they’re debuting at Thoughtbubble - hope to see you there ^_^
