#mama needs songs to apply to her characters


Trying to find a song about a specific topic/theme is honestly my own personal torture zone.

Because when I say “Songs like (insert song here)” I of course get a bunch of songs from the same genre.

But if I say “songs about (insert topic/theme)” then it’s a toss up. I can get a bunch of lists with no description or songs that are only vaguely related to what I searched. Mostly popular music, which generally doesn’t really work.

Or I’ll find a reddit post with someone asking for something similar, but there will only be a couple of answers.

Or there will a decent amount of responses but the question will be different enough that it’s not much help.

And don’t even get me started on trying to find songs from musicals or similar to songs from musicals. Basically playing on ultra hard mode.

So yea it’s the worst and I wish there was some sort of database that sorted music by topic/theme/story because right now I’m having a bad time.
