#kk rambles


So something really interesting has happened to my emotional state at the moment. I am usually just anxious all the time about everything, like just full of worries and my emotional state has “flat lined” for a lack of a better word.

Like I do not feel anxious about anything I’m usually anxious about.

It’s pretty cool, like is this how it feels to not worry all of the time? Lol I’m not even worried about not being worried.

Not sure what I did differently and I’m sure that it’ll be back soon, but I’m good for now.

Saw a TikTok by a black creator I follow talking about Annabeth being black now.

And like he’s a big fan of the whole Percy Jackson series and basically he was like “I am excited for the show and I support the black actress But racebending/tokenism needs to stop and there should be original black characters made and how changing her race changes her story because racism and there’s already like an image associated with Annabeth, so changing it doesn’t make sense.”

And I get what he’s saying (and like don’t even get me started on the racist backlash these actresses get), but also it’s bothering me for a couple of reasons.

1. My first gripe is just I don’t think that changing a characters race is automatically tokenism. Like yea, if it’s just a character added for the sake of diversity and is really only there so people can’t say it’s not diverse, that’s tokenism, but a main well written important character isn’t that.

2. Like of course we should create original black characters, but also so much media is overwhelming white. So if something that just has no black characters or poc then should we just create diverse characters to stick in? Wouldn’t that be tokenism?

Or should we just not adapt stories that are overwhelmingly white? I mean, I wouldn’t be against that but I have the feeling a lot of people would be.

Obviously the other solution is just to make them as they are and continue to have media that just doesn’t include people like me, I guess.

3. Why does making her black here to change her story? Why does racism have to factor in? Don’t we deserve escapist characters too?

4. Why would it be bad if it did change the story? It’s an adaptation. It doesn’t erase the original. Why is protecting white stories so important?

5. The comments are annoying.

Any way, had to get that off my chest.

Like don’t get me wrong there’s lots of great kids cartoons right now and recently, but Like genuinely what I need is just more cartoons aimed at adults that fit my vibes.

Like I’m not saying there are no cartoons for adults or even that they’re all bad, it’s just… How do I put this into words?

I want more adult cartoons that follow a journey and to be soft or beautiful or something like that. To be taken seriously, but mostly to be emotionally and mentally fulfilling.

And to be clear, I’m not saying there are none and I know that there are anime and such that scratch the itch.

It’s more that I feel like there’s room for so much more animation and I think we’re on the path for so many great experiences. Like I know the path is being laid, but at the same time I wish we were already there.

Right now I guess I fill that need mostly with web comics, but like without fail if a brilliant webtoon gets adapted into a show, it’s live action. And I guess it’s fine sometimes, but it’s so disappointing. Like some comics are so beautifully styled and I want to see it translated that way.

And I don’t know. I love cartoons. I just want to see them flourish, I guess.

Trying to find a song about a specific topic/theme is honestly my own personal torture zone.

Because when I say “Songs like (insert song here)” I of course get a bunch of songs from the same genre.

But if I say “songs about (insert topic/theme)” then it’s a toss up. I can get a bunch of lists with no description or songs that are only vaguely related to what I searched. Mostly popular music, which generally doesn’t really work.

Or I’ll find a reddit post with someone asking for something similar, but there will only be a couple of answers.

Or there will a decent amount of responses but the question will be different enough that it’s not much help.

And don’t even get me started on trying to find songs from musicals or similar to songs from musicals. Basically playing on ultra hard mode.

So yea it’s the worst and I wish there was some sort of database that sorted music by topic/theme/story because right now I’m having a bad time.


Like don’t get me wrong there’s lots of great kids cartoons right now and recently, but Like genuinely what I need is just more cartoons aimed at adults that fit my vibes.

Like I’m not saying there are no cartoons for adults or even that they’re all bad, it’s just… How do I put this into words?

I want more adult cartoons that follow a journey and to be soft or beautiful or something like that. To be taken seriously, but mostly to be emotionally and mentally fulfilling.

And to be clear, I’m not saying there are none and I know that there are anime and such that scratch the itch.

It’s more that I feel like there’s room for so much more animation and I think we’re on the path for so many great experiences. Like I know the path is being laid, but at the same time I wish we were already there.

Right now I guess I fill that need mostly with web comics, but like without fail if a brilliant webtoon gets adapted into a show, it’s live action. And I guess it’s fine sometimes, but it’s so disappointing. Like some comics are so beautifully styled and I want to see it translated that way.

And I don’t know. I love cartoons. I just want to see them flourish, I guess.

So I did a little research into adult animation yesterday and apparently we’re in a golden age or something. So I’m going to try and see what that’s all about.

Like I don’t want to not give it a fair shake and all, so like I’m going to do some digging and see what I can find.



I started playing Ace Attorney today and like it’s a lot of fun! I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but I can see why it’s so well liked.

It appears Edgeworth very much wants to throw hands…

Not going to lie case 3 is looking fairly impossible. Sorry to this man.

Thinking about the Oh Hellos and like I could write a whole essay on how their songs effect my emotions and thoughts, but one of the main things that happens when I listen to them is the overwhelming need to create something.

Like I don’t know what I want to make, but I just get overflowed with the feeling that I should be crafting.

Unfortunately, I am cleaning my room.


I started playing Ace Attorney today and like it’s a lot of fun! I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but I can see why it’s so well liked.

It appears Edgeworth very much wants to throw hands…

I started playing Ace Attorney today and like it’s a lot of fun! I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but I can see why it’s so well liked.
