#mammon angst



A part two to my Armageddon AU. Warnings for depictions of blood, gore, and self-depreciation.

Levi’s hand stayed pressed against the metal door, if he leaned in enough he can hear the footsteps of his younger brothers running to what he hoped was assured safety. His legs felt like jello and that he could barely hold himself up, anxiety pumping through his veins as he rushed downstairs. There was no courageous bone in his body, he was just a shitty pathetic otaku and all too eager to hide away in his room and wait for an attack to be over, for this fucking nightmare to be over. He watches Mammon continuing to fed of the doorway, trading punches and blasts to those who tried to come in. God, he was all too aware of his tail and horns, the clothes of his demon form feeling all too tight. “Levi! A little help here?!”

Mammon’s shout brings him back to the despair of reality, getting a running start as he pulled the angel off of him and began to tug at its wings before completely ripping it off with his tail. The angel cries fall silent and the two brothers meet each other’s eyes as the blood begins to reach their feet. “..They’re just newborns, why the hell would the Celestial Realm send newborns to try and attack us?” Mammon spoke, effortlessly gutting one that attempt to fly overhead and turning away quickly, his own claws digging into the palm of his hand and it’s hard to tell which of the dripping blood is his own or an angel. Levi doesn’t want to think about it, it’s clear when he closes his eyes and ripping apart wings like paper. He can’t bear to imagine each one that he kills being around Luke’s age…he just can’t. “This is just for a distraction, we gotta give them time to get to Dia’s castle,” Mammon speaks in plan in their shared language while twisting the angel’s wrist, and Levi is unable to hide his grimace from the loud crack that followed.

He keeps sinking, deeper into his own thoughts and trying to ignore the way his heart clenches at the painfilled screams and his eyes constantly shifting so he can kill on sight. There was a brief pause but sadly no relief from the attacks as he screamed, “Mammon look out!” The window of the living room shatters as an angel now armed with a sword tackles the eldest brother, Levi turns to help but finds himself surrounded with similar swords that he knows he can’t let them touch him. He breathes in deeply, despite his own self-doubt, he knows that there is a reason why he is part of the most powerful in Devildom though he is at a territorial disadvantage. He snarls baring his teeth now soaked with blood and fire pooling into his gut as some of them back off in fear.

His tail acts first, grabbing an angel behind him by the throat and viciously digging his claws into their eye sockets and watching in crazed delight as the blood oozed out. He looked at their fortified expressions and found himself completely void of pity, where was that hesitation when they so eagerly attacked? Where was that fear that could have driven them away from this house? Their home…his brothers..all split apart because of this attack made anger bubble in his throat. It was feral and ugly, Levi leaving gaping holes in the bodies of already dead angels and the growing thirst for more carnage-

“Are ya done yet? Talk about overkill, Levi.”

He blinked as if awakened from a long nap, removing his knee from the angel’s back as he stood. They were both panting and clearly becoming exhausted, but he couldn’t look away from Mammon’s cocky grin and wiping off the remaining feathers. Too many questions flooded into his head, how long will they be able to defend their home? What more they could handle before eventually passing out? Were the younger brothers safe and sound? And why did Mammon look so cool at this very moment? He had watched Mammon so effortlessly fight angels that even he was struggling with, looking so strong and willing to defend their home while Levi’s first thought was to run away. He wasn’t brave like Mammon, he wasn’t strong, even weaker angels put up a fight. He was so weak it was disgusting, he was disgusting and stupid to think that he would be worth anything in comparison to fighting with Mammon.

Bitter admiration and malicious jealousy dances in his chest, he pants and stumbles into the wall as his vision blurs. Now only showing the pure white of his eyes and the last thing he hears is Mammon distantly calling out his name…and Envy taking over. There is an orange glow emanating and pulsing as Levi’s form shifts and changes, he grows larger as the scales covering his entire body are now sharp like razors. He’s more snake-like, hissing and gurgling deep within his throat, and makes his way to the streets of Devildom, quick to attack any demon or angel that gets in his way.

Mammon curses as he runs after his brother and racking his brain for any way to bring him back but the sight in front of him made him stop. Watching a multitude of angels continue to stab their blades into Levi’s tail and this untamable rage begins to take hold of Mammon. The mocking laughter of those surrounding him, filling his ears and drowning out any conscious thought out the window. “We’ll kill you and all your brothers too! Devildom is ours for the taking.” This sort of desire to make them shut the fuck up leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, black feathers completely decorating his arms as he stumbles back, trying his best to calm down. To think clearly, Lucifer would want him to keep his head on his shoulders, he would be so disappointed if Mammon couldn’t keep it together from some small taunts. But such needs…were growing to be too much, the desire to protect the ones he loved became something he could no longer suppress as he let himself transform and sink deeper into this kind of greed.

The greed that the only annihilation can fulfill.



Ahhhhh I am so happy that so many people fell in love with this au! Thank you for all the likes and excitement, it really means alot ❤ and once again a thank you to the fabulous @asterronomical for not only helping me review ideas for this part two but also giving visuals into the brothers (Levi and Mammon) current forms!

I’d also love to hear some theories on why the Celestial Realm is attacking


Armageddon AU where it starts out with Lucifer leaving the House of Lamentation to go assist Diavalo, he texts the bros on his D.D.D saying that he’s going to stay in the castle for the night and the bros go ecstatic. Satan wants to bring a bunch of cats, Asmo wants to throw a party, Levi is gonna stay up way later than his version of normal. Mammon decides to be the responsible one and tells them that he’s in charge and that none of that is going to happen while Luci is gone. The brothers don’t believe him, it’s scummy Mammon talking, who’s listening to him? Soon though, the lights go off and flicker on and off and on. Asmo starts complaining how the wifi won’t let him post anything on devilgram and Levi stupidly laughs talking about his backup wifi box in his room. Mammon pulls that same exact box, “This? It ain’t worth shit, let me sell it.” Levi goes to grab it as Mammon taunts him, pretending that he’s gonna throw it out the door.

Then a bright light appears, practically blinding them but only Mammon who is partially out the door can see it clearly before he slams it shut. Now the brothers are curious, hurling questions and Satan being the first one to reach for the door handle. Mammon transforms into his demon form and growls, something animalistic and feral.. Satan is even too shocked to be angry, the second oldest would never threaten any of them, especially in his form. “What’s going on? Why is Mammon acting like this?” While they whisper out loud, Levi is the first one to see Mammon’s shaking hands and his panicked breathing as his eyes shifted over each brother one by one as if mentally counting them. As if he could blink and one of them would disappear.. Levi is the first to approach Mammon and stops that the batted growl in his throat. “Mammon what’s wrong?” He speaks, but not in the language that the others can understand, but from their time in the Celestial Realm so long ago when they only had each other. He tries not to pay attention to the confusion on their faces, seeing that Mammon was searching for a way to reply and he found himself a fool for thinking that Mammon remembered until-

“Angels. Angels are attacking the Devildom.”

And Levi doesn’t want to believe it, his heart races and he begins to shake too, not even realizing that he had transformed into his demon form as well. The younger brothers are now even more worried, but all they can do is look at each other as the oldest in the room talking amongst themselves. “Leviathan, you know I’m not lying to you-” “Of course I know that! Mammon what do we do…how do we tell them? Oh…Lucifer.” His hands cover his mouth, blinking back tears of relief as Mammon shakes his head, “He ain’t…he’s strong. I still feel em’..the pact ain’t acting up.” The second-born pressing his back even closer to the door, growing explosions and now screams being heard from the outside. Satan has had enough, now seething with anger as he launches at Mammon only to be held back by Beel. “What the fuck are you hiding? What aren’t you tell us, Mammon?!” The burning in his gut was only fueled by the look he had gotten, just oozing with pity. From what? What the hell was happening out there?

The sudden slams at the door made them perk up, both eldest was muttering curses as Mammon held the door up and Levi began leading them away from the living room. “Get them out of here!” He growled, the heavenly aura too prominent to ignore. All of them are now in their demon forms ready to fight but being pushed away easily by Levi’s tail. “Where are we going? We need to help Mammon!” Asmo cried out, though gasping at the opening door by the bookcase in Lucifer’s room. “This will take you straight by Lord Diavalo’s castle. You should be able to get there safely..” It was odd to see such confidence and reassurance from their most withdrawn older brother, Levi offering them his most characteristic nervous smile. Satan was still thrashing in Beel’s hold, “Mammon can’t take all those angels by himself! You know that!” Leviathan smiled, nodding in agreement before shutting the door behind Belphie. Satan letting out an ear-piercing scream as the eldest brothers now locked away to fight on their own.

And how he can lose them to the Celestial Realm.


You started this, but thank you for encouraging me to post this @asterronomical
