#mammon angst


I just had a dream where instead of lilith dying Mammon died instead and basically everything was the same except for the fact mammon wasn’t MC’s descendent but was carrying mammon’s soul inside them… Great dream really.

So this kind person wanted a story about Mr money grabber no’ loiking da MC which I lauv becose angst is always welcome ‘ere (especially if it’s Mammón)

Then I thought 'bout it yeah?, cause loik it has to actually be good cause oim a people pleaser…. But it still isn’t…. AHAHA lol anyway. Enjoy. (P, s it’s in Mammons pov)


“Who CARES?! ”

Silence fills the room.

“Who cares if they’re dead, who cares if they’re alive, WHO THE FUCK CARES?! ”

now they’re really quite.

“I did all the work, ME, I DID EVERYTHING FOR THEM!, I made sure they didn’t die by the hands of another, because that was my job, I COULD CARE LESS IF THEY KILLED THEMSELF”

Levi stands up, staring at me in disbelief “you said you loved them, YOU SAID YOU CARED-”


Silence again.

“What?, ya actually thought I liked them?, that I wouldn’t use them to get my way?, and you say I’m the idiot”

I point at Levi “the only reason I didn’t kill 'em myself was because lucifer would have my head” scoffing I continue “if I had MY way, I would’ve killed MC the moment I saw them”

I shove him down to the floor “ya damn hypocrites, only difference between us is you started to care, I never did” pointing to myself I smiled while my laughter rings around the room “if anything they’ll be back soon… ” I stare at their dead corpse “and even then, they’ll still be a pain in my ass”

“Mammon… ”

“Do what ya want with them, burn them, burry them as long as I’m not involved, I don’t care”

“I’ve finished my job”

Saying that I closed the door walking out of the house.


friend I don’t know bout dis one, I actually had to think which is surprising

Ok thas it Bye Bye .


I just woke up and wanted to write about mammon getting tired of his brothers crap

It’s in mammons POV


Calm down


calm down


Just breathe

“L-listen Levi, I didn’t do it-”

“Yes you did!, it’s always your fault!” (He’s not listening)

“If you just admit it, we wouldn’t be in this situation”, Levi scoffed “give it up Mammon”

“ ”



My fault, eh?



My fucking fault



“Fucking asshole”

“What did you-?”, I came in contact with Levi’s throat strangling him while holding him above ground.

“I said you’re an asshole” smahing his head into the ground, I turned around to look at the Levi’s door slamming open, “WHAT DID YOU DO?! ” (now Lucifer’s yelling), I scoffed “Are ya blind?, I just smashed his face into the ground” Yanking Levi up I stare at all of them, “he’s still alive” throwing his limp body to the ground I glare at Lucifer “why?, did ya think I wasn’t capable? ” I step forward, they stepped back, they all look scared, even Lucifer

I began laughing “do you-do you think I can’t cause destruction? ”

Everyone’s staring now

“Do ya think I can’t do anything?”


I punch a hole right next to his face, staring straight at him “DO YA THINK I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!” …. He doesn’t look scared anymore, he looks…sad, guilty even “ya do, don’t ya?”….I’m crying now…

“Don’t you think that the way you guys treat me is unfair?”

I look down at my feet, tears falling freely. “I know I steal, I know lie” I look up at Lucifer “but you guys can be just as bad” I heaved “you guys can be just as cruel”

Lucifer steps closer “Mammom I-”

“Don’t ya think that maybe…”

“I should’ve taken Lilith’s place?”


That’s all I can think of now.

I might make a pt2 idk

Thanks for reading ✌

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Mammon actually died? Like, what would happen if he just unalived himself cause of the brothers?

(Note: some might be a bit ooc.)

LUCIFER: would probably isolate himself in his office, only coming out if he absolutely had to (ex, make sure that none of his other brothers don’t off themselves), drowning his sorrows in demonus, talking to thin air,if you listen closely, you can hear him wailing and sobbing for Mammon to come back.

“Please Mammon… I swear I’ll do better, just.. Please come back”

LEVIATHAN: would isolate himself as well, seeing as how he insults Mammon the most, he’d probably feels responsible for Mammon’s death and blames himself everytime he thinks of Mammon, (Lucifer and Beel check on him the most since he has the probability of offing himself to).

“It’s all my fault, if I hadn’t called him scumbag all the time all the time…if I had been nicer, he’d be here”

SATAN: I don’t really know what he would do but he’d be most likely to be angry. When he’s alone, he’d start thinking about Mammon and start smashing everything in his room while crying his eyes out, collapsing on the floor and just sit there, regretting everything he’s ever done to Mammon, silently crying into his hands.

“ I was only joking…I didn’t mean any of it…I didn’t mean it, it wasn’t meant to end like this.. ”

ASMODEUS: from what I remember, he actually told Mammon to die (I think it was in one of the lessons), so going off on that, he’d feel the most guilt for his suicide, he’d probably turn to his sin and go around sleeping with countless demons to take his mind off his brothers death. But once he’s sobered up just laying in his bed, he’d hug his pillow tight, asking Mammon for forgiveness saying how he didn’t mean it while crying his eyes out.

“Mammon… I’m sorry okay?, I didn’t mean anything I said… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…please forgive me”

BEELZEBUB: would feel the most responsible for his brother’s death, he never really iniciated any of the bullying, but he didn’t stop it either, guilt and remorse would eat him alive, he’d probably stop eating for weeks but then would binge eat for days on end, Beel would check on his brothers constantly as to make sure no one else dies, he already lost two, he can’t lose another.

“I should’ve done something…I didn’t even try to stop them.. I’m sorry Mammon.. I’m so sorry”

BELPHEGOR: Another brother I have know idea, he’d know that dreaming of his dead brother would do more harm than good but I think he wouldn’t want to wake up, he didn’t want to face the reality that his big brother wasn’t there, he’d much rather dream of his big brother being there.

“I don’t want to wake up… You can’t make me…he’s not here… I can’t deal with it… Not yet”



This was in my drafts for awhile, I made this at like 1 am, I was half asleep so it’s not the best, its not proofread either so it might be bad idk ( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖)

Anyways I’m hungry so I’m gonna eat a sandwich.

Sad times for Mams

Lucifer: you’re such an idiot

Mammon: *genuinely sad* I know…

Lucifer: Wait no hold on-

Thinking of making a short of mammon as mafuyu but I genuinely don’t know who would be kanade, Mizuki, and ena I need characters so tell me about ur obey me mc’s and I’ll use them


Mammon daughter of white au like if you agree

AU where one of the brothers die so mammon gains the power to go back in time but another one of the brothers die so mammon goes back in time again and basically it’s a loop and mammon just goes crazy so at one point he just says fuck it and becomes the entire universe (can u tell this was kinda inspired by madoka magic)
