

The Most Satisfying Feeling I Get from Learning Chinese

One of the most satisfying feelings I’ve experienced in learning Chinese is the feeling I get after hearing a new word and just *understanding* it. This isn’t that hard when reading (and that’s why we love 汉字), but when it comes to listening, it’s a whole different story. So the moments when I’ve heard a new word and intuitively known what 汉字 it consists of plus its meaning of have made me feel so accomplished. Over time I’ve jotted down some of these words, and I thought they would make a fun post.

  1. 迷失 míshī - to lose (one’s bearings) / to get lost
    I was able to understand this word thanks to knowing words like 迷路, 迷茫, 失去, and 消失. I first remember identifying this word in Escape Plan’s song 夜空中最亮的星.
  2. 旅途 lǚtú - journey / trip
    I know a lot of words with 旅 like 旅游, 旅行, and 旅程, and I was also familiar with 途 via 路途 and 前途. So 旅途 was very easy for me to understand.
  3. 心愿 xīnyuàn - cherished desire / dream / craving / wish / aspiration
    心愿 is similar in meaning to 愿望 and 意愿, which I already knew. I believe I first heard this word in the song 有点甜 by 汪苏泷 and BY2.
  4. 高傲 gāo'ào - arrogant / haughty / proud
    I heard this word in the song 寻宝 by 沈以诚. I’ve listened to this song many times, and one day it just clicked! It’s all thanks to the similar words 骄傲 and 傲慢.
  5. 安稳 ānwěn - smooth and steady
    There are so many words with 安 like 安定 and 平安. I also know some 稳 words, such as 稳定 and 平稳. So I was able to put two and two together for 安稳.
  6. 还原 huányuán - to restore to the original state / to reconstruct (an event)
    The meaning of 还 here is very familiar from 还给 and 还清. Also, I know a lot of words with 原: 原来, 原本, 原始, 原先.
  7. 选拔 xuǎnbá - to select the best
    There are so many 选 words I see all the time like 精选, 选举, and 选择. I also know 拔 from 拔苗助长 and 自拔, so I was able to piece together the overall meaning of 选拔.
  8. 解压 jiěyā - to relieve stress
    I’ve already learned the word 缓解 which is related in meaning. Also, I’ve learned 施压 (or 施加压力), which is basically the opposite of 解压.
  9. 感人 gǎnrén - touching / moving
    I think this word is pretty easy to put together if you know similar words like 感染, 感动, and 动人.
  10. 认输 rènshū - to concede / to admit defeat
    I distinctly remember hearing this word in the Tanya Chua song 救生圈. I think I was able to understand it thanks to knowing that 认 can mean to admit like in the words 承认 and 公认.

Here’s to many more of these satisfying moments in 2022!

i went out of my way to take screenshots of my notes to post them… 3 weeks ago smile

writing chinese characters in the margins helps me stay at least semi focused (as opposed to drawing/thinking of other things/sneaking peeks at memes) so a lot of my notes and the print outs i’m given in topology are just chock full of hanzi from basically HSK 1 (we’re using a taiwanese textbook)

somehow my middle-of-the-semester tests went well so that was nice and ive been managing to use notion to keep things organized for 2 months now


The past couple years I’ve been taking efforts to expose myself to traditional characters. But after 12+ years of primarily being exposed to simplified characters, the adjustment process is difficult. Let’s look at some characters that have made my life a bit more frustrating or that I’m thankful I never had to handwrite in Chinese classes!


NOTE: My intention with this post is not to disrespect traditional characters. Sometimes I find that traditional characters are more beautiful! And even though I use simplified characters, I have family members who use traditional. My goal is simply to poke fun at myself and my struggles :-)

丰 / 豐 - This traditional character probably isn’t that hard to write, but I know from writing 幽默的幽 that I am not good at writing characters where there are elements inside the 山 component. 

边 / 邊 - I was explaining the difference between simplified and traditional characters to someone. They asked me if I could write any traditional characters. I said that I probably could. I decided to try writing 邊. I soon realized I had literally no idea how to write it. 邊 and I are enemies now.

龟 / 龜 - I know a lot of people love this traditional character, but I butchered it so badly when my Chinese teacher made try to write it on the whiteboard. It haunts me to this day. I thought I understood strokes and stroke order well, but I look at 龜 and have no idea what is going on.

忧郁 / 憂鬱 - This doesn’t need an explanation. Writing 憂鬱 will make you 非常忧郁.

体 / 體 - This is a pretty common character, so I am very thankful I can get away with 体 instead of 體. My 骨s already don’t look great. A very thin 骨 would come out much worse.

铁 / 鐵 - In general I don’t like writing characters like 裁, 截, 戴, etc. because I am simply not good at getting the balance right. And the fact that the right side of 鐵 is so compressed/skinny is really just a recipe for disaster.

冲击 / 衝擊 - 6+5 strokes to 15+17 strokes? No way.

昼 / 晝 & 画 / 畫 & 书 / 書 & 划 / 劃 - I mentioned the first three of these in a recent post. I can’t really tell any of the traditional characters apart unless I put on my glasses and hold my face like an inch away from my laptop screen. 劃 is obviously more visually distinct, but I felt it should be grouped with its siblings. 10/10 not a fan.

为 / 為 / 爲 - 为 is so common—I really can’t imagine having to write so. many. strokes. every time I write 因为 or 为了 or whatever.

聋 / 聾 - Just 龙 to 龍 is already a lot. 龍 stacked on top of something else? I would not be able to cope. Poor 耳 will get squished down there!



Yoyo中文 – 参观秧秧的家里

来自:Yoyo Chinese Upper Intermediate Conversational Level 1 Unit 4


  • 主人 / zhǔ rén / host
  • 客人 / kè rén (ren) / guest
  • 参观 (參觀) / cān guān / to tour
  • 书房 (書-) / shū fáng / study (room)
  • 台 / tài / desk, flat platform
  • 股市 / gǔ shì / stock market
  • 打发时间(-發時間) / dǎ fa shī jiān / to kill time
  • 退休 / tuì xiū / to retire
  • 丰富 (豐-) / fēng fù / rich, abundant
  • 散步 / sàn bù / to take a walk
  • 孙子/女 (孫-) / sūn zi/nü / grandson/daughter (son’s children)
  • 钢琴 (鋼-) / gāng qín / piano
  • 琴 / qín / stringed instrument
  • 小提琴 / xiǎo tí qín / violin
  • 中提琴 / zhōng tí qí / viola
  • 大提琴 / dà tí qín / cello
  • 光 / guāng / only, merely
  • 各 / gè / every, each
  • 各种各样 (-種-樣) / gè zhǒng gè yàng / all different kinds of…
  • 卧室 (臥-) / wò shì / bedroom
  • 主卧 (-臥) / zhǔ wò / master bedroom
  • 由于 (-於) / yóu yú / because of, due to
  • 堆 / duī / to stack (measure word: pile, bunch)
  • 满 (滿) / mǎn / full, packed, completely, to reach the limit
  • 湘 / xiāng / abbreviation for Hunan province
  • 湘绣 (-繡)/ xiāng xiù / Hunan embroidery
  • 客厅 (-廳) / kè tīng / living room (literally: guest hall)
  • 仙鹤 (-鶴) / xiān hè / Chinese red-crowned crane
  • 牡丹花 / mǔ dān huā / Peony flower
  • 幅 / fú / measure word for paintings


(purple = new vocab; red= filler words)





这是秧秧的房间。她的。 她很喜欢这些东西,所以她爸爸走到什么地方,就给她去买一些东西。








Literal Translation: to mark the boat to seek the sword

Individual Characters:

  • 刻 (kè) : to cut/carve
  • 舟 (zhōu) : boat
  • 求 (qiú) : to seek
  • 剑 (jiàn) : sword


There was a man from Chu (楚国) who was very set in his ways. He’d copy actions exactly as he saw other people do them without adapting to different situations. One day, when he was on a mountain, he saw a woodcutter drop his ax into the underbrush below. The man marked where he had dropped it before climbing down; he was easily able to find his ax by looking at his marking.

Later, when the man from Chu was crossing a river using a ferry, he dropped his sword into the water. The ferryman offered to stop so the man could retrieve his sword, but the man refused. He cut a mark into the side of the boat where he had dropped the sword. When the boat docked, he dove into the water to look for his sword, using his mark as a guide. He was unable to find the sword since the boat had long since passed the spot where he dropped the sword, and his sword was lost to the river.

Figurative Meaning:

刻舟求剑 means to act while ignoring circumstances/acting rigidly

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尚有  - shàngyǒu  - still have - 你的工作尚有改进的余地;伤亡之外,尚有多人失踪

失言 -shīyán  - slip of my tongue / put my foot in my mouth - 仅仅是矢言罢了;提及她的前夫是有点令人难堪的矢言

传开 - chuánkāi - to spread, disseminate (news) - 丑闻传开;这消息是口头传开的

喉咙 -hóulóng -  throat - 喉咙痛;他清了清喉咙;喉咙痒

分心  -fēnxīn  - distracted,claim attention - 他很容易分心;工作的时候要是有人看着就会分心

无能为力 -néngwéi  - helpless,can’t do anything - 没有他的支持,我感到无能为力;她觉得遭到了抛弃而且无能为力

定局 - dìng -  foregone conclusion,inevitable outcome - 事情还没定局;现在为时已晚,来不及回头,事情已成定局了

筹谋 -chóumóu  - plan and prepare;scheme - 梅长苏是一位为家人复仇而筹谋多年的角色;她变成了为复仇而精心筹谋的刺客

无可奈何 -nài  - feel completely helpless;have no way out - 失败者无可奈何地认输了;她最后露出了一丝无可奈何的微笑

急躁 -zào -  impatient,rash,irritable - 他往往反应过火,急躁冲动;耐心点,不要太急躁!

先机 -xiān  - decisive moment,first chance - 所以你用假死来抢占先机?;我们相抢占先机

呵斥 -chì  - berate,reproach - 父亲呵斥孩子不听话;“呆在这里别动” 我低声呵斥他

大街小巷 -jiēxiǎoxiàng  -  lit. ‘large streets and small alleyways’, used like ‘streets’ - 大街小巷寂无一人;似乎一下子就遍布大街小巷了

偏宠 -piānchǒng  - show particular favour to smb - 父皇偏宠与我;师兄自幼便偏宠与我,但是我却未必要受他恩惠

借口 -jièkǒu - excuse - 你不干就算了,何必找借口!;她不积极参加训练,却借口没有好的运动鞋

喊冤 -hǎnyuān -  cry out grievance - 喊冤叫屈;他向大众喊冤

真伪 -zhēnwěi - authenticity;genuine or false - 这个理论非常有争议,并且无法证明真伪

差事 - chaìshì - task, errand - 她有一个更加紧急的差事要办;让他通知失败者,真不是什么好差事

斟酒 -zhēnjiǔ - pour alcohol - 主人以次给来宾斟酒;把杯子排好,我来镇酒

跟风 -gēnfēng - follow the way the wind is blowing (politics); follow suit - 如果美国在议题上作出决定,澳大利亚马上跟风;许多人认为这只是一种跟风

事到如今 -shìdàojīn  - under the circumstances; at this point - 事到如今,我还怎么相信你?;事到如今,再多钱也救不了你了

决断 -juéduàn -  resolute,decisive,decide - 那个人缺乏决断力;去还是留,难以决断

放逐 -fàngzhú  - exile,banish - 他被放逐到一个很远的地方;将他们放逐某个荒岛上去吗?

As ever, if you spot any mistakes, please let me know!!


聊天的词 8

I’ve started using Tandem again and made some new friends!! And learned so new vocab~


  • 符号(-號)/ fú hào / symbol, mark
  • 部首 / bù shǒu / radical (of a Chinese character)
  • 编织 (編織) / biān zhī / to weave, knit
  • 布料 / bù liào / cloth, material
  • 內容 (內-) / nèi róng / content, substance, details
  • 规定 (規-) / guī dìng / rule, regulation; to prescribe
  • 执照 (執-) / zhí zhào / license, permit
  • 诊所 (診-) / zhěn suǒ / clinic
  • 吞咽困难 (-嚥-難) / tūn yàn kùn nan / dysphagia (swallowing disorder)
  • 中风 (-風) / zhòng fēng / to have a stroke
  • 学期 (學-) / xué qī / semester, school term
  • 嗓音 / sǎng yīn / voice
  • 发达 (發達) / fā dá / developed (country), flourishing
  • 岗位 (崗-) / gǎng wèi / job, post, station
  • 神圣 (-聖) / shén shèng / sacred, holy

Sentences with English translation below:

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神秘莫测(shen2mi4mo4ce4) : mysterious and unpredictable

(shi4): oath/vow (n); swear/pledge (v)

永远(yong3yuan3): always/forever

自尽(zi4jin4) : commit suicide

描述(miao2shu4): describe

总之(zong3zhi1) : in short; anyways

降生(jiang4sheng1): be born

(peng4): bump/touch; meet/run into; have a try

(shuai1): fall/tumble; break; throw/fling

短暂(duan3zan4): brief

前半生(qian2ban4sheng1) : first half of one’s life

舞蹈(wu3dao3): dance (n); perform a dance (v)

武术(wu3shu4) : a type of martial arts

以及(yi3ji2) : as well as

(yue4) : jump over; exceed

(chang2): taste; experience

终于(zhong1yu2) : finally

照顾(zhao4gu) : give consideration to; care for

(fan2) : be vexed/irritated (used in the show as “I hate you”)

丢脸(diu1lian3) : lose face/disgraced/embarassed


Heyyo 大家好!

I’ve had this song on repeat in my playlist lately and I thought I’d share it with y’all :)

Oh and here’s some of the vocab I got too:

| cún - to exist, survive; to accumulate, collect, reserve, harbor

小心翼翼 | xiǎo xīn yì yì - very cautiously

轻易|qīng yì - easily, lightly, rashly

渺小|miǎo xiǎo - tiny, insignificant, negligible

能耐|néng nài - ability, capability, competence

揭开|jiē kāi - to uncover, reveal, open

伤疤|shāng bā - a scar, bitter or unmentionable past, a past mistake or humiliation

|méng - to cover; to deceive, hide the truth

|táo - to run away, escape, flee

灯塔|dēng tǎ - lighthouse, beacon

解答|jiě dá - to answer, explain



[ yīshùnjiān ] - in the twinkling of an eye




In your Chinese studies you’ve probably learned: 红色、橙色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、紫色、灰色、白色、黑色、咖啡色、粉红色

But there are so many beautiful colors out there! Let’s learn some more. These are color terms I’ve come across outside Chinese class.

In general you can indicate a light shade with 浅 and a dark shade with 深. I have also seen 墨 for dark and 淡 for light, but when I Googled various color terms, there were more results for 浅 and 深 than 淡 and 墨.

I spent way too much time messing with HTML to color the text to match (except for the shades of white).

  • 褐色 hèsè - brown
  • 橘黄色 júhuángsè - orange
  • 奶油色 nǎiyóusè - cream
  • 金黄色 jīnhuángsè - gold color
  • 朱红色 zhūhóngsè - vermilion
  • 米色 mǐsè - beige
  • 棕色 zōngsè - brown
  • 青色 qīngsè - cyan / blue-green
  • 灰白 huībái - light gray / ash-colored
  • 蔚蓝 wèilán - azure / sky blue
  • 纯白 chúnbái - pure white
  • 雪白 xuěbái - snow white
  • 洁白 jiébái - spotlessly white / pure white
  • 漆黑 qīhēi - pitch-black
  • 铜色 tóngsè - copper
  • 乌黑 wūhēi - jet-black / dark
  • 靛色 diànsè - indigo (color)
  • 金色 jīnsè - golden / gold (color)
  • 银色 yínsè - silver (color)

Here are some single characters I’ve seen as well. Some of these are commonly used in names, like 彤 and 丹.

  • 彤 tóng - red
  • 丹 dān - red / pellet / powder / cinnabar
  • 缇 tí - orange-red silk / orange-red colored
  • 赤 chì - red / scarlet / bare / naked
  • 碧 bì - green jade / bluish green / blue / jade
  • 翠 cuì - bluish-green / green jade
  • 皓 hào - bright / luminous / white (esp. bright white teeth of youth or white hair of old age)
  • 颢 hào - bright / white
  • 玄 xuán - black / mysterious

彤, 丹, and 缇 are all described as a red-orange color. I’m not really sure of the difference, so I just made them all the same shade. I’m also unclear on exact distinction between 褐色 and 棕色. Image search results certainly suggest that they are used differently. Not sure how 咖啡色 fits in either.

I stumbled across this giant Wikipedia table with many beautiful colors that you can check out to learn more!

Both 彤 and 丹 are the same reddish colour as in cinnabar. 丹 means cinnabar while 彤 means decorated with cinnabar.

Except in the case 丹桂, which the flower is orange.

缇 means yellowish red, as in a yellower 丹, but it is very similar to 丹 and not 赤.

褐 and 棕 can be used interchangeably nowadays to refer to brown colour, but originally 棕 is a type of 褐. 咖啡色 is a modern word, as in the colour of coffee. The following are all brown colour. 咖啡色 is usually the one on the left.

棕 is the colour of hair of a palm tree. It is a bit reddish.

Extended reading:

This person recommended some books and websites for traditional Chinese colour.


YoYo中文 – 寒暄 Small Talk

来自:Yoyo Chinese Upper Intermediate Conversational Level 1 Unit 3

From now on, I will be including traditional characters as well as simplified in my notes! Traditional are in parentheses, wish dashes indicating the characters are the same in traditional form, just to keep things consistent with how Pleco does it!


  • 寒暄 / hán xuān / small talk, greetings
  • 辛苦 / xīn kǔ / hard, strenuous
  • 焦虑 (-慮) / jiāo lü(4) / anxious
  • 要不然 / yào bù rán / otherwise
  • 适应 (適應) / shì yìng / to adapt, get used to
  • 安定 / ān dìng / sedative
  • 安眠药 (–藥) / ān mián yào / sleeping pill
  • 不管 / bù guǎn / no matter
  • 不管怎么样都 (—麼樣-) / bù guǎn zěn me yàng dōu / no matter what/how, regardless of





*然后 is a filler word here

下面有英文翻译 English Translation Below:

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Phrase of the day:

雞同鴨講 jītóngyājiǎng / talking without communicating, people not understanding each other

Seen in the wild in this sentence: 「訪問者和受訪者很高興地雞同鴨講」

ksmaggie:Health is wealth!Please be kind to animals!ksmaggie:Health is wealth!Please be kind to animals!


Health is wealth!
Please be kind to animals!

Post link


尚有  - shàngyǒu  - still have - 你的工作尚有改进的余地;伤亡之外,尚有多人失踪

失言 -shīyán  - slip of my tongue / put my foot in my mouth - 仅仅是矢言罢了;提及她的前夫是有点令人难堪的矢言

传开 - chuánkāi - to spread, disseminate (news) - 丑闻传开;这消息是口头传开的

喉咙 -hóulóng -  throat - 喉咙痛;他清了清喉咙;喉咙痒

分心  -fēnxīn  - distracted,claim attention - 他很容易分心;工作的时候要是有人看着就会分心

无能为力 -néngwéi  - helpless,can’t do anything - 没有他的支持,我感到无能为力;她觉得遭到了抛弃而且无能为力

定局 - dìng -  foregone conclusion,inevitable outcome - 事情还没定局;现在为时已晚,来不及回头,事情已成定局了

筹谋 -chóumóu  - plan and prepare;scheme - 梅长苏是一位为家人复仇而筹谋多年的角色;她变成了为复仇而精心筹谋的刺客

无可奈何 -nài  - feel completely helpless;have no way out - 失败者无可奈何地认输了;她最后露出了一丝无可奈何的微笑

急躁 -zào -  impatient,rash,irritable - 他往往反应过火,急躁冲动;耐心点,不要太急躁!

先机 -xiān  - decisive moment,first chance - 所以你用假死来抢占先机?;我们相抢占先机

呵斥 -chì  - berate,reproach - 父亲呵斥孩子不听话;“呆在这里别动” 我低声呵斥他

大街小巷 -jiēxiǎoxiàng  -  lit. ‘large streets and small alleyways’, used like ‘streets’ - 大街小巷寂无一人;似乎一下子就遍布大街小巷了

偏宠 -piānchǒng  - show particular favour to smb - 父皇偏宠与我;师兄自幼便偏宠与我,但是我却未必要受他恩惠

借口 -jièkǒu - excuse - 你不干就算了,何必找借口!;她不积极参加训练,却借口没有好的运动鞋

喊冤 -hǎnyuān -  cry out grievance - 喊冤叫屈;他向大众喊冤

真伪 -zhēnwěi - authenticity;genuine or false - 这个理论非常有争议,并且无法证明真伪

差事 - chaìshì - task, errand - 她有一个更加紧急的差事要办;让他通知失败者,真不是什么好差事

斟酒 -zhēnjiǔ - pour alcohol - 主人以次给来宾斟酒;把杯子排好,我来镇酒

跟风 -gēnfēng - follow the way the wind is blowing (politics); follow suit - 如果美国在议题上作出决定,澳大利亚马上跟风;许多人认为这只是一种跟风

事到如今 -shìdàojīn  - under the circumstances; at this point - 事到如今,我还怎么相信你?;事到如今,再多钱也救不了你了

决断 -juéduàn -  resolute,decisive,decide - 那个人缺乏决断力;去还是留,难以决断

放逐 -fàngzhú  - exile,banish - 他被放逐到一个很远的地方;将他们放逐某个荒岛上去吗?

As ever, if you spot any mistakes, please let me know!!


Song: 《左手陪右手》by 雷拉 (Layla Sania)

繁体 - 简体 - en

人分 - 人分 [rén fèn] - person-portion

失眠 - 失眠 [shī mián] - insomnia; sleeplessness

浮沉 - 浮沉 [fú chén] - to drift along; to sink & emerge

墨 - 墨 [mò] - ink

子夜 - 子夜 [zǐ yè] - midnight

瓦解 - 瓦解 [wǎ jiě] - to collapse, to crumble

翻越 - 翻越 [fān yuè] - to surmount, to transcend

季節 - 季节 [jì jié] - time, period, season

漸漸  - 渐渐 [jiàn jiàn] - gradually

出走 - 出走 [chū zǒu] - to run away, to leave home

處在 - 处在 [chǔ zài] - to be situated in

搖晃 - 摇晃 [yáo huàng] - to rock, to sway, to shack

折疊 - 折叠 [zhé dié] - to fold

蜿蜒 - 蜿蜒 [wān yán] - to wriggle, winding

見證 - 见证 [jiàn zhèng] - witness, testimony, evidence

轉捩 - 转捩 [zhuǎn liè] - to turn

征服 - 征服 [zhēng fú] - to conquer, to subdue

範圍 - 范围 [fàn wéi] - to range, to scope, to limite

捍衛 - 捍卫 [hàn wèi] - to defend, to guard, to protect

無須 - 无须 [wú xū] - needlessly

難解 - 难解 [nán jiě] - hard to solve, hard to undo

結 - 结 [jié] - knot, bind

本質 - 本质 [běn zhì] - essence, nature

蔚藍 - 蔚蓝 [wèi lán] - azure, sky blue

仍 - 仍 [réng] - still, yet, to remain

期盼 - 期盼 [qī pàn] - to anticipate, to look forward to

盞 - 盏 [zhǎn] - classifier for lamps


Check out part 1,part 2, and part 3.

Time for 20 more words I’ve noticed popping up in Mandopop songs! Combined with parts 1-3, that makes 80 words total that you can learn.

  • 荒芜 huāngwú - left to return to unchecked growth / overgrown / grown wild
  • 颓废 tuífèi - decadent / dispirited / depressed / dejected
  • 摧毁 cuīhuǐ - to destroy / to wreck
  • 环游 huányóu - to travel around (the world, a country etc)
  • 麻醉 mázuì - anesthesia / (fig.) to poison (sb’s mind)
  • 誓言 shìyán - to pledge / to promise / oath / vow
  • 往事 wǎngshì past events / former happenings
  • 倔强 juéjiàng - stubborn / obstinate / unbending
  • 释放 shìfàng - to release / to set free / to liberate (a prisoner) / to discharge
  • 平行 píngxíng - parallel / of equal rank / simultaneous
  • 短暂 duǎnzàn - of short duration / brief / momentary (TW pr. duǎnzhàn)
  • 宿命 sùmìng - fate / predestination / karma
  • 脸颊 liǎnjiá - cheek
  • 反省 fǎnxǐng - to reflect upon oneself / to examine one’s conscience / to question oneself / to search one’s soul
  • 翻来覆去 fānláifùqù - to toss and turn (sleeplessly) / again and again
  • ​​翱翔 áoxiáng - to soar / to wheel about in the sky
  • 防备 fángbèi -to guard against
  • 好感 hǎogǎn - good opinion / favorable impression
  • 酒窝 jiǔwō - dimple
  • 诚恳 chéngkěn - sincere / honest / cordial

Something I haven’t done in past posts but thought would be fun to do this time is share some of the songs that I heard these words in! See them under the cut.



there are….going to be a lot of these. I have three more in my drafts so hold on. as ever, any corrections please let me know!!!

疏忽 - shu1 hu - negligence, oversight

看透- kan4tou4 - see through, understand thoroughly, gain insight into

出出气- chu1chu1qi4 - take out (your anger, energy etc)

清闲- qing1xian2 - at leisure, idle

复位- fu4wei4 - to be reinstated to a previous position (here, the Crown Prince’s mother), to reset

用不着 - yong4 bu zhao2 - have no use for, not need (to argue, shout)

开恩 - kai1en1 - be merciful, bestow favours etc (e.g. 谢陛下开恩 said to the emperor after he has approved a request et)

衣裙- yi1qun2 - (female) clothing, dress, robe 

偏差 - pian1cha1 - deviation, departure (from norm, here the end of year rites)

上风 - shang4feng1 - ‘upwind’ i.e. superior position, advantage

占了上风 - zhan1 le shang4feng1 - to have the upper hand

胡言乱语 - hu2yan2luan4yu3 - to talk nonsense

放肆!- fang4si4 - preposterous/impertinent/audacious! (an Angry Expression)

详查 - xiang2cha2 - detailed investigation, sift through

辩论 - bian4lun4 - debate

恩准 - en1zhun3 - ‘mercifully granted’ i.e. here approved by the emperor

恩仇 - en1chou2 - ‘debt of gratitude and revenge’…not really sure what this means but they say it a lot lmao

借此 - ji4ci3 - by means of, using i.e. 我想借此机会感谢blah blah blah

册封- ce4feng1 - to confer (noble) titles , invest with rank

出一分力 - chu1 yi fen1 li4 - to make a contribution

怠慢 - dai4man3 - neglect, slight, cold-shoulder (Prince Yu being a housewife)

炭火 - tan4huo3 - coal fire

见礼 - jian4li3 - to greet (at first meeting)

成败- cheng2bai4 - success or failure 

诡 - gui3 - cunning, deceitful

广布- guang3bu4 - widely distributed

谋面 - mou2mian4 - to meet (从未谋面)

足下 - zu2xia2 - second person pronoun, ‘you’ (e.g. 足下以为如何?/ 生我者父母,知我者足下。)


- 梅晨曦


Some chinese resources (found in this article: https://kaohongshu.blog/2019/12/03/should-i-read-chinese-texts-above-my-level/

Where do I find suitable online reading resources?

Free online resources:

  • My Chinese Reading (all levels) *I’ve used this it’s great, especially as graded reading material that gradually increases in difficulty in a manageable way
  • Mandarin Bean (all levels)
  • HSK reading (all levels) *Just looked, seems good for finding graded reading material specific to HSK level
  • Chinese Reading Practice (all levels) *I’ve used this, also great for graded reading material that manageably increases in difficulty
  • Just learn Chinese (all levels)


Vocab List

人生 [rénshēng] - life

伟大 [wĕidà] - great, mighty, grand

冒险 [màoxiăn] - adventure

生活 [shēnghuó] - life

睡眠 [shuìmián] - sleep

之间 [zhījiān] - between

舒适 [shūshì] - comfortable

必需品 [bìxūpĭn] - necessity
