#mandarin chinese


These words are so fun to me! They are truly just fun to say. There are also A TON of words with this ABB pattern, so I’m only listing 20 that I’m familiar with. Please enjoy them :)

  1. 空荡荡 kōngdàngdàng - absolutely empty / complete vacuum
  2. 孤零零 gūlínglíng - lone / isolated and without help / all alone / solitary
  3. 毛茸茸 máorōngrōng or máoróngróng - hairy / shaggy
  4. 肉乎乎 ròuhūhū - plump / fleshy
  5. 阴森森 yīnsēnsēn - gloomy / gruesome / ghastly
  6. 热腾腾 rèténgténg or rètēngtēng - steaming hot / bustling / hectic / excited / stirred up
  7. 阴沉沉 yīnchénchén - dark (weather, mood)
  8. 香喷喷 xiāngpēnpēn - delicious / savory
  9. 空洞洞 kōngdòngdòng - empty / deserted
  10. 赤裸裸 chìluǒluǒ - bare / naked / plain / undisguised / unadorned
  11. 笑盈盈 xiàoyíngyíng - smilingly / to be all smiles
  12. 眼睁睁 yǎnzhēngzhēng - to stare blankly / to look on helplessly / to look on unfeelingly
  13. 笑嘻嘻 xiàoxīxī - grinning / smiling
  14. 甜蜜蜜 tiánmìmì - very sweet
  15. 黑乎乎 hēihūhū - black / blackened / dark / dim / blurry
  16. 绿葱葱 lǜcōngcōng - green and luxuriant
  17. 急匆匆 jícōngcōng - hurried / hasty
  18. 笑眯眯 xiàomīmī - beaming / all smiles
  19. 湿淋淋 shīlínlín - dripping wet / drenched
  20. 光闪闪 guāngshǎnshǎn - shiny / gleaming / brilliant