#mandarin chinese vocabulary


FANXYRED - 守望星 song vocabulary

vocabulary difficulty around HSK 4+


守望星 - a star to watch over

守望 (shǒuwàng) to keep watch

融化 (rónghuà) melt / thaw (i.e. snow, ice)

看似 (kànsì) to look as if / seem

虐 (nüè) harsh / cruel (i.e. 虐心 means heart breaking)

剩下 (shèngxia) left (over), remains

拨 (bō) move or adjust, push aside (in this context escape)

沉迷 (chénmí) multiple meanings, in this context: an addiction

沦陷 (lúnxiàn) to give up to a stronger “enemy” force; to succumb

颗 (kē) mw used for round things, in this context: a star

坚毅 (jiānyì) persistently; unrelentlessly

倔强 (juéjiàng) stubbornly

念念不忘 (niànniàn bùwàng) (idiom) constantly baring in mind

暖色 (nuǎnsè) warm coloured

穿越 (chuānyè) to pass through / cut across

偶尔 (ǒu'ěr) occasional

不计 (bùjì) disregard

较 (jiào) multiple meanings, in this context: fuss; dispute

不辜负每一秒 (bù gūfù měi yī miǎo) make every moment count; (lit. live up to every second)

至少 (zhìshǎo) at least

在回顾时候 (zài huígù shíhou) in retrospect

跌倒 (diēdǎo) fall

必不可少 (bìbù kěshǎo) (idiom) absolutely necessary; indispensable

荒原 (huāngyuán) wilderness

迷茫 (mímáng) to lose one’s way

收藏 (shōucáng) to collect & store

瞬间 (shùnjiān) in an instant; split second, blink of an eye
