#mando ramblo


I’m already getting emotional over the recap.

If I never see Ezra Bridger hug Jacen Syndulla on screen then what was even The Point™️

Torturous as it is I must wait to watch episode 2 until tomorrow…

Why are these kidnapper types always so incompetent.

If Leia wasn’t a proper Disney Princess before then she definitely is now.

This little girl perfectly captured Leia. The Grand Inquisitor’s actor should’ve taken some notes from her.

Fifth Brother is sick of being upstaged by his more competent female colleague and has no idea it will continue with the Seventh Sister.

Shows you how pathetic in the Force the Inquisitors really are that they couldn’t sense Obi-Wan standing two feet from them.

Owen is a sass master and he doesn’t deserve the frying that’s coming his way.

Alderaan palace really needs better security…

Ben tells the poor Jedi kid to toss his lightsaber yet he’s still holding onto Anakin’s…

No wonder Owen doesn’t like Ben, I also wouldn’t be too thrilled if a weird hermit who possibly committed war crimes once was creepily watching my 10-year-old nephew with binoculars.

This show may finally break my years-long streak of avoiding becoming a Kenobi simp because my man looks good.

Really wish the actor would’ve watched Rebels to prepare for the role because he did not capture Grand Quizzy’s voice well at all.

Good Force I should’ve known they’d open with Order 66. What is this, the fifth time?
