#grand inquisitor



i think it’s both hilarious and sad that a movie that came out 20 years ago from a trilogy that is constantly mocked for being 70% outdated cgi can make better alien designs that a multibillionaire company with super cum high definition 4k cutting edge technology in 2022.

Hey so I get what you are trying to say but I’ve been seeing this pointed out nonstop since the trailer released (which has only been a day but I’ve seen it a lot)

So yes, the Pau’an and Togruta prosthetics in the prequels DO look a lot more detailed and high quality compared to what we are seeing from recent live action Star Wars. But there is a reason for that.

Back in the Prequel era, if an alien character had any screentime that exceeded 5 minutes, they were CG. Think Dex Jetster, the Kaminoans, or Wato.

In instances like with the Pau’an officials that Obi Wan meets in Ep III, and the few close ups we have of Shaak Ti the Togruta, those scenes are extremely brief, lasting 2 minutes max.

Why? Because prosthetics that detailed and high quality are a burden for actors to wear for extended periods of time.Yeah they all look amazing but try actually moving around in all that. Why do you think the Pau’an official doesn’t even move his neck the entire time? The prosthetics on his head, face and neck allow for very minimal mobility. .

When you use practical prosthetics, you have two options: Sacrifice details of the makeup, or sacrifice mobility of the actors.

The Grand Inquisitor and Ahsoka are main characters. They have to not only be in that makeup for hours and hours for filming, but they also have to speak, emote, act, and do fight scenes. Their prosthetics not only have to allow for all this, but that have to be sturdy enough to handle that much wear and tear. Their roles demand so much more physicality.

Compare that to prequel era alien design that used practical effects where the most mobility demanded was sitting or standing in place, nodding their heads, or leaning down to whisper to another character.

I’m not trying to bash the work of the creators and actors of the prequels. They do all look fantastic. But the reality is that they serve a different purpose. They are set pieces at best.

It’s like comparing and Avant Garde fashion show to the launch of a high end line of clothes. The Avant Garde show is flashy and fantastical and a piece of art. But you can’t wear those clothes anywhere else but on that runway. But a clothing line fashion show is all about the beauty of clothes you can put on and wear out. You can go to a dinner or a party in those dresses.

I could also go into how these designs are much better for the comfort and safety of the actors who have to wear them. But I’ve already ranted enough. Just look up what the actors for monster movies like the Xenonorph from Alien had to go through (Really any creature actors throughout film history). Then tell me again how they should be putting Rosario Dawson and Rupert Friend in 20 pounds of latex and rubber for 12 hours a day under bright studio lights and then telling them “Okay now do a complex ninja sword fight for 15 takes”

TLDR: Practical effects need to actually be practical for whatever situation they are being used in.

The lightsabers of Obi-Wan Kenobi, from the official Twitter account

Really wish the actor would’ve watched Rebels to prepare for the role because he did not capture Grand Quizzy’s voice well at all.

It’s always nice to be missed… unless it’s by Darth Vader…


plot twist: the grand inquisitor really does die and in the next episode we meet the NEW grand inquisitor, his brother with a taller narrower head played by jason isaacs

I am really enjoying this show. Both episodes dropped earlier than expected which I really enjoyed. Guess Disney wanted the last laugh before Stranger Things arrives. Deborah Chow is a great director btw. She really delivered. Anyways, I’ll just share my thoughts on both episodes.

Ewan McGregor is phenomenal as always. He IS Obi-Wan. Seeing Obi-Wan so broken and beaten honestly tugged at my heartstrings. I also loved how the episodes captured the feeling of being on the run and beaten after losing everything. I teared up a bit in the first episode. This man needs a hug.

The rest of the cast is great too! Joel Edgerton is really good as Owen and Moses Ingram’s Reva is very interesting. She really reminds me of Trilla from Jedi: Fallen Order. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store for her character. Even Rupert Friend did a great job. Although, the makeup still looks a bit dodgy and I’ll always prefer Rebels’ version of the character. In Rebels, he was scary. In Kenobi, he’s chilling but the makeup is kinda throwing me off. 

The environments were great too! Star Wars never fails to wow me with its visuals. 

Both episodes were a lot of fun to watch, delivering on great acting and dialogue. Although not action heavy, there are still some great sequences. Honestly, I think my only nitpick would be the Grand Inquisitor not being as intimidating as his animated counterpart but that’s just me. 

Ok folks, I’ll see y’all with my Stranger Things reaction but I wanted to share my Kenobi thoughts since I wasn’t expecting both episodes to drop early. Enjoy the show and may the force be with you!

I guess the Grand Inquisitor is going to get rushed to the Imperial med bay after Reva stabbed him where he also gets elective plastic surgery to make his head longer. Otherwise, canon is broken.

I do really like the Obi-Wan Kenobi series overall, but I do hope they patch up this disconnect between Obi-Wan KenobiandStar Wars: Rebels.


Grand Inquisitor: Reva, no!


“there are some things far more frightening than death” was and still is one of the most metal lines in star wars ever


This biggest and dumbest mistake any actor could make.
