

Why the hell does the official Mando'a dictionary have a word for the Kaminoans (Kaminiise), but not for clones?

80′s, 90′s synth music tangent lead to this Sabine X vaporwave aesthetic X Alphonse Mucha poster thi

80′s, 90′s synth music tangent lead to this Sabine X vaporwave aesthetic X Alphonse Mucha poster thing.

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From the Book of Boba Fett. An honorable tribute to the fallen Tuskens in full Mandalorian Language, Mando'a.


Bob'ika ijaat teh aliit verd'a.

Some Random Mando'a Thoughts

While Manda has been defined to be a very spiritual word (used to describe the soul of a person, divine right, collective soul, etc.) Mando has not. It’s far less frequently used as well. Mando is used to for naming the Language, Mandalorians, and Mandalorian-like behaivor (mandorkar/mandokarla).

So I think Mando, as opposed to Manda, might be a more action-focused. You speak Mando'a, you act Mandokar, you choose to be Mando'ad. Manda is a state of being, Mando is a choice.

(Also Mando might actually be Mando'a for ‘the way’? Especially since Star Wars uses a lot of Asian cultural influnces and -do in words such as Judo and Kendo can mean 'the way of’. Maybe Mando is actually two words Manda and something -do. Mando used to Man'do and whatever the -do word was became archaic to the point Mando became its own word. Idk, I’m wildy guessing at this point)


Foundling! I think Foundling in Mando'a might be Mar'eyad or Mar'eyade. (Mar'eyla? Mar'eyl'ika?)

Mar'eyir is the verb for discover, find. Mar'eyce is “discovery, something found at last, a state of heaven”. Mar'e is an exclaimation of relief “at last!”.

So between the context of word and the general circunstances of how Mandalorians get Foundlings (war orphans from combat zones) it tracks in my brain. The relief, the joy. The potential beginnings or brief meeting before parting again (when reuniting child with thier people). I dunno, it feels right.

On that note maybe… Mar'ey'buir or something to denote Foster parent and/or 'Founder’. Something along those lines? Mostly used for clarification when dealing with multiple buire or explaining how one came to join a certain family.

I dunno, feel free to chime in and discuss. Languages aren’t my forte.
