#manticore x femreader


It’s been awhile since I wrote a full fledged story! I stopped myself at nearly 2k words. But! This one features a Manticore working at an animal shelter who adores cats! Meanwhile the reader loves dogs! *Disclaimer: None of the pictures are mine, all credit goes to original artists! 

If you like my work and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST! 

-Requests and Matchups are CLOSED TEMPORARILY! 

The sound of dogs barking made a smile spread across your features as you pulled open the doors to the shelter. Sighing in content, you began to make your way down the steps to the dog ward where some of your favorite residents were. Greeting several of the other workers, you grabbed a leash and headed straight towards your favorite shelter dog, an older mixed breed that only had one eye and several scars along his body with soft brown fur. The dog, Buster, immediately perked up as he had seen you approaching, his tail thumped against the bars of his cage and he woofed quietly at you. 

“I know, it’s been a bit huh?” You said as you opened the cage doors and immediately kneeled down to pet Buster as he leaned his whole weight onto your legs, once you had kneeled down however, he crawled into your lap practically demanding belly rubs. Which you were more than happy to provide as he attempted to lick your hands while he was laying on his back, it only made you laugh at the expression he had while you gave him affection. 

“You wanna go for a walk?” You questioned, immediately Buster scrambled to his feet and jumped up on his back legs excitedly with a louder bark that caused several of the others to bark in unison, all the workers collectively working on trying to get them to quiet down. 

“Buster, inside voice.” You commanded, the dog quieting his barks to something much more manageable. You thanked him and then gave him a treat before clipping the leash onto his collar, leading him outside of the cage and shutting the door behind you. “Ready to go?” 

He wagged his tail and woofed in response, giving what you assumed was a yes. Though as you made your way towards the steps, you huffed softly as a figure was coming down them. “Luciene, what are you doing down here?” You asked the manticore as he was walking by you. 

“Heading to the isolation award. New cats are here.” He responded with a huff as he spared you a glance. “You know that we get new ones every week.” He stated matter-of-factly as he headed through the doorway. 

The pair of you had been in a weird limbo ever since he had started working here, you had tried to introduce him to several of the dogs, including Buster but he had told you that he preferred cats to dogs and would rather stay away from dogs. In a way, you had taken offense since Buster was your favorite, and everyone had loved him. You had decidedly ignored Luciene whenever he was around, and the same had gone for him. Only the staff had tried to get you two to talk on more than one occasion and it had never worked out the way that you had hoped, you never held a fondness for cats like what Luciene did, it was hard to talk when he talked about the shelter cats, though you supposed you only talked about the dogs. 

Letting your thoughts wander, you let Buster lead the way up the steps and towards the front door where he had pushed it open with his front paws. You followed him out, glancing around before deciding to take a path different from the usual route, Buster glanced back at you with a questioning look but walked right beside you and kept pace. He paused occasionally to sniff at the ground, which you let him, before continuing on your way. 

That is, until you heard soft cries coming from a bunch of bushes off of the dirt path you and Buster had turned onto. You paused briefly, glancing around before the cries grew in volume. Desperate. Whatever it was, it was desperate. It only took a few moments for you to realize that it was a cat, or cats, crying. Buster’s ears had perked up and he had immediately begun to drag you towards the source of the cries. 

Once you were sure you were near wherever the cats were, Buster had broken free of your grasp with a bark and took off into some bushes. You blinked at the leash that was slowly disappearing into the bush, it took a moment for it to sink in before you realized that Buster had broken free. “Buster!” You called out as you chased after him in the bushes. 

Another bark came from Buster as he had popped his head out of a thorny bush, you had seen a flash of white and black before he had disappeared into the bush again. The cries died down before picking back up again, much quieter this time as Buster had carefully climbed out of the bushes with a kitten in his mouth. You kneeled down, taking the small creature from the dog and holding onto it as he went back into the same bush. 

After several back and forth trips, you had four kittens in your arms while the mother cat was being carried by Buster, she was wounded and needed immediate medical attention. Without a second thought, you had grabbed Buster’s leash and began to speed walk back to the shelter with the kittens bundled up in your arms while he carried the others. Upon your arrival, the front desk worker gasped once she had seen the mom cat and had rushed off to grab one of the vets on duty. Talk began to spread and soon enough the manticore was in front of you, eyeing up the kittens with a fondness before glancing down at you with a slight question to his gaze.

“I’m surprised you didn’t call someone else to get them.” He huffed as you began to hand him the kittens, he carefully placed them on his back and wrapped his wings around them to keep them steady so they wouldn’t fall off. 

“I wouldn’t leave any animal out there to just… suffer.” You responded as you crossed your arms, a frown tugging at the corner of your lips. 

The manticore seemed to be studying you, and for the first time you had really taken in his features, he was sleek in appearance, his fur a deep grey with tiger stripes while his wings resembled that of a bat. His tail was more like a scorpion’s than anything else, while his human features were sharp, his eyes were dark and despite the slight frown tugging at his lips, you found him attractive overall. Feeling your features start to heat up in response at the realization, you glanced away and cleared your throat. 

“Even if they are a cat, I wouldn’t leave them alone, everyone deserves a fighting chance.” You stated as you turned to talk to the vet tech that had come up to ask some questions and give some feedback on what the vet had said. 

“I don’t think Buster is as bad as the others.” Luciene commented as he then made his way into the cat ward to introduce the kittens to the others, a soft smile gracing your features at the admission. After getting everything squared away and Buster back into his cage for the night, you had made your way back home. 

What you didn’t expect was to wake to a text the following morning, you shifted and squinted at your phone screen since the light was nearly blinding this early in the morning. A grumble came past your lips as you read over it before you smiled. 

“Thanks for saving the kittens and the mom cat, the vet found she had broken both her front and back legs. They think she may have mis-landed when she jumped off of something and dragged herself back to the kittens… Perhaps you could take me on one of your walks with Buster? -Luciene” 

You saved the number into your phone and eagerly responded with a yes that he could come on the next walk with you and Buster. With a pep in your step you tossed some clothes on and got ready to head out, sending a text to Luciene to make sure he was there that morning as you slipped on your shoes and headed outside. With the shelter only being a ten minute walk from your house, you had simply opted to walk instead of drive there. 

Surprise spread through you as Luciene was waiting outside the door with Buster, the dog eagerly bouncing around and trying to play with the manticore, which only seemed to confuse him as a quiet rumble left him. Though he was unsure, he at least attempted to ruffle the dog’s fur and give him some attention, it was clear he didn’t have much experience with dogs, a laugh erupted from you as he grimaced when Buster jumped up to lick his face. 

His gaze snapped towards yours and a smile worked its way onto his features. “I’m glad you’re here, I don’t know how much longer I could’ve stood… He’s so… energetic…” He explained awkwardly as he passed you the leash. 

“I know, he’s a good dog though, I promise.” You reassured as you took the leash from him and motioned for him to follow. “We’ll go our usual way, it’ll be good for a short walk to start you out with, you can join us this evening for the second walk of the day. That one usually wears him out.” You explained as Luciene hummed in response. 

“I’ve never really been around dogs…” He admitted as he followed along beside you. “When I was young, the neighbors had a nasty dog and… Because I was well… A glorified cat, he saw me as nothing more than a chew toy, so he would chase me all over.” He explained further. “I don’t trust them but… If it means so much to you… I’m at least willing to try.” He murmured sheepishly as a flush came over his face. 

“I had a cat attack me when I was young, I didn’t know how to read the body language well.. It didn’t end well for me, I ended up with some stitches but… I heard the kittens crying and I didn’t want to leave them there alone.” You explained as the pair of you walked. 

By the end of it, Luciene had ended up making you laugh and you had gotten to know each other a lot better than what you thought was possible at the start. He paused outside the shelter doors as you had moved towards them. “I unfortunately have to go to my job, I can’t stay any longer…” He said as he held the door open for you. 

“That’s okay, perhaps next time we meet it could be at a restaurant? Make it a date?” You decided to try, at least if he rejected you, you could remain friends with him without pursuing something more. 

The manticore seemed stunned for a moment, unable to say anything before he cleared his throat and nodded. “A date sounds lovely, I’ll text you after work and we’ll discuss the details then?” 

You agreed, both of you leaving with smiles on your faces, the workers asking you what was up but you had brushed it off as simply having a good morning. At least now you didn’t have to dread passing the cat ward every time you went into the shelter, Luciene gave you something to look forward to. 

And back with another matchup! This time this one is featuring a manticore! It took me a bit to figure out what I wanted to write but one of my editors gave me an idea and I followed through! If you like my work and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST!  *Disclaimer: None of the pictures are mine, all credit goes to the original artists! 

-Requests are OPEN! 

-Matchups are OPEN! 

  • You had convinced your friends to take a trip with you over the summer to old European cities, it was something you had been wanting to do for ages but never got the chance to but since you had a ton of vacation days saved up from work, you took the plunge.
  • It was a fantastic trip for you, even your friends enjoyed the tours! Despite the tour guide explaining the people that had lived there and some of the stories they had discovered, you still managed to come up with your own with each house, temple, or city square that you visited.
  • What you had not been expecting was to bump into another tourist who seemed to be sharing the same love that you had for the ancient cities. His coat was the deepest shade of red you had ever seen while his features were soft, almost sweet despite the sharpness of his golden gaze as it landed on you. His tail vaguely reminded you of a scorpion, but wider.
  • It took a few moments before you realized that the creature in front of you was a manticore, you frowned slightly, opening to ask the question but he had beaten you to it.
  • “My name is Tamlin, I’m on vacation.” He chuckled in amusement. He glanced down at you, even with him being part lion he was still taller than you, which wasn’t a problem in your eyes. “I got a bit distracted on my tour, thankfully I bumped into you guys.”
  • The two of you had instantly started talking about the various cities you had explored, he had joined your tour group and you swapped stories that you had come up with while exploring the cities.
  • You had made plans to meet up for every tour after that, your friends teased you of finding your soulmate already, but you huffed at them and rolled your eyes despite knowing your features were heating up at the suggestion of it.
  • You met up the next day, and the day after that, till he finally asked you out on a date. Suggesting that after the tours you go and see a movie, he told you a bit bashfully that it was a romance movie and he was a big fan of them. Especially the classic ones.
  • You could’ve sworn right then and there he was just the guy version of you, but obviously a different species on top of it.
  • When your vacation was over, you made sure to leave your number and where you lived with Tamlin on a piece of paper.
  • Saying goodbye to him was harder than you had expected, tears were shed by you and he comforted you by promising he would see you as soon as he could. He never broke that promise.


  • The first night Tamlin had visited you, he had arrived at your doorstep with enough clothes to last him a month. You had opened the door, not expecting him but thrilled nevertheless and eagerly moved his stuff into your place. Making sure he had the option of sleeping elsewhere if he didn’t want to sleep beside you.
  • Which was not the case, after being away for so long, he wanted nothing more than to make you his.
  • The first time you two were intimate, you were a bit intimidated, he wasn’t exactly human, and certain parts of him weren’t exactly… human like either. Rather he was textured, bumpy in a way that reminded you that he was mostly lion with a human face.
  • He made sure that you were filled in more ways than one the first night, the amount of stamina he had almost seemed endless and the session didn’t end until the sun was peeking up over the horizon. Even then he had more than enough to go one more round.
  • You were covered in marks from him from head to toe, he was very pleased with his work, any time a mark fades he drags you back to the bedroom to give you more, not that you complain.
  • When he’s feeling particularly needy but doesn’t want to pester you too much, he acts like an overgrown house cat, chuffing and rubbing himself against you before he simply tugs you down to cuddle with him in your room which often times leads to having sex. Then it turns back into lazy cuddles with him chuffing up a storm, which is the equivalent of a purr.

You had made your way inside your now shared home, a few months ago Tamlin had moved in with you after deciding that neither of you wanted to spend time away from each other. The massive Manticore was sprawled out across the futon you had bought for him for the living room since he couldn’t fit on a normal sized couch properly. He was laying on his side, his tail idly flicking against the cushions as he managed to flip through the channels on the tv before an annoyed huff came out of him. Which made you smile since at times, he acted like an overgrown house cat. 

He tilted his head back to look at you, a quiet chuff coming from him once he realized you were home, he stretched out on the futon with a yawn that ended in a somewhat roar before he hopped off the couch and made his way over to you. He carefully stood and wrapped you up in a tight hug as his head rested on top of yours. “I thought you were home…” He murmured softly as he then let you go and leaned down to kiss you deeply. 

You returned the kiss and let it linger for a few moments before you pulled away and smiled up at him. “You’re a stunning sight to walk in on.” You cooed softly, your fingers brushing across his features as he flushed with color at the compliment. 

“You want to watch a movie? I pulled out all of your favorite classics since you have off tomorrow… I figured we could stay up late.” 

“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” 
