

Another request! This one I struggled with a little bit at first, I loved the idea but had so many different ways I wanted to take it, it was hard to settle on one, I may revisit something like this again in the future! *Disclaimer: None of the pics are mine, all credit goes to original artists!

If you like my writing and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST! 

-Requests and Matchups are temporarily closed!

  • Quintyn was the librarian though he didn’t look like one, standing at about 6’1, he was intimidating to say the least. His black hair was usually tied back into a ponytail or a bun, which he pulled off effortlessly.
  • Being an orc, many of the preschoolers had questions for him, what was his life like, did his tusks bother him, and so on. He took the questions and answered them to the best of his abilities with a smile.
  • You had met him the first day you had started, you were unsure of where to go and he had asked if you needed assistance, to which you had replied yes and were grateful for. 
  • Though it was painfully obvious many of the single moms and dads had developed a crush on the easy-going librarian, and he was oblivious to many of their advances. 
  • It took nearly half a year for you to work up the courage to say yes when he kept asking you to go out on dates, with the encouragement of some of the other teachers at a get-together. They had seen how the two of you interacted and it was obvious that the librarian was into you.
  • Though it didn’t take you nearly as long to say yes when he proposed to you a year later.

“Quintyn?” You questioned as you made your way towards the library, hearing laughter coming from several of the students as they raced ahead of you. The orc sitting behind his desk as a line was formed to check out several books, you smiled slightly at seeing some of the titles considering they had been your favorite growing up. Though when he heard you calling for him, he looked up and offered a smile, motioning for you to sit beside him at the desk. Not needing to be asked a second time, you made your way over and took the spot beside him, helping him check the books out for the kids. 

“You have parent-teacher meetings tonight right?” He asked as he looked over at you, you nodded in response, reaching out he brushed a few strands of your brunette hair away from your features. “I’ll wait for you, that way we can go home together.” He responded softly, the kids giggling quietly at how ‘gross’ the two of you were acting. Which only caused him to laugh, telling the kids that one day they’ll be acting the same way when they find someone to love. 

“I don’t know how it’s going to go, Angie’s mom has not been thrilled that she has been flunking most of the assignments even with help. I’ve emailed her, called and even spoken to Angie as well to see what kind of help she needs so we can have her pass. She says that she just doesn’t want to do the assignments.” You sighed softly, opting to have your class spend the rest of study hall in the library reading. 

By the time that the end of the day had rolled around, you were preparing for the last of your parent-teacher meetings, you had saved Angie for last. When her mom had walked in with her, you took a breath as the tiefling took a seat across from you, an ear piece attached to her ear as she idly picked at her nails as though she had somewhere better to be than here. 

“I see that Angie had done incredibly well at the beginning of the year, she was acing everything and doing fantastic for someone in preschool…” You started once her mom had given you her attention. “But towards the middle here, she had started to get bored and stopped doing her assignments. I have tried everything, I spoke to Angie directly and she had stated that she just didn’t want to do them.” You were getting the sense that the reason Angie didn’t want to do the assignments was due to the fact that her mom was barely paying attention to what you were saying. 

“Then do them for her. No daughter of mine will be caught flunking preschool. Besides, how hard can it be to take a few minutes out of your day to do them? There’s what, maybe two assignments tops?” Her mom questioned as her gaze narrowed at you. “I don’t have time to sit and be lectured by someone beneath me. I have more important business matters to attend to.” 

“Miss, I cannot do her assignments for her, that is against my policy and wouldn’t be teaching her anything…” You were cut off before you could finish the statement. 

“Then you figure it out or I will be contacting the principal to get you fired and have a replacement that would be willing to make exceptions for some students.” She growled as she stood, taking Angie’s hand. “We are done here, you have a week to make sure my darling passes or it’s your job.” She warned as she stormed out of the class with Angie. 

You sat there for a few moments, gathering your thoughts and feeling more frustrated than before as you collected your things. Quintyn had managed to have perfect timing as he caught you stuffing your laptop into its bag rather haphazardly. “It didn’t go as planned?” He asked, to which you shook your head as you cleared your throat, fighting back tears that threatened to spill. 

“No, she basically threatened to go to the principal if I don’t fix things myself or do Angie’s work for her, which I cannot do. You know that.” You ranted for a moment as he came over and wrapped his muscular arms around you. “It’s unfair, my job is to help them… Why… Parents are so difficult!” You finished as you hugged onto him tightly, he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and held you for a few moments longer. 

“I know, I just had to have a young boy’s mom replace a book that he had colored in and she was not happy about that.” He murmured softly, scooping you up in one arm and grabbing your stuff with the other. “Let’s go home okay? I’ll cook dinner tonight.” 

“Will you make me my favorite?” You asked as you glanced up at him with hopefulness, he could only laugh at your big brown doe eyes, practically pleading for him to make the dish. 

“Of course, what kind of husband would I be if I didn’t make my wife her favorite when she was feeling upset?” He questioned as he carried you out to your shared car, setting you in the passenger side as you giggled softly, ready for him to take you home.

It’s been awhile since I wrote a full fledged story! I stopped myself at nearly 2k words. But! This one features a Manticore working at an animal shelter who adores cats! Meanwhile the reader loves dogs! *Disclaimer: None of the pictures are mine, all credit goes to original artists! 

If you like my work and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST! 

-Requests and Matchups are CLOSED TEMPORARILY! 

The sound of dogs barking made a smile spread across your features as you pulled open the doors to the shelter. Sighing in content, you began to make your way down the steps to the dog ward where some of your favorite residents were. Greeting several of the other workers, you grabbed a leash and headed straight towards your favorite shelter dog, an older mixed breed that only had one eye and several scars along his body with soft brown fur. The dog, Buster, immediately perked up as he had seen you approaching, his tail thumped against the bars of his cage and he woofed quietly at you. 

“I know, it’s been a bit huh?” You said as you opened the cage doors and immediately kneeled down to pet Buster as he leaned his whole weight onto your legs, once you had kneeled down however, he crawled into your lap practically demanding belly rubs. Which you were more than happy to provide as he attempted to lick your hands while he was laying on his back, it only made you laugh at the expression he had while you gave him affection. 

“You wanna go for a walk?” You questioned, immediately Buster scrambled to his feet and jumped up on his back legs excitedly with a louder bark that caused several of the others to bark in unison, all the workers collectively working on trying to get them to quiet down. 

“Buster, inside voice.” You commanded, the dog quieting his barks to something much more manageable. You thanked him and then gave him a treat before clipping the leash onto his collar, leading him outside of the cage and shutting the door behind you. “Ready to go?” 

He wagged his tail and woofed in response, giving what you assumed was a yes. Though as you made your way towards the steps, you huffed softly as a figure was coming down them. “Luciene, what are you doing down here?” You asked the manticore as he was walking by you. 

“Heading to the isolation award. New cats are here.” He responded with a huff as he spared you a glance. “You know that we get new ones every week.” He stated matter-of-factly as he headed through the doorway. 

The pair of you had been in a weird limbo ever since he had started working here, you had tried to introduce him to several of the dogs, including Buster but he had told you that he preferred cats to dogs and would rather stay away from dogs. In a way, you had taken offense since Buster was your favorite, and everyone had loved him. You had decidedly ignored Luciene whenever he was around, and the same had gone for him. Only the staff had tried to get you two to talk on more than one occasion and it had never worked out the way that you had hoped, you never held a fondness for cats like what Luciene did, it was hard to talk when he talked about the shelter cats, though you supposed you only talked about the dogs. 

Letting your thoughts wander, you let Buster lead the way up the steps and towards the front door where he had pushed it open with his front paws. You followed him out, glancing around before deciding to take a path different from the usual route, Buster glanced back at you with a questioning look but walked right beside you and kept pace. He paused occasionally to sniff at the ground, which you let him, before continuing on your way. 

That is, until you heard soft cries coming from a bunch of bushes off of the dirt path you and Buster had turned onto. You paused briefly, glancing around before the cries grew in volume. Desperate. Whatever it was, it was desperate. It only took a few moments for you to realize that it was a cat, or cats, crying. Buster’s ears had perked up and he had immediately begun to drag you towards the source of the cries. 

Once you were sure you were near wherever the cats were, Buster had broken free of your grasp with a bark and took off into some bushes. You blinked at the leash that was slowly disappearing into the bush, it took a moment for it to sink in before you realized that Buster had broken free. “Buster!” You called out as you chased after him in the bushes. 

Another bark came from Buster as he had popped his head out of a thorny bush, you had seen a flash of white and black before he had disappeared into the bush again. The cries died down before picking back up again, much quieter this time as Buster had carefully climbed out of the bushes with a kitten in his mouth. You kneeled down, taking the small creature from the dog and holding onto it as he went back into the same bush. 

After several back and forth trips, you had four kittens in your arms while the mother cat was being carried by Buster, she was wounded and needed immediate medical attention. Without a second thought, you had grabbed Buster’s leash and began to speed walk back to the shelter with the kittens bundled up in your arms while he carried the others. Upon your arrival, the front desk worker gasped once she had seen the mom cat and had rushed off to grab one of the vets on duty. Talk began to spread and soon enough the manticore was in front of you, eyeing up the kittens with a fondness before glancing down at you with a slight question to his gaze.

“I’m surprised you didn’t call someone else to get them.” He huffed as you began to hand him the kittens, he carefully placed them on his back and wrapped his wings around them to keep them steady so they wouldn’t fall off. 

“I wouldn’t leave any animal out there to just… suffer.” You responded as you crossed your arms, a frown tugging at the corner of your lips. 

The manticore seemed to be studying you, and for the first time you had really taken in his features, he was sleek in appearance, his fur a deep grey with tiger stripes while his wings resembled that of a bat. His tail was more like a scorpion’s than anything else, while his human features were sharp, his eyes were dark and despite the slight frown tugging at his lips, you found him attractive overall. Feeling your features start to heat up in response at the realization, you glanced away and cleared your throat. 

“Even if they are a cat, I wouldn’t leave them alone, everyone deserves a fighting chance.” You stated as you turned to talk to the vet tech that had come up to ask some questions and give some feedback on what the vet had said. 

“I don’t think Buster is as bad as the others.” Luciene commented as he then made his way into the cat ward to introduce the kittens to the others, a soft smile gracing your features at the admission. After getting everything squared away and Buster back into his cage for the night, you had made your way back home. 

What you didn’t expect was to wake to a text the following morning, you shifted and squinted at your phone screen since the light was nearly blinding this early in the morning. A grumble came past your lips as you read over it before you smiled. 

“Thanks for saving the kittens and the mom cat, the vet found she had broken both her front and back legs. They think she may have mis-landed when she jumped off of something and dragged herself back to the kittens… Perhaps you could take me on one of your walks with Buster? -Luciene” 

You saved the number into your phone and eagerly responded with a yes that he could come on the next walk with you and Buster. With a pep in your step you tossed some clothes on and got ready to head out, sending a text to Luciene to make sure he was there that morning as you slipped on your shoes and headed outside. With the shelter only being a ten minute walk from your house, you had simply opted to walk instead of drive there. 

Surprise spread through you as Luciene was waiting outside the door with Buster, the dog eagerly bouncing around and trying to play with the manticore, which only seemed to confuse him as a quiet rumble left him. Though he was unsure, he at least attempted to ruffle the dog’s fur and give him some attention, it was clear he didn’t have much experience with dogs, a laugh erupted from you as he grimaced when Buster jumped up to lick his face. 

His gaze snapped towards yours and a smile worked its way onto his features. “I’m glad you’re here, I don’t know how much longer I could’ve stood… He’s so… energetic…” He explained awkwardly as he passed you the leash. 

“I know, he’s a good dog though, I promise.” You reassured as you took the leash from him and motioned for him to follow. “We’ll go our usual way, it’ll be good for a short walk to start you out with, you can join us this evening for the second walk of the day. That one usually wears him out.” You explained as Luciene hummed in response. 

“I’ve never really been around dogs…” He admitted as he followed along beside you. “When I was young, the neighbors had a nasty dog and… Because I was well… A glorified cat, he saw me as nothing more than a chew toy, so he would chase me all over.” He explained further. “I don’t trust them but… If it means so much to you… I’m at least willing to try.” He murmured sheepishly as a flush came over his face. 

“I had a cat attack me when I was young, I didn’t know how to read the body language well.. It didn’t end well for me, I ended up with some stitches but… I heard the kittens crying and I didn’t want to leave them there alone.” You explained as the pair of you walked. 

By the end of it, Luciene had ended up making you laugh and you had gotten to know each other a lot better than what you thought was possible at the start. He paused outside the shelter doors as you had moved towards them. “I unfortunately have to go to my job, I can’t stay any longer…” He said as he held the door open for you. 

“That’s okay, perhaps next time we meet it could be at a restaurant? Make it a date?” You decided to try, at least if he rejected you, you could remain friends with him without pursuing something more. 

The manticore seemed stunned for a moment, unable to say anything before he cleared his throat and nodded. “A date sounds lovely, I’ll text you after work and we’ll discuss the details then?” 

You agreed, both of you leaving with smiles on your faces, the workers asking you what was up but you had brushed it off as simply having a good morning. At least now you didn’t have to dread passing the cat ward every time you went into the shelter, Luciene gave you something to look forward to. 

Per my last post, requests and matchups are temporarily closed until I get caught up, anything sent in after this post will get a response of “requests are closed” to keep my inbox down so I know where I’m at. Not only that but please keep in mind this is an 18+ ONLY blog, mentioning your age in a request only serves to get it deleted if you are under 18. I will be updating my rules as well within the next couple of days.

Once it is posted that requests are open again, you can resend them in, I just don’t have the ability to keep accepting new requests right now. So to reiterate, this blog is 18+ ONLY since I have NSFW on it. Do not request if you are under 18. Requests/Matchups are closed temporarily. There will be a rule update for both monster matchups and regular requests. Thank you.

Back with another monster matchup! This one featuring a short Minotaur and his tall girlfriend! All he wants to do is make some breakfast! *Disclaimer: None of the pics are mine, all credit goes to the original artists!

If you like my work and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST! 

-Monster Matchups are CLOSED TEMPORARILY! 

-Requests are OPEN! 

You couldn’t help but laugh quietly at how your boyfriend was pouting up at you, his tail swishing from side to side as a huff came from him. “What? Can’t reach it?” You teased the smaller minotaur gently, another huff came from him as he shook his head. “Need me to get it for you?” You asked with another giggle as your boyfriend merely grumbled in response to the question. 

“Yes please.” He finally sighed after a moment, you reached down and gently ruffled the curly fur on top of his head, he rolled his eyes playfully and shuffled off to the side, waiting for you to grab the pancake mix from the top shelf. 

You reached up and grabbed the pancake mix from the shelf, you placed it down on the counter for him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “There you go.” You hummed as you stepped back as Aldran took the mix and immediately began to work on making breakfast for the two of you. With a smile, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and then rested your chin on top of his head. 

He chuckled softly as he flipped one of the pancakes over, tilting his head back he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you…” He cooed softly as he then focused back on making breakfast with a hum. 

“You don’t need to thank me for getting stuff off of the shelf for you.” You responded as you gave him a gentle squeeze. He huffed softly in response and then turned to face you after he had plated the pancakes. 

“Yes I do, without you I don’t know how I’d make breakfast in the morning since the mix is always up on the top shelf!” He protested, reached up to poke your nose in response, something he always did when he was trying to prove a point. “I need someone tall to stuff down for me, and well, you are tall! Which I love, just like I love you!” He grumbled as he crossed his arms, looking about as menacing as a kitten right now. 

You could only shake your head in response as he rattled on about how great you were as he finished making breakfast, and by the end of it, you had sneaked the mix back up on the top shelf. It gave you something to look forward to in the morning, little did you know that Aldran knew exactly what you were doing and he was more than happy to indulge in it every morning.

Man these last few weeks have been exhausting! I luckily have the day off, so I’ve been hammering away at requests that are sitting in my inbox, which should be posted over the next couple of days. Anyways! Back at it again with another Monster Matchup! Featuring Rynn a demon! For now REQUESTS AND MATCHUPS ARE CLOSED! 

If you like my work and want to read more, check out my MASTERLIST

  • Rynn is a demon that stands a little over 5’5”, he usually has his long hair tied back and away from his features, on lazy days he throws it into a man bun and makes it look good.
  • He loves watching you doing anything craft wise, whether it’s painting, drawing, knitting, etc. He’ll sit and watch you for hours on end, only offering some small feedback here and there as he has his own creative hobbies as well. But his oftentimes lead to him getting in trouble.
  • There’s something to be said about the numerous books that he has in what he had created as his own personal library, he had turned the extra room in his house into every book lover’s dream. Not only that but it’s organized by genres and authors as well, dark romance taking up a good bulk of his library.
  • Physical affection is something that he craves, whether it’s simply holding your hand, or wrapping an arm around your waist. He wants to feel you against him in any shape or form, hugs will last minutes rather than seconds and on bad days he’ll drag you to the couch for a much needed cuddle session.
  • But don’t like him being touch starved fool you, he’s similar to a cat in the fact that he doesn’t like admitting he wants affection. Rather he’ll come up behind you while you’re in the middle of doing something and hug you to him, completely distracting you from your work. His tail will wrap around your waist and he’ll hold you captive until you suggest going and cuddling up on the couch. He’ll grumble some sort of agreement and then drag you over there. Knowing that you love him for him even if he grumbles about well, a lot of things.
  • There are days where everything is overwhelming for him, being a demon is not easy and sometimes he comes home in rougher shape than what you’d like to see him in. He’ll just silently hold you and thank whatever being is out there that you’re in his life.


  • That library that has dark romance novels in it that I mentioned earlier? Yeah he loves to use those novels for ideas when it comes to the bedroom life.
  • Anything goes with him, he’ll give everything at least one chance. Whether it’s sensory deprivation to being tied up, he’ll try it all with you.
  • While he does love to spice things up, he also loves to keep things slow sometimes too and simply worship you as you deserve to be. In his eyes, he’s the lucky one, and obviously he needs to show how much he loves you by giving you the best oral of your life.
  • He wouldn’t do anything to you that he wouldn’t do to himself, which in this case isn’t a whole lot. But he respects your hard no’s. He has his own limits too and you respect his.

It was supposed to be a simple lunch date with a couple of friends you hadn’t seen in a long time. But since you had decided to make Rynn’s lap your seat, he was now going to make it your problem considering you were the outfit he loved seeing you in. You squirmed in his lap slightly as you could feel his tail sliding up your leg, wrapping around you as it continued its journey up your inner thigh. A soft whine had left you but thankfully your friends didn’t notice as they were too busy immersed in the conversation they were having with each other. 

Finally reaching the destination between your legs, slow teasing strokes were causing your features to flush as you bit your lip to hold back a quiet moan. Your friends only paused briefly to see if you were okay, which you dismissed their concern and they went back to talking right away. A quiet sigh leaving you as they didn’t catch you yet.

“Just wait until we get home my little temptress…” Rynn cooed to you in a hushed whisper. “Since you decided to tease me, you’re going to have to deal with the consequences for the rest of the night…” He growled quietly, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck. 

Needless to say, you didn’t stay at the gathering very long after that.


Ficlet Starter Lines

Send me a number and a character or ship and I’ll write you a ficlet!

  1. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
  2. “Nice try.”
  3. “The world doesn’t care.”
  4. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
  5. “What the hell did I just walk into?”
  6. “That makes absolutely no sense.”
  7. “Are you trying to tell me something?”
  8. “That’s just not fair.”
  9. “Who said anything about fair?”
  10. “Wow. That’s low, even for you.”
  11. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
  12. “What? I have never-”
  13. “How could you do this to me?”
  14. “Is that really what you think?”
  15. “I do not have an answer for you.”
  16. “What kind of question is that???”
  17. “Ok, well… Fuck.”
  18. “Settle down, there, drama queen.”
  19. “In my defense, I really wanted to.”
  20. “At least I didn’t break any laws.”
  21. “What did you do this time?”
  22. “Boom! That’s a victory in my book!”
  23. “It looks the same on paper.”
  24. “Oh no, what have I started…”
  25. “And yet, that is not the weirdest thing that’s happened to me today.”
  26. “Please. I need you to believe me.”
  27. “How do we get out?”
  28. “I don’t hate you.”
  29. “Don’t call me that.”
  30. Freebie! Send me your own dialogue starter!

Send one or two of these in an ask and I’ll write a small fic for them! 

So I am feeling much better now. This was a request that was submitted awhile ago that was way over do, this time featuring a dragon shifter! But nsfw, it’s been awhile since I wrote a short story that focused on nsfw stuff. I did notice I lost a bunch of followers in one go, but that’s okay! Anyways! If you like my work and want to read more, here is my MASTERLIST! *Disclaimer! None of the pictures are mine, all credit goes to the original artists! 

-Requests are OPEN! 

-Matchups are OPEN! 

A low snarl came from Cassius as a whine followed from you, his hands gripping your thighs in a bruising manner, something you had come to admire after sessions like these were over. But now, there was nothing but pure indulgence being shared between the two of you as he moved above you. His hands pinned yours down to the mattress, his body nearly engulfing you, making you melt under him so that he could mold you into whatever he wanted. He was bigger than you in more ways than one, which did nothing but fuel the desire you felt for him. 

Gold flashed before you, you knew that look as he slowed his almost brutal pace. You were so close, teetering on the edge of tipping into that bliss that came with sessions like this when it was all about the pleasure and little about the love. Cassius still showed he loved you during times like this, murmuring soft praises in between each groan. He slowly pulled himself away from you, causing a moan of protest to fall from your lips. He merely chuckled at how you pouted up at him. God he had no business looking so sexy even when he smirked down at you, fully knowing what he was doing. 

“Baby girl, you know I don’t like when you pout.” He growled, he gently cupped your chin, brushing his thumb along your bottom lip. “But I want to see you make yourself come without me touching you.” It wasn’t a command that you should be protesting but you started to nevertheless. 

“But daddy!” You cried in frustration, you were so close and you had been so good all day. “I’ve been good! I even behaved myself today when I got frustrated!” The pout became more obvious and for a brief moment, a frown crossed his features. 

“If you don’t do what I say, you don’t get to come at all.” He responded in a cool tone, knowing that if he let you get to him this way, you would act out the next thinking that you had him under your spell. “The reward will be with it. Trust me.” He cooed in reassurance. 

That eased you a little bit, begrudgingly you sighed and merely nodded. “Yes daddy.” You murmured, sliding a hand down along your body, parting your legs a bit more so you could put on a show for him like you always did. Your hand slid right between them, immediately beginning to rub small circles on your clit and a soft moan came from you at the instant satisfaction you were getting. His gaze never left your fingers as a shaky sigh came from him. 

You quickened your pace, whining softly as you then slid two fingers into yourself, pumping them slowly as you used the palm of your hand to rub your clit. With how everything had been building up before, it didn’t take long for that coil in your lower stomach to snap and you to reach your high. Even then you didn’t stop, deciding to continue to put on that bit of a show for Cassius, that is until he had pulled your hand away from you and licked your fingers clean with a groan of satisfaction. 

“Good girl…” He cooed softly, deciding to give you what you had wanted, he wrapped your legs around his waist as he buried himself as deep within you as possible. You shivered in response, still sensitive from your first high. He carefully wrapped one hand around your throat, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Safe word?” He asked, as he always did right before this kind of session. 

“Ducky.” You responded eagerly, already throbbing at him having put his hand around your throat, you huffed, digging your heel into his back to get him to move since now you got what you wanted. 

“Careful baby, I’m not taking it easy on you tonight, you have a whole weekend with me.” He grinned down at you, flashing his fangs that you loved so much. Rather than give you the time to respond, he immediately pulled back out all the way only to thrust all the way back in harshly which caused a gasp to come from you. He set a brutal pace, the bed creaked underneath the two of you from the sheer force of him. You dragged your nails down along his arms, feeling what scales there were since some of the dragon features didn’t quite go away even in his ‘normal’ form. 

He had made sure to bring you to that high over and over again throughout the entire night and even into the next morning until your bodies gave out and he was no longer able to keep going. After he had made sure that you definitely weren’t going to be walking the next day, he had carefully cleaned you up and made sure you drank some water before he tugged you into his arms to rest. You cuddled right up to him, his arms wrapped around you, making you feel secure within his embrace, like nothing could ever get you as long as you had him.
