#marbled march

Marble Madness! Jumping on the bandwagon of photographing the sheer quality of marbling offered by DMarble Madness! Jumping on the bandwagon of photographing the sheer quality of marbling offered by DMarble Madness! Jumping on the bandwagon of photographing the sheer quality of marbling offered by DMarble Madness! Jumping on the bandwagon of photographing the sheer quality of marbling offered by DMarble Madness! Jumping on the bandwagon of photographing the sheer quality of marbling offered by D

Marble Madness! 

Jumping on the bandwagon of photographing the sheer quality of marbling offered by Damn Average! Pictured here are some detail shots of my beautiful boys, all of which you folks will have seen before. 

I have had these toys quite a while now, and Sheep’s skills have only improved in terms of execution. If you’re looking for crisp, tight marbles in a vast array of delicious colour tones, then look no further. 

Ranging from “simple” two tone marbles to unique, multi-tone transitional marbles, Sheep’s creations are all unique and guaranteed to blow your mind. Only when you have one of these toys in hand do you fully appreciate the work that goes in to each piece. 

So, Interested? Then ewe’re in luck! Sheep is currently hosting Marbled March, a yearly opportunity to order a custom toy in this wonderful style for no extra charge. You choose one colour, and Sheep chooses a secondary, complimentary colour. Simple as! Slots will open throughout the month, along with ready made in-stock drops too. For any queries and inquiries shoot Sheep a message.

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