#marie severin


the Marvel Bullpen Portrait Portfolio

from the top: Marie Severin, Gene Colan, Herb Trimpe (including the original art), Jim Steranko, John Buscema (with his original prelim sketch), and John Romita, Sr.

Tales to Astonish #93, July 1967Please refrain from touching the alien.

Tales to Astonish #93, July 1967

Please refrain from touching the alien.

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Tales to Astonish #92, June 1967In which Hulk is angry at some shoes. 

Tales to Astonish #92, June 1967

In which Hulk is angry at some shoes. 

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Tales to Astonish #94, August 1967 We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

Tales to Astonish #94, August 1967

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. 

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The Cat #1 (Fite/Severin, Nov 1972). Wow, I really enjoyed this! Greer Nelson née Grant lets her husband pull her out of school. She’s frustrated and listless as a full-time wife, and the book never dares to explicitly challenge her policeman husband. It doesn’t have to. When he’s killed, Greer reconnects with a former teacher who grants her superior agility and intuition. This book won’t last long, and I’ve no idea how or when Patsy takes this suit from Greer. But for now it’s such a refreshing feminist perspective in Marvel comics.

Let The Enchantment Begin (by Marie Severin from Strange Tales #156, 1967)

Let The Enchantment Begin (by Marie Severin from Strange Tales #156, 1967)

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