#marion zimmer bradley


Currently enjoying: The catch trap by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Not gonna lie I picked it up because it’s about aerialists. And has a gay romance subplot. But I love all the (family) history in this book. It’s endlessly fascinating. A really good read.

Anyway, if you wonder why many of us are automatically distrustful of people whose idea for what to do about CSA is to performatively repeat “kill the pedos” over and over…

Here’s an excerpt of court transcript (specifically the deposition of Elisabeth Waters), revealing Marion Zimmer Bradley, who sexually abused her own children and enabled her husband to molest others, to be the kind of person who performatively repeats that.

Overcompensation is an extremely classic way of drawing attention away from one’s own misdeeds. Or, put another way: abusers gaslight, and this is one of the ways they gaslight.

I usually try to remain a little further from this particular heavy topic, but reading these words on my screen was just too stark.
