#mark one shot



He’s very observant when it comes to you, Mark likes to know where you are at least even if you’re not by his side, he doesn’t want to push you, but he certainly at least wants the comfort of knowing you’re safe.


The two of you bickering doesn’t happen too often, you usually only bicker if it really feels like the right thing to do. Most of the time it will be over stupid things that you can both be incredibly stubborn over, such as who’s going to foot the bill for dinner or who’ll have to pick up the snacks for you both.


Whenever you’re having a hard time, Mark is right there with you he never leaves you alone. You often try and tell him not to worry, knowing how busy he is, but that never stops Mark being there for you, knowing that he can always set work aside for a little while when it comes to being there for you and supporting you.


The two of you have a pretty good understanding of one another, and so disagreements between the two of you are rare. You both know how to make each other tick so you’re usually very careful with how you speak and act to make sure that you don’t end up winding each other up. Your disagreements come to a natural end when they do happen as neither of you really know quite how to fix things.


Both of you found yourselves getting alone really quickly which was the sign that you needed to know that you were going to be close. You just got chatting and the conversation never seemed to spot every time the two of you met up with each other. It was that which made Mark more and more keen to see you every single time because he loved how easy it all felt, even when you were getting to know each other.


Mark’s family absolutely loved you, knowing the Mark had someone like you in his life meant a tremendous lot to all of them. They worried about him a lot being so far away from him, but they knew that if they ever needed anything doing for him that they could ask you and you’d do it. Even when they flew over to surprise him, you were the middleman who helped them organise it all unbeknownst to Mark.


When the two of you hung out you would usually just explore, walks were often your go to as they gave you plenty of space to talk and catch up. You loved being outside and enjoying the peace and quiet, but most of all you enjoyed being able to share your stories and jokes that you wanted the other to know.


The two of you had a habit of talking about the other person, even sometimes when the conversation had absolutely nothing to do with them. Mark just found himself somehow relating everything back to you, and you did the same for him, even if the people that you were with didn’t want to hear about it.


Whenever the two of you got together there was plenty of laughter, which led to plenty of inside jokes. You always remembered the ones especially that tickled the both of you, the ones that would leave you both complaining that your sides hurt when you eventually managed to compose yourselves again.


There weren’t many times when Mark would get jealous, at least to the faces of your other friends he was polite and respectful. He would keep his opinions to himself most of the time, but if there was a friend that particularly rubbed him up the wrong way, Mark would make sure to mention it to you so that you knew to try and keep him away from that friend and watch yourself around them as well.


Mark got a kick out of seeing you do well, although he was your best friend, he was also your biggest fan. He loved nothing more than when you text him to tell him that you had good news or something exciting to share with him. No matter how big or small it was, he always encouraged you with your news.


He loved how big his smile was whenever he spent time with you. Mark felt settled whenever he was with you and knew that whenever he was with you that it was going to be a good time. The two of you worked alongside one another perfectly, so even when the two of you were doing next to nothing when you hung out, because of how well you got along together you still managed to feel content and happy.


The two of you first met when you had to sit at Mark’s table in the coffee store because it was so busy. He invited you to sit down so that you weren’t just stood around waiting for a spare table to pop up, and as soon as you did sit, Mark started a conversation, so things weren’t awkward between you both.


One of his favourite things about being with you was that he didn’t have to be anything but himself, there was no need for him to control anything or be an idol in front of you, he could just literally be Mark.


Mark was obsessed with how genuine you were, there weren’t many people that he fully trusted, but he knew that you always meant well, and that most of you always looked out for Mark’s best interests.


The times that meant the most to him were when he could just do nothing with you and breathe for a little while. His life was busier than most people’s with so many units and teams to be a part of, so when he just got to sit back and put his feet up for a while when he was with you, Mark was glad to relax with you.


He was constantly checking up on you, Mark would be asking how you were as much as he possibly could. Despite how busy he was, he never let that stop him from worrying about you and checking in with you too.


The two of you loved to head down to the river when you were both busy and relax for a little while. You had a spot that was yours and would often take food and sit down for a while so that you could escape and relax which was one of Mark’s favourite things to do and talk without any interruptions too.


Whilst he tried to seem unbothered by a need for support, when it came down to you, Mark loved it. He tried to pretend not to be bothered when you showed up unexpectedly or called him just before a show, but on the inside his heart would absolutely race knowing that you thought enough to be there for him.


His family were big fans of yours, and often tried to get Mark to take you with him when he went home to see them all. He loved how well you got along with them and how accepting they were of you as his friend.


He felt as if he’d won something having you as a best friend, he was constantly worried that someone would tell him it was a prank.


Quite often Mark would visit you when you were at work when he had a break, even if it was just to say hello. He loved to just see you, especially as in person he really could judge that you were doing alright.


One of the things that Mark worked particularly had at was giving you advice so that he could try his best to help you when you needed it.


Neither of you were afraid of being affectionate with one another, but at the same time you were very rarely over the top with one another, your affection blended in so that no one else ever really noticed it.


You were his comfort, Mark always felt relaxed and content when he was with you.


Most of the time when the two of you hung out, Mark made you spend the night at the dorm, refusing to let you drive yourself home, especially when it started to chill off and get uncomfortable outside.

