#mark scout


Hello darkness my old friend

I see that just as Dragon Age taught me about fantasy armor and The Mandalorian taught me about space armor, so too will Severance learn me a thing about business wear

Classic shitposting with Mark Scout

Another Mark Scout to round out the day

He’s a mess and I love him, send help

“They just–gave you a bottle of booze.”

“Just fucking nothing, Petey, that shit’s magic,” Mark gushes. “I felt–calm, you know? Like all of me just… relaxed. I get so, you know–” he hunches up his shoulders in a mockery of his own usual anxious posture. “It just went away. Even my hands weren’t shaking.” He holds up his right hand. There’s no tremor there, not this early in the day, but by 4pm Mark will be gripping his mouse with white knuckles to hide it.

From the fic, “On Waffle Parties” by EightMinutestoSunrise. What if the Waffle Parties are tailored to the desires of each refiner’s outie? Mark S. gets a Waffle Party and everything hurts. Broke my freaking heart, and I had to draw it as I had pictured it.

“I’d just always be thinking about, you know, the other one.”

“Well… there is no other one. It’s me.”

Adam Scott what is your face

Mark S. doodles on a piece of labwork during work today


innie mark shredding petey’s map & outie mark ripping up his wife’s photograph. that man is so deeply destructive to his core that he can’t escape his impulse to remove pain forcibly. hence the whole reason he has these two versions of himself to begin with. & i think the most satisfying part of his character arc is that both versions are coming to realize that that’s not a viable option. he tried to piece them back together both times. oh my god season 2 can’t come fast enough
