#markus x north



Deleted dialogue compilation #3 [audio] // Detroit: Become Human


SCENE 1: Triggered if Markus died at Freedom March. Contains references to Markus being rA9.

SCENE 2: Triggered if Richard Perkins, Soldiers or Machine!Connor killed Markus during the Jericho raid.

SCENE 3: Triggered if Luther was killed by humans in “Pirate Cove”. Audio files are incomplete. To read the entire scrapped script, see the pinned note on my tumblr.

SCENE 4: Triggered if Connor saved Hank in favor of pursuing Rupert at the Nest.

SCENE 5: Scrapped dialogue option, triggered by interacting with the scared android in battle. Audio files are incomplete. To read the entire scrapped script, see the pinned note on my tumblr.

SCENE 6: I have no idea how this triggered, because there’s a choice paradox (Connor can’t be alive to cause the raid if Kara left Jericho early with Luther). There’s a reference to a TV, so it appears Luther and Kara were watching a news feed, perhaps in the broken store.

SCENE 7: Triggered if Markus survived Freedom March. Contains references to Markus being rA9.

SCENE 8: Extended version of “What’s the point of being free?”, triggered if Markus was purely pacifist. There’s a dialogue variation with North referring to the dirty bomb being discovered “a few months ago”, opposed to “today”. Again, I don’t know what might trigger this variation. The end shows a minimal variation of North’s parting words, which sounds slightly more troubled.

SCENE 9: Triggered by entering “scan mode” in the camp. Contains references to Markus being rA9.

SCENE 10: Dialogue variation, triggered if Kara did not protect Alice from the guard at 100% stress.

So that’s all I found from what’s left of DBH’s deleted audio and deemed relevant enough to post it. Another interesting scrapped Pirate Cove sequence of humans hunting Luther, Kara and Alice can be viewed on Speclizer’s YouTube channel. On the topic of rA9, it seems Markus was originally intended to fit this role since there’s a pattern of deleted references explicitly pushing that “Markus was rA9”. I assume the writers changed their mind at the last minute and preferred to leave the identity of rA9 ambiguous.

we finally get a confirmation that the original timeline was going to be over several months! i really wonder what made QD squish the timeline to a week…

also my little luthara heart got so sad with kara’s soft “i miss him too” . in the game it seems like she never has enough time to properly mourn the loss of luther (or potentially alice).


Been thinking about stuff today and here’s a list of missed opportunities for some really cool moments in DBH:

  • Obviously, having Chris be the cop that shot Markus in Broken would have made the Revenge/Spare decision in Capitol Park so much harder. Also, the “eye for an eye” line means more when Markus is saying it to the guy who literally shot out his eye.
  • Markus should have been able to come across Kara and Todd in Shades of Color. I mean, The Opening clearly shows them travelling through the area, so it wouldn’t have been too big a stretch to include him spotting them in Todd’s truck before Markus walks across the crosswalk.
  • Connor should have been able to ask Kamski about Markus if he shoots Chloe.
  • Have the three Chloes from Meet Kamski be some of the androids that Connor can spot during his early moments in Crossroads, implying that they escaped Kamski’s house after he left. And if he kills OG!Chloe, have him only be able to spot the two from the pool.
  • Do something with the ‘Don’t Get Spotted’ scene in the first half of Connor’s Crossroadsplot.
  • If Markus is the one to make the descent into the hold to activate the detonators in Crossroads, we deserved to see what Deviant!Connor and North were up to while running around the ship.
  • On the opposite side of the spectrum, Machine!Connor deserved to be shown in his full glory, pursuing Markus/North throughout the ship and killing all that get in his way instead of wandering aimlessly around the ship until he needs to show up somewhere.
  • Have Machine!Connor (the ultimate embodiment of the evils of violence) be the one that fights and potentially kills Josh in Crossroads. Have Josh be able to kill him if the player screws up enough, saving Markus from having to confront him in the hold.
  • Confirm that Connor is/was working with Perkins in Crossroads.
  • Kara and her family should have joined up with the Jericrew and Deviant!Connor during the final flight from Jericho. In fact, Kara should have been involved in the fight to save North after she’s shot, giving us a three POV fight scene.
  • Kara and Alice should have also been able to jump with the Jericrew and Deviant!Connor.
  • Kara should have had a Night of the Soulchapter.
  • If Kara abandons Alice on Jericho, Luther and Alice should have been present in either Markus or Connor’s Night of the Soulchapter.
  • Kara should have been able to kill Todd in Kara Leaving Detroit if she has the gun.
  • Kara should have been able to kill Zlatko if she picks up the shotgun on the nightstand.
  • Kara should have been able to kill the cop in Midnight Train, with Luther only coming in to help if she messes up the fight too much.
  • Kara should be able to run into some of Zlatko’s creatures on Jericho. Have the android that bangs on the door during the escape scene be one of the androids from Zlatko’s basement.
  • Luther should have been able to survive the River Route if you take the plunge into the water and avoid the bullets, though I suspect that this was originally going to happen but it was changed at the last minute.
  • Josh should have been the one to save Markus after he’s shot in Freedom March, not John - therefore giving reason to why his Relationship Stat exists.
  • Amanda’s Relationship Stat needs to mean something. Maybe have the version where she hacks him at the end of his Deviant!Path only be triggered if the player didn’t lie to her enough, meaning that she was able to see Connor’s betrayal coming and made a contingency plan should the worst-case scenario occur.
  • Imply that Connor kills Ralph off-screen in between when Kara makes her escape and Hank enters the squat. Then, bookend that moment with Connor explicitly been shown killing Gavin at the end of their fight in the evidence room.
  • Ralph in the evidence room if you meet him in On the Run.
  • Chloe in the evidence room if you shoot her in Meet Kamski.
  • Kara in the evidence room if she dies on the highway in On the Run.
  • If you’ve played the game before and the Alice-Is-An-Android plot was revealed, Alice in the evidence room if she dies on the highway in On the Run. Hammer home the idea that Connor is a child-killing villain because I’m sick and fucking tired of people leaving Last Chance, Connor without realizing that what he’s doing in this chapter is horrifically fucked up.
  • Markus should have used the painting skills that The Painter established to tag the benches and buildings in Capitol Park.
  • Given that The Eden ClubandCapitol Park share a map, have Markus and North be able to free some of the Tracis inside the club.
  • Markus should have had the opportunity to paint something during the Freedom March prologue scene. Have it be an updated version of the painting he chose in The Painter.
  • Markus should have been able to convert a child android in Freedom March if only to help provide a little more set-up for the Alice-Is-An-Android twist that comes later on.
  • North should have handed Markus the bomb in Night of the Soul, not Crossroads, as I think the player would be more willing to accept it in Markus’s darkest hour.
  • North should have been able to detonate the bomb after her Revolution fails if Markus didn’t take it from her.
  • North can win the Revolution if Public Opinion is high enough but that’s obvious.
  • If Connor dies a lot, let him forget Cole’s nameby ensuring that the option to choose it in Connor’s Last MissionandConnor at CyberLife Tower.
  • In a version of Markus’s Night of the Soul chapter where both Carl and Leo are alive, have Leo helping his father instead of the random new android. Allow for reconciliation between Leo and Markus to occur before Markus goes into the bedroom to see Carl.
  • Captain Allen should have been the head riot cop from Freedom March. Markus should have been able to fight and/or kill him during the Attack branch. Allen should have also been the cop that kills Markus should the fight go wrong.
  • Given that the Phillips apartment is located just around the corner from where Markus’s Battle for Detroit chapters occur, it should have been the location of Connor’s sniper perch in Connor’s Last Mission to bookend his journey. Imply that Connor killed the surviving members of the family to ensure that he wouldn’t be disturbed.
  • Instead of Connor fighting Captain Allen on the roof in Connor’s Last Mission, have Connor fight the protest group from Shades of Color, showing that their opinions on who the real enemy is have changed while also explicitly showing that CyberLife is very willing to allow Connor to mow down unarmed civilians… because they were never on humanity’s side in the first place and Connor is the best weapon in their arsenal.
  • Hank should have been able to kill Connor permanently if he drops Connor over the roof in Connor’s Last Mission. In fact, I think this might have originally been what happened but it was changed at the last moment, which is why the game doesn’t acknowledge Connor-59’s death on the roof and resends him instead of Connor-60 to find Markus/North despite the fact that he died earlier in the chapter.
  • The army Deviant!Connor activates in the Tower should have been a bunch of RK900s, not AP700s.

What do you guys think? Are there any more missed opportunities that you can think of? Add them below!!

Adding onto this…

DBH could be vastlyimprove if some small moments were added here or there. Specifically, I have a lot of thoughts about how to improve CrossroadsandNight of Soul. Those are the only two chapters that we ever get to see all 3 characters in the same place at the same time, and yet… they barely interact?? It’s named Crossroads for a reason, goddammit, and these two chapters deserved to be so much more than they were in canon. Here are a few small things that could’ve helped improve them:

Starting off with Crossroads:

  • Captain Allen should’ve been the one to lead the Jericho raid alongside Perkins. Theres this random guy next to Perkins that could easily be replaced with Allen:
  • When Luther gets shot, have Kara save him by having to fight off soldiers shooting at her, mirroring how Markus has to save North later in the chapter. Because Luther and Kara deserved to be a battle couple, and Kara’s violence should not be exclusive to protecting Alice.
  • When Kara is given to option to “OPEN” or “DON’T OPEN” the cabin door, have her be able to save the android if she does choose to open the door, instead of having the android die in either scenario. Have the android help Kara fight off the soldier and escape Jericho with Alice.
  • While Markus travels to detonate the bomb that blows up Jericho, have him save Luther, Echo and Ripple, Rupert, and some of Zlatko’s androids (if they are all alive) instead of random androids. By showing Markus directly saving deviants that the player has become attached to over the story, it helps to emphasize his impact on deviants.
  • If the player gets a Machine!Connor and Leader!North combo, have Connor fight North in the hold just as he would do with a Leader!Markus. But, since we need to keep North alive, have Joshshow up as a deus ex-machina and shoot Connor while he and North are fighting. This would be a great little Jericrew moment and allow for the stakes to still be raised even if Markus is dead
  • Have a Machine!Connor and Kara meet up during their escape from Jericho. If Kara killed Connor during On the Run, have something like this dialogue happen: 
Kara:I saw you die. I… I pushed you into a truck… I thought I killed you.
Connor:My memory gets transferred to a new Connor every time one gets destroyed. Did you really think you had gotten rid of me?
  • Terrifying, right? Even if Kara didn’t kill Connor, it’s still a scary moment that solidifies Connor as the villain of the story.

Moving on to Night of Soul:

  • Along with a Night of Soul Kara chapter, have Kara and North interact. They have a pretty similar past, with both of them having gone through extensive memory wipes and physical abuse at the hands of humans. It would be a sweet moment if we got to see them bond over their past.
  • Have a Deviant!Connor apologize to Kara no matter if Markus is dead or not. Connor deviating does not automatically mean he’s forgiven or redeemed, and the player must remember that as well.
  • Extend Markus and Kara’s conversation. Maybe have Kara helping to look over injured androids as Markus talks to her. Have him thank Kara for helping the injured and have Kara thank Markus for all he’s done for deviants in return. Kara’s storyline is meant to show Markus’s impact on deviants, and them talking would help to execute that role of her story.

Here are some other ideas I had:

  • Show more bonding moments between Luther and Alice. Maybe while Kara is finding a blanket for Alice, have Luther show Alice how to kindle a fire. In Rose’s car, have Alice and Luther talk quietly together. Luther is Alice’s dad and we need more moments between them!!
  • Have Alice’s relationship stat actually mean something. This is small, but if Alice’s stat is below “WARM,” have her not automatically hold Kara’s hand while walking together. 
  • DuringFugitives, have this broadcast play on the TV in the 24/7 store:
Michael Brinkley - CTN TV: Several sources report that CyberLife has provided Detroit Police with a prototype detective android. Although police assistant androids have existed for several years now, this would be the first case of an android being authorized to play an active role in criminal investigations. We contacted CyberLife for comment but no one was available to answer our questions.
  • This originally plays in the DPD break room if Connor finds Shaolin, and it’s such a wasted opportunity for Kara to not see it instead. This would allow her to at least know what she’s up against in her next chapter On the Run and explain why she’s scared enough of Connor to run into morning highway traffic with a child.
  • Additionally, add a chapter where Connor and Hank investigate Todd’s house if he dies in Stormy Night. Allow the player to recreate scenes using splattered blood, overturned furniture, and broken glass.
  • This is a thing that sort of irked me, but I’ve seen a fair amount of streamers confused as to why Kara never simply called CPS on Todd, like how Markus was able to call the cops on Leo. So, have Connor add a little explanation about that. In my rewrite, I had the “Connor investigates Todd’s house” chapter and added an explanation here:
Connor moves to the living room, finding a Red Ice pipe on the coffee table.
Hank: Our second Red Ice user… Fuck, if androids could just call the police on em, our job would be ten times easier.
Connor:It’s a matter of invasion of privacy, Lieutenant. If androids constantly monitored their owners for illegal activity and could act on that suspicion, no one would trust them. 
Hank:(He scoffs) Not like people don’t trust em enough anyways… 
  • Give Connor more opportunities to deviate! Since Connor’s deviation is a choice, it makes no sense that all his accumulated “software instabilities” would disappear the moment he rejects Markus’s call to deviation. Have him be able to deviate after his fight with Markus in the hold in Crossroadsand his fight with Markusandmaybe even Hank in Battle for Detroit.
  • If Connor finds Cole’s photo in Russian Roulette, have the dialogue for The Bridge default to choose the “PHOTO” option. A lot of streamers find it odd how Hank asks for his son’s name during Connor at the Cyberlife Tower despite the fact you can never ask Hank about Cole, so having this would easily solve that issue. If Connor’s software instability is high enough, have Connor add this at the end of the dialogue segment:
Connor: I saw a photo of a child…on your kitchen table. It was your son, right?
Hank: Yeah… His name was Cole.
Connor: I’m sorry for your loss.
  • Distinguish how machines and deviants experience pain. Since a large part of pain is an emotional response, it would make sense that deviants would have a heightened sensation of pain compared to their machine counterparts. You could highlight this in Crossroads by showing Markus and Kara noticeably getting slowed down by their wounds as compared to Machine!Connor, who kills deviants left and right despite having serious injuries like an arm torn out and multiple bullet holes in his chest. 
  • Add a scene where Markus/North hears about Connor hunting deviants, either directly from Kara or another deviant Connor has hunted (Echo and Ripple, Rupert, etc.) or from a news broadcast. It would make this dialogue option at least make a little more sense:
Markus: You’re Connor, aren’t you? That famous deviant hunter. Well, congratulations. You seem to have found what you were looking for…
North: You’re Connor, aren’t you? I’ve heard about you. The famous deviant hunter. Well, congratulations… You seem to have found what you’re looking for.
  • GIVE! MARKUS! AN! END! CREDITS! SCENE!! The actual one we got was honestly so boring it might as well have not been included. This might be a bit too far into fanfiction land, but let’s say if Markus leads a successful demonstration/revolution, his end credits scene would show him in Kamski’s house, where it would go something like this…
Markus:I wanted to ask you about rA9. Do you know anything about it?
Kamski:Well, they all say everything good comes in threes, right?
Kamski looks directly into the camera and smirks. Cut to black.
  • BAM! Not only would this solve the “wtf is rA9” mystery, it’s also a great way to break the fourth wall! But maybe that’s me going a bit too out there of an idea…

A toast to the best revolutionaries

In a few hours, it’ll all be over… We’ll have changed the world or the world will have destroyed us…In a few hours, it’ll all be over… We’ll have changed the world or the world will have destroyed us…

In a few hours, it’ll all be over… We’ll have changed the world or the world will have destroyed us… You have to make a choice, Markus. But whatever you choose, we will follow you. I love you, Markus.

Guest star: @dinabayart as North

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