#mars conjunct jupiter





The Urge To (My birth chart edition) CHALLENGE

Gemini Dominated Chart: The urge to laugh and make jokes out of something serious that happened to me

Virgo Moon: The urge to suppress the emotions from that experience so I don’t have to relive it

Cancer Rising: The urge to now think about it the whole day and get mad at myself for reacting that way

Aries Mercury: The urge to get mad at myself for not being the boss b*tch I am and not say anything serious

Taurus Sun: The urge to now make a tumblr post about it


  • I’m going to make this into a challenge so I now challenge these creators and then you guys just tag others to do it as well
  • Tell me a situation and the urges of each sign of your big 6 in your birth chart.


Thanks for tagging me boo! Let’s go!

Pisces dominant chart: The urge to unconsciously escape certain situations by sleeping or daydreaming or spacing out.

Libra moon: The urge to try to give enough of a damn about certain situations but failing, also the urge to stand up for injustice on peoples emotions but still being level headed but snarky.

Taurus Venus: The urge to always cook meals you watch on YouTube and share it with your family because that’s your love language and failing miserably

Taurus Mars: The urge to always hold strong to your opinions and being so stubborn about stuff you feel that you’re not gonna like (we’ll grow to like it so we were being stubborn for no reason)

Taurus Mars: The urge to keep the peace but at the same time wielding the power to destroy people who step up to them, slow poison I tell you.

Pisces Asc: The urge to not pull a knife for not being taken seriously enough because you’re so adorable and cute and harmless in the eyes of the majority. They just think we can do no wrong.

Pisces mercury: The urge to speak so sweetly and comforting to people easily but at the same time having it hard to articulate your thoughts in real time and thus people underestimate what you’re saying and can’t notice how deep your conversations really are, very elusive.

Okay I’m tagging @3amastrology@thestarsandthemoonspiritedsouls@astrologyduck@luvleona yep! ☺️✨

Thanks for the tag love! @intuitive-bbloom

Cancer signature: The urge to protect and baby everybody I love just because I have the time to do so.

Mercury in the 3rd: The urge to self-taught because I think that teachers aren’t good enough.

Caprcorn Mars: The urge to do something in my freetime, because when I rest I feel unproductive and that annoys me.

Aquarius Moon: The urge to analyze my feelings, why I am feeling them and what caused them, along with figuring out a way to keep them under control.

Aries Mercury: The urge to make everything either a debate or a competition just because the topic is something I’m passionate about!

Venus Pisces: The urge to write long ass essays telling you my million reasons to love you just because why not [and because love is a competition for me >;) ].

I’m tagging: @faiirina@falgunii@ceyrann@hothotchxcolate@the-falling-star@sun-pluto@ukiyowi@orion-star-seed + anyone else that sees this!

this looks fun! let’s go!!

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

libra signature: the urge to overdress for every random occasion I get

pisces moon: the urge to take personality tests everyday because you have no sense of identity

leo venus in the 8th house: the urge to dress everyday in black from head to toe and to only fall for celebrities

⭐️libra mars conjunct libra jupiter:the urge to stand up for others but then regretting not minding your own business ⭐️

virgo mercury in the 9th house: the urge to write a whole essay to explain a simple, concise concept

pluto conjunct the ascendant:the urge to avoid social events to be alone

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

I’m tagging @astroismypassion@astrologgeek + everyone who wants to participate xx
