#astrology birth chart



birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I have some free time, so I’m taking some requests!! feel free to book a chart reading <3


birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I’m still taking readings guys!! :)


birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I have some free time during winter break and feel like reading some charts, therefore if you book now you should receive your reading in a few days ✨




The Urge To (My birth chart edition) CHALLENGE

Gemini Dominated Chart: The urge to laugh and make jokes out of something serious that happened to me

Virgo Moon: The urge to suppress the emotions from that experience so I don’t have to relive it

Cancer Rising: The urge to now think about it the whole day and get mad at myself for reacting that way

Aries Mercury: The urge to get mad at myself for not being the boss b*tch I am and not say anything serious

Taurus Sun: The urge to now make a tumblr post about it


  • I’m going to make this into a challenge so I now challenge these creators and then you guys just tag others to do it as well
  • Tell me a situation and the urges of each sign of your big 6 in your birth chart.


Thanks for tagging me boo! Let’s go!

Pisces dominant chart: The urge to unconsciously escape certain situations by sleeping or daydreaming or spacing out.

Libra moon: The urge to try to give enough of a damn about certain situations but failing, also the urge to stand up for injustice on peoples emotions but still being level headed but snarky.

Taurus Venus: The urge to always cook meals you watch on YouTube and share it with your family because that’s your love language and failing miserably

Taurus Mars: The urge to always hold strong to your opinions and being so stubborn about stuff you feel that you’re not gonna like (we’ll grow to like it so we were being stubborn for no reason)

Taurus Mars: The urge to keep the peace but at the same time wielding the power to destroy people who step up to them, slow poison I tell you.

Pisces Asc: The urge to not pull a knife for not being taken seriously enough because you’re so adorable and cute and harmless in the eyes of the majority. They just think we can do no wrong.

Pisces mercury: The urge to speak so sweetly and comforting to people easily but at the same time having it hard to articulate your thoughts in real time and thus people underestimate what you’re saying and can’t notice how deep your conversations really are, very elusive.

Okay I’m tagging @3amastrology@thestarsandthemoonspiritedsouls@astrologyduck@luvleona yep! ☺️✨

Thanks for the tag love! @intuitive-bbloom

Cancer signature: The urge to protect and baby everybody I love just because I have the time to do so.

Mercury in the 3rd: The urge to self-taught because I think that teachers aren’t good enough.

Caprcorn Mars: The urge to do something in my freetime, because when I rest I feel unproductive and that annoys me.

Aquarius Moon: The urge to analyze my feelings, why I am feeling them and what caused them, along with figuring out a way to keep them under control.

Aries Mercury: The urge to make everything either a debate or a competition just because the topic is something I’m passionate about!

Venus Pisces: The urge to write long ass essays telling you my million reasons to love you just because why not [and because love is a competition for me >;) ].

I’m tagging: @faiirina@falgunii@ceyrann@hothotchxcolate@the-falling-star@sun-pluto@ukiyowi@orion-star-seed + anyone else that sees this!

this looks fun! let’s go!!

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

libra signature: the urge to overdress for every random occasion I get

pisces moon: the urge to take personality tests everyday because you have no sense of identity

leo venus in the 8th house: the urge to dress everyday in black from head to toe and to only fall for celebrities

⭐️libra mars conjunct libra jupiter:the urge to stand up for others but then regretting not minding your own business ⭐️

virgo mercury in the 9th house: the urge to write a whole essay to explain a simple, concise concept

pluto conjunct the ascendant:the urge to avoid social events to be alone

✧・゚: *✧・゚ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧*✧・゚:*

I’m tagging @astroismypassion@astrologgeek + everyone who wants to participate xx


birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

taking other requests for chart readings :)



birth chart readings: open

hi everyone !! requests are finally open again :) I had to stop and slow down during the last few months due to studying, but with christmas break I can surely take a few more requests! I won’t be taking many though, and I decided to only interpret birth charts for now as they’re easier and take me less time :)


- in my readings, I focus on the psychological matters of an individual. I analyze their ego, emotions, outer and inner reactions, wounds and approach to the world. I also take in consideration your physical appearance, your way of loving and receiving love and affection, your way of reasoning and expressing your thoughts and even your fashion sense, as I find that it’s influenced by your mind and ideals after all. I also describe your childhood, your love life, your friendships and even your approach to school and career. I don’t want astrology to feel too complicated, even though it is. I try to explain these topics with simple words, giving you advices to break free from restrictions, limitations and challenges in your life to live peacefully.

- I’m also going to do a few predictions about who you’re going to marry/date, and even about your children. If you’ve yet to choose your permanent career, I can also address you towards what you’re skilled at and offer you a few suggestions. I’m going to analyze your current transits and mood as well, in order to help you dealing and overcoming eventual bad feelings.

- another topic I like talking about in my readings is past lives. after all, anyone would be interested in knowing who they were in another body, right? I find it just as interesting as you, therefore I decided to add a section exclusively related to this topic. I’m also going to inform you about your purpose of this lifetime, in order to achieve the best of luck.

- I also like giving advices to increase your psychic abilities and manifest anything you desire through the law of attraction based on your birth chart.

- I write my readings in a pragmatic and neat way. I like pointing out which aspect I’m analyzing, and I take everything in consideration in your chart to make it yours. I don’t limit myself to tell and explain you what effects your placements have in general, I dive deep into your chart to link them to your childhood, relationships, hobbies and just you. let’s suppose you have difficulty opening up to others; I seek for clues in your chart that may explain why you act in that way, in order for you to understand your behaviour and eventually correct it.


each reading costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to book a reading, you have to click on the link I’ll leave down below, which will take you to a reliable website called ko-fi. you can send me money using the ‘support’ button. the payment is managed by paypal, therefore the transaction is completely trustworthy. once your payment has been sent, you’ll have to send me a private message here on tumblr with your birth info (date, time and place) and your pronouns too (he/she/they).


a reading usually takes me around ¾ days to be completed and corrected if I’m not too busy. understand that there’s a lot to look at, and I need concentration. this time may vary, based on the amount of commissions I get. you should be able to get your reading in maybe a month when I’m busy, but I repeat, it may vary. I will keep you informed about it though, and will tell you when I officially start working on it. I’ll start reading them in the order I get them.

if you’re not totally sure yet, you can take a look at the reading I’ve done for my first client here. you can read it, see if you like how I interpret birth charts and then book your reading. :)

thank you for your attention!! <3

TO BOOK YOUR READING: https://ko-fi.com/libramc

I’m still taking readings guys!! :)



chart readings: open

hello everyone! it’s me, @libramc/@readingsbylibramc. some of you may already know me and my readings from my previous account, @libramcmoved, where you can read all of my birth chart readings. after two months of only reading natal charts, I decided to challenge myself into doing more types of readings, so requests are currently open!


each readings costs €25. I think it’s a reasonable price, considering that I try to write and analyze as much as I can about a variety of topics. an astrologer usually asks way more, at least around €40 - 150. I’m willing to make these more affordable, as my main goal isn’t exactly earning money, but helping people understand who they are. I’ve grown up way faster since I’ve started learning about astrology, and it even boosted my self-esteem. I want anyone to feel this way, without having to pay hundreds of dollars.


to receive payments, I use a website called ko-fi to make donations. you just have to click on the link at the end of this post or in my bio and then click on the pink button ‘buy a coffee’. the payment is handled by paypal, hence the transaction is definitely safe.


after completing the payment, send me a dm in this account, @readingsbylibramc. in your message, you’ll have to send me the type of chart you picked, your birth date, birth place and birth time, along with your pronouns. it’s extremely important to have your birth time, or the reading will be less complete.


please, understand that reading a chart takes quite some time, especially considering that I also have other clients. it may take me 2 / 3 weeks, in some cases even a month, but itmay vary. so I automatically assume you agree with that when booking a reading from me.

now, let’s get into all the formulas!


a birth chart reading focuses more on the psychology of a person. I’ll talk about your behaviours, and why you behave in a certain way. more specifically, you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart. also, you’ll have the possibility to ask me a maximum of 5 questions. I’ll look for the answer in your chart. you can also read a reading I made for another client here as an example. you can read it, see if it satisfies you and then decide.


a synastry chart is basically a compatibility reading. it consists in overlaying two birth charts on top of each other, and then checking where all the planets fall in each other’s houses. more specifically, I will analzye each house overlay and the most important aspects to consider, to highlight the potential of the relationship and also to warn you about possible red flags. I will also specify if there is marriage / soulmate potential with your partner. it doesn’t have to be a couple reading, though! you can also book a synastry reading for you and your sister or your father, for example, to see where you don’t get along and what you can do to improve your relationship. also, you’ll have the possibility to ask me a maximum of 5 questions. I’ll look for the answer in your chart. remember: when booking a synastry reading, you need to send me both your birth info + your partner’s.


a composite chart is another type of compatibility chart. it seems just like a normal birth chart, with a rising sign, a sun sign, a moon sign, and so on. in fact, it consists in finding the mid-point between two or more charts to determin how the couple or group acts, feels, thinks, etc. it’s basically a reading of the energy of a couple or group of people. the difference between a composite and a synastry chart is that you’ll only start seeing the effects of a composite chart after about 6 months, it’s more indicated for long-term relationships. a synastry chart indicates what the potential of a relationship is, a composite chart indicates the general future and possible struggles of a couple. hence, I highly recommend booking a composite chart reading together with a synastry reading for best accuracy. remember: when booking a composite reading, you need to send me both your birth info + your partner’s. you can also book a reading for a group of people, like your family or your group of friends. just remember to send me everyone’s birth info with their names or person a, person b, person c, etc.


a karmic reading focuses on the destiny line of a birth chart, that is your south and north node. I’ll descrive in-depth your past life, life purpose and all the karma you have accumulated and how it affects you in this lifetime. I’ll also take in consideration other karmic houses and planets, like saturn, the 12th house, the 8th house, etc. to dive even deeper and trying to understand what happened to your soul. also, remember that to get to know and understand your soul purpose, it would be better if you also knew yourself well. because of that, it’s recommended to book a karmic chart reading together with or after a birth chart reading. for this reading, you’ll need to send me your accurate birth info (time, date and place of birth).

feel free to dm me if you have any questions!!


hi everyone, just posted my new chart readings options. go check them out!
