#mary christiansen

I know “punk rock edgy young Mary” is the popular take in the fandom but consider; Rich 90′s collegeI know “punk rock edgy young Mary” is the popular take in the fandom but consider; Rich 90′s collegeI know “punk rock edgy young Mary” is the popular take in the fandom but consider; Rich 90′s college

I know “punk rock edgy young Mary” is the popular take in the fandom but consider; Rich 90′s college girl Mary hooking up with Joseph “I wasn’t always a youth minister” Christiansen to piss off her WASPy parents. Surprise he knocked you up and decided he was gonna man up and become a pillar of the community and turn into the bland milquetoast country club guy your parents always wanted you to end up with and now you’re trapped forever.

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Where’s the Good End where you help these three sort out their drama and they all live happily ever

Where’s the Good End where you help these three sort out their drama and they all live happily ever after together?

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