
Title: The Same Sky, Day and Night Author: Atanih88Artists: mashimero & @with-your-poncho-onWord

Title:The Same Sky, Day and Night
Word Count:19,989
Pairings: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Summary: Clark and Lois separate as the sun rises over Metropolis. Clark and Bruce find comfort in each other’s company as night settles over Gotham. A look at the quiet moments that sew together something deeper.

[read the fic | see mashimero’s art on AO3orTumblr | see with-your-poncho-on’s art: post 1andpost 2]

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 Title: Flux PointAuthor: butterflyslinkyArtists: comicArtistA and mashimero / @mashimeroWord Count:

Title:Flux Point
Artists:comicArtistAandmashimero / @mashimero
Word Count:25K
Pairings: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Continuity: No Specific Continuity

Clark Kent returned from The War to an empty farm and too many ghosts.

Bruce Wayne is running from Gotham, and his ghosts follow him.

But maybe ghosts don’t have to come with sadness.

[read the fic|see comicArtistA’s art | see mashimero’s art on TumblrorAO3]

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Title: Inside Your LightAuthor: darter_blueArtist: MashimeroWord Count: 33,637Rating: MaturePairing:

Title:Inside Your Light
Word Count: 33,637
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Clark Kent/ Bruce Wayne
Continuity: Post Batman v Superman - Dawn of Justice
Superman isn’t breathing. There’s no pulse. There’s a hole in his chest that Bruce can see right through, and were Superman human he would be dead. But he’s not human - as Bruce is all too aware. A failing Bruce had tried to kill him for - has perhaps succeeded - is unquestionably responsible for the hero now lying broken before him.

But Superman should be as indestructible as a god, Bruce won’t accept that he’s dead. There’s something they’re missing and Bruce trusts no one but himself to take the body, keep it safe, find the perfect combination of stimuli to bring the man inside it back from his state between life and death.

The more time Bruce spends with the body, with Superman, with Clark, the closer he feels to a man he never let himself know. The more Bruce realises how much he’ll lose if he can’t find the answers to bring Clark back.

Bruce had expected to solve a puzzle, to right a wrong, to save a life. He never expected to find redemption. He never expected to fall in love…

read the fic!|see the art!

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