#mass effect commissions


Hellooooo friends! I am just about caught up on my portrait comms! I have one left to go! So I want to open up some more commissions! Yes! right now you can get up to a full body sketch, multiple characters, bg, etc! Whatever you want just no lineart this time!

Please send all inquiries, questions and references to [email protected]!☺️

-Rules as always!-



Full Anthro (Animal and Alien like features okay. IE- Ears, Tails, etc)

Horns, Lekku, Montrals etc)

NSFW (Light/tasteful nudity okay)


When you send me your request, I will need to know what you want done, as many references pictures as you can send to me (faceclaims, poses, art, etc.) Any bits of their personality you think would be useful, PLEASE have CLEAR visual references!


Commissions can take anywhere from a week to a month. Usually not longer than that, It depends on my available time, and the complexity of the commission itself. My wrist is still iffy so it may be a bit longer!


I will change anything you want in the sketch phase. After I’ve completed the piece however, I will allow only one major change. Any more than that will be at an extra cost.


Make sure to include an email to send an invoice to, or I will send it to the email you send the original inquiry from.


I do not have a waitlist and I complete commissions in the order I receive them, So whoever is at the end of the queue may end up waiting longer, regardless of the size of the commission


I reserve the right to decline any commission


Prices are in USD

Payment is through PayPal Invoice ONLY

Sketches must be paid for upfront

There will be no slot limit here! I will announce when i close them!



Hi guys! I am opening up 16 commission spots on Ko-Fi for simple bust sketches to help me pay for medical bills and dr’s appts! These are the kinds of busts i am offering, and they are $35 each!

These are very simple and i doubled the amount of slots from last time so as i can try and fill the whole month and take my time with them! I also raised the price slightly, its still cheaper than my normal bust rate but i have… a lot of medical bills piling up and my savings account is running out.

All rules are listed in the Ko-Fi listing but my standard commission rules do apply! Thank you so much in advance!☺️

I chose ko-fi for several reasons and I now also have a monthly donation option now as well! The slots are open now if you want to snag one and will close as soon as all 16 are filled! Please be patient with me on these. My wrist is in bad shape so i will be slower than I would like but I am aiming to get them done within a month☺️

Five slots still open!!


Hi guys! I am opening up 16 commission spots on Ko-Fi for simple bust sketches to help me pay for medical bills and dr’s appts! These are the kinds of busts i am offering, and they are $35 each!

These are very simple and i doubled the amount of slots from last time so as i can try and fill the whole month and take my time with them! I also raised the price slightly, its still cheaper than my normal bust rate but i have… a lot of medical bills piling up and my savings account is running out.

All rules are listed in the Ko-Fi listing but my standard commission rules do apply! Thank you so much in advance!☺️

I chose ko-fi for several reasons and I now also have a monthly donation option now as well! The slots are open now if you want to snag one and will close as soon as all 16 are filled! Please be patient with me on these. My wrist is in bad shape so i will be slower than I would like but I am aiming to get them done within a month☺️

Five slots still open!!


Hi guys! I am opening up 16 commission spots on Ko-Fi for simple bust sketches to help me pay for medical bills and dr’s appts! These are the kinds of busts i am offering, and they are $35 each!

These are very simple and i doubled the amount of slots from last time so as i can try and fill the whole month and take my time with them! I also raised the price slightly, its still cheaper than my normal bust rate but i have… a lot of medical bills piling up and my savings account is running out.

All rules are listed in the Ko-Fi listing but my standard commission rules do apply! Thank you so much in advance!☺️

I chose ko-fi for several reasons and I now also have a monthly donation option now as well! The slots are open now if you want to snag one and will close as soon as all 16 are filled! Please be patient with me on these. My wrist is in bad shape so i will be slower than I would like but I am aiming to get them done within a month☺️

MORE SLOTS OPEN! Come get em while they’re hot!

Hi guys! I am opening up 16 commission spots on Ko-Fi for simple bust sketches to help me pay for medical bills and dr’s appts! These are the kinds of busts i am offering, and they are $35 each!

These are very simple and i doubled the amount of slots from last time so as i can try and fill the whole month and take my time with them! I also raised the price slightly, its still cheaper than my normal bust rate but i have… a lot of medical bills piling up and my savings account is running out.

All rules are listed in the Ko-Fi listing but my standard commission rules do apply! Thank you so much in advance!☺️

I chose ko-fi for several reasons and I now also have a monthly donation option now as well! The slots are open now if you want to snag one and will close as soon as all 16 are filled! Please be patient with me on these. My wrist is in bad shape so i will be slower than I would like but I am aiming to get them done within a month☺️
