#ffxiv commissions

Commish for the lovely L’ydyalana Tohka of Balmung.

Commish for the lovely L’ydyalana Tohka of Balmung.

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Lineart comission I did for my good friend @eorzean-ladies

A comission I got of E’luna from my bestie!  Thank you Linnzy!! 

mimabeann: Y’kayah & Yesena (who belongs to @wilvarin-chan)Got this gorgeous art by @commander-s


Y’kayah & Yesena (who belongs to @wilvarin-chan)

Got this gorgeous art by @commander-sarahs-art, thank you so so much for drawing these two, I still can’t get over how lovely they look!

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Hi guys! I am opening up 16 commission spots on Ko-Fi for simple bust sketches to help me pay for medical bills and dr’s appts! These are the kinds of busts i am offering, and they are $35 each!

These are very simple and i doubled the amount of slots from last time so as i can try and fill the whole month and take my time with them! I also raised the price slightly, its still cheaper than my normal bust rate but i have… a lot of medical bills piling up and my savings account is running out.

All rules are listed in the Ko-Fi listing but my standard commission rules do apply! Thank you so much in advance!☺️

I chose ko-fi for several reasons and I now also have a monthly donation option now as well! The slots are open now if you want to snag one and will close as soon as all 16 are filled! Please be patient with me on these. My wrist is in bad shape so i will be slower than I would like but I am aiming to get them done within a month☺️

Five slots still open!!

Commissions are open, I’m in need of some work! Contact me at [email protected]

maverwyn: A rare December sale! Maverwyn is doing 5 limited waist-up cel-shaded slots!  LINK TO THE


A rare December sale!

Maverwyn is doing 5 limited waist-up cel-shaded slots! 


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xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on xuune: xuune:COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)please check my site for consistent updates on



COMMISSIONS: OPEN (12/15/21 - 1/21/22)

pleasecheck my site for consistent updates on prices. considering that i’m still new to commissions, i will have a lot of trial and error with raising and lowering prices. 

- TOS INFO: thoroughly read through myToS and additional pricing info on my site before you email me a commission for approval. the site contains more detailed info than this post.

if you’re unable to commission me, but would like to support me in any other way, reblog/share this post and/or feel free to donate to my ko-fiB^) 


commission form:

Keep reading

regular commissions are open again, pfp commissions  are still open as well

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