#matteo florenzi


DRUCK Season 3 anniversary rewatch

Donnerstag 20:37 Mama

So much has been said about this clip before but it still amazes me. It tells so much with so few words said aloud, but details and emotions


  • the church speaking to Matteo: “And remember, I am with you always to the very end of the age“ [Matthew 28:20]
  • the song speaking to Matteo: If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may ‘bide with you forever; E'en the sp'rit of truth. (If Ye Love Me by Thomas Tallis / John 14:15-17)
  • the choir’s outfit: transgender flag colors

The emotions Matteo lives through in this clip are breath-taking

How would it feel if you told your mama you would bring someone but then you have to come alone. Would you feel betrayed? Would you feel like you failed again? Would you consider not going? You haven’t seen your mama for two months. You feel you are a new person now. The old you wouldn’t have come, he would lie again, he would say it was a joke and there is no boy to bring. The new you have the courage (Amira was right, she is always right, except that one time, hehe)

You climb the stairs to the church. Every step feels like there is a 100-kilo weight tied to your foot, but you manage it. You haven’t been here for ages. The church hasn’t changed much. The pews are the same. You touch the smooth polished wood as you liked to do when you were a kid - its familiarity grounds you. You sit down, look up and feel small and unimportant under the strict stares of Luther and Melanchthon, like in your childhood. Mama smiles at you and suddenly you start crying. Why? Do you want to get back to carefree childhood? Do you feel sorry for yourself? Are these tears of relief to finally find yourself and be accepted? You don’t have time to reflect your own feelings. The world starts to collapse again and you run to save it as if you were a superhero leaving his dear ones behind

The light is on in your room - David came directly to your place! You rush up the stairs and into the flat. David! The door is left open. Who cares? The new Matteo cares. You have tidied your room again today and you want things around to be in order. You get back to shut the door and rush to your room.

But it’s not David. What now? What can you do?

Noras jumper really do be giving me Matteo vibes and I’m here for it

Matteo Florenzi pack


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I am not okay. I miss them. So much. </3

fast sketches of matteos room


-Gehe gerade ins Wellenbad. Is Donnerstag

-Du gehst jeden Donnerstag ins Wellenbad?

The fact that matteo goes to the wellenbad every thursday will never stop being absolutely hysterical to me
