#mattsukawa issei



Aoba Johsai Third Years With An Athletic S/O Who Overworks Themself And Gets Injured

Requested: Yes

Characters: Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Oikawa

Warnings: Slight angst, Descriptions of injury and the events leading up to them

a/n: One of my roommates asked for this and i can’t tell if this is a self callout for her or if she’s calling me out bc we both do this

update: i asked and she said a little bit of both

  • You already know you’re not gonna get away with that shit with Iwaizumi fuckin Hajime
  • If he doesn’t let his best friend get away with it, why should he let his s/o?
  • You think you’re bein real slick about it but then he shows up at your house to surprise you and your mom tells him that you’re out on a run
  • Mf’s like “Come again”
  • He KNOWS you hurt your ankle at practice the other day, he’s the one who helped you ice it afterwards and he specifically told you not to work it any more than what’s required at practice
  • It’s clown bee hay yeh luv
  • He sits his pretty ass down to wait for you to get back
  • Well actually he slips into the kitchen to help your parent cook BUT you get the idea
  • When you get back you see Iwaizumi and your parents sitting in the living room together
  • You try to sneak by and limp your way to your room, but your mom clears her throat before you get the chance
  • “Y/n, dearest, Iwaizumi-kun has just told me the most interesting thing.”
  • shit
  • After that incident he keeps a closer eye on you
  • The tipping point is when he gets out of volleyball practice early one night and goes to surprise you at your practice so you can walk home together
  • Your practice had just ended fifteen minutes before, this is one of the short days on your schedule
  • Iwaizumi figured he’d catch you just as you were walking out to go home
  • He was wrong
  • You were the only one still on the court/field, you were still running drills on your own and you just weren’t stopping
  • He calls out to you to tell you to get your head out of your ass and go home, but you only glance at him before continuing
  • You shout that you’ll go home once you can get just this one thing perfect, you can rest once it’s good but you just couldn’tyet
  • He’s already on his way toward you when it happens
  • There’s a sickening crack as you fall to the ground, Iwaizumi can see your chest rise and fall with ragged breathing, he can see the beginnings of tears
  • He drops his bag and just fucking books it to get to you
  • After checking over you and confirm that yes that very much should not stick out like that, he gently holds you against him while he pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls for help
  • He’s crying too while you hide your face in his shoulder, he already went through this with his best friend the year before, why does he have to go through it with his s/o too?
  • He goes with you to the emergency room, holds your hand in the waiting room and pushes you in the wheelchair they provided when you need to go back
  • They say family only but fuck that he’s going with you no matter what
  • Lies through his teeth and says you’re engaged
  • They can tell it’s a lie, you’re literally in a high school practice jersey and hes in his uniform. They let it slide, though, because your family hasn’t gotten there yet and it’s pretty obvious that Iwaizumi isn’t leaving your side
  • Your family gets there while you’re getting x-rays done, he sits with them and hugs your parents because shit all three of them need it
  • When they tell you somethings definitely Not Right, he holds your hand and squeezes, watching your face carefully.
  • You have to schedule an appointment with a specialist to know what exactly is going on, and while he can’t go with you to that appointment, he waits with your sibling at your house for you and your parents to get home
  • If you have to have surgery, he’ll hold you while you weep, will reassure you as you ask why did it have to be me? Andtrust me when I say that he’s definitely crying too
  • If you just need physical therapy and a cast, he hounds you every day to do your exercises and mother hens you to no end to make sure you’re not overworking yourself
  • Honestly? If he hadn’t said it before this, he tells you he loves you the night you injure yourself.
  • He means it, too, he loves you so much.
  • When he figures out that you’ve been overworking yourself he gives you the chance to fess up
  • “hey y/n, are you limping?”
  • “ahaha no why do you say that”
  • He gives you a Look and you try to run away but it’s useless
  • He picks you up and slings you over his shoulder
  • If you try to make excuses he just stares at you with a blank expression until you slowly trail off
  • Doesn’t exactly lecture you? He just flicks your forehead and tells you not to hurt yourself, then asks what you want for dinner since his family is ordering in
  • It’s pretty refreshing actually, you have enough friends on your ass about how much you practice, you don’t need your boyfriend doing the same
  • He does keep a close eye on you, though. He remembers what it was like leading up to Oikawa’s knee injury, and he does Not want anything of the sort to happen to you
  • He’s not there when you get hurt
  • He gets a call at ten o’clock on a Friday night from one of your teammates
  • After your parent called them to ask if they’d seen you since you hadn’t been home and weren’t at Matsukawa’s house, they went to look for you at the practice field near the park
  • It started raining before they got there, but when they did get there they found you in the mud cradling your injured limb
  • Naturally after calling your parents and an ambulance, they called Matsukawa
  • He went to the hospital immediately, he hadn’t even bothered to get dressed
  • When you were wheeled back out to the waiting room, he was sitting there in his too-short spongebob pajama pants that showed just a little too much ankle and a t shirt he’d gotten from a fundraiser your team had done
  • It had your jersey number and name on the back
  • He looked a right mess but in your relief to see him sitting there you found that he’d never looked better to you
  • When he saw you he got up and crossed the room, dropping down to pull you into a tight hug (much to the disapproval of the doctor who’d walked you and your parent out)
  • He was close to tears which is unusual for him, you’d never seen him cry before
  • The sight made you tear up all over again as you held on tightly to him
  • He sleeps over at your house, something neither your nor his parents would typically allow, but this was different
  • He held you all night, careful of your injury
  • You try to apologize but he won’t hear it, he just shushes you and holds you tighter.
  • At first he’ll just hide his face in your neck with his arms wrapped around your waist as you trace shapes in his wrist
  • If you let him, though, he’ll press gentle kisses to your injured limb
  • If you have to have surgery he’ll take off school to be with you the day of and he’ll skip practice to be with you the day after
  • No one on the team wants to penalize him for it, but they know he won’t accept them just overlooking it since they wouldn’t usually
  • So coach and Oikawa agree to simply give him extra laps and gym cleaning duty with the first years
  • He’ll kiss the incision scar after it’s healed, if it makes you flustered that’s just all the more reason to keep doing it
  • If you just need physical therapy he will drive you to and from every appointment that he can
  • He’ll make sure you do your exercises, he’ll even do them with you if you want him to
  • Any time he thinks you’re overworking yourself he throws you over his shoulder and carries you away, he’s not letting you risk it again
  • Once you’re healed you’ll find that every time you’re sitting together, his hand will stray to where you had your injury and he’ll rub gently, applying a little bit of pressure
  • Definitely apologizes to Iwaizumi for making fun of him when he’d nearly broken down the year before when Oikawa got injured
  • He gets it now
  • This mf is one mean bitch
  • He’s only loud when you pair him with Matsukawa or you
  • Usually you think he’s funny
  • Then he turns that bitchiness on you and suddenly there’s a problem
  • “not funny. cried.”
  • Why is he being mean? I am so glad you asked
  • Somebody decided to sass him when he told them not to overwork themself
  • “Alright. I don’t wanna hear shit when you bust your ass from working too hard. Your bones are gonna snap like a twig and I will not be here to help you.”
  • “daddy chill”
  • LMAO please he probably takes himself seriously for all of thirty seconds after this interaction then he’s cracking up and asking what you want for dinner, his treat
  • Later, though, he grabs your wrist and leans down and just when you’re like fuck yeah I’m gettin a kiss
  • He goes to talk quietly with his lips pressed against your ear instead
  • “Seriously, though. Be careful with yourself. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
  • On one hand you might cry that’s so sweet
  • On the other hand your desire to make fun of your boyfriend outweighs your desire for kith
  • “Fuckin simp, you wanna get pegged so bad it makes you look stupid.”
  • He laughs and then he actually Does kiss you and honestly? Good for you, you get to make fun of your boyfriend AND still get a kith
  • One day after practice he starts to go to your house, but then he gets a text from you
  • “in locker room and can’t get up, pls help lmao”
  • Only you would add lmao after informing him you couldn’t fucking get up
  • He turns on his heel and hurries to the locker room your team uses
  • He finds you curled up on the ground and curses under his breath before crouching down beside you
  • “Hey babe, you come here often?”
  • “Literally shut up oh my god”
  • He calls for help since apparently you decided boyfriend>medical professionals
  • Calls your parents from the hospital and tries not to lose his shit
  • Usually his expression is calculated and steady but right now hes visibly worried and he’s chewing on his bottom lip and he just needs to know you’re okay
  • Honestly the sight kinda makes you feel like shit, he told you to be careful and now you’re in the hospital making him worry
  • If you have to have surgery he’ll definitely be a lot more on edge around his friends, especially the day of if his parents don’t let him skip to stay with you
  • He knows you’re scared, even if you try to hide it
  • He knows how much you love your sport, it’s the whole reason you’re even in this mess
  • In the days leading up to your surgery you try to tell him you’re fine but every time he just looks at you with that concerned, loving expression you’ve recently become acquainted with
  • And your resolve crumbles to pieces
  • You hide your face in his neck and cry, and he lets you
  • He’s probably the least likely to cry with you but that doesn’t mean he’s not aching just seeing you so afraid and in so much pain
  • If you tell him just how scared you are he’ll hold you as tightly as you need him to
  • If you just need physical therapy then he’ll pick you up from your appointments and he’ll watch you do your exercises
  • Then he’ll take you out for food
  • He takes care of you in his own way
  • He will tell you he loves you, and he’ll say it over and over as many times as you need to hear it
  • Only when you’re alone, though
  • When you’re hanging out with Matsukawa and he tells you he loves you, Mr Eyebrows over there starts pouting until you and Hanamaki shower him in the same affection
  • You wouldn’t trade it for the world though
  • Oh boy
  • You know that spiderman meme where they’re both pointing at each other?
  • Thats you two when you walk out of your respective club rooms at 10 o’clock and see each other
  • ‍♂️‍‍
  • “I won’t tell Iwa-chan if you don’t”
  • “Deal”
  • In all seriousness, though, he’s probably kinda pissy when he realizes you’re overworking yourself
  • “Y/n-chan you have to take care of yourself >:(“
  • “So do you tf”
  • “This ain’t about me”
  • He knows that last year he pushed himself too far and ended up getting hurt
  • What kind of boyfriend would he be if he let you do the same thing?
  • Starts trying to take up more and more of your time
  • Because you can’t overwork yourself if you’re spending all your free time with him, your loving, doting, brilliant genius of a boyfriend :D
  • …or so he thought
  • What he didn’t know was that you were running every night for hours
  • Which a) is fucking dangerous you idiot you could get run over and b) lit rally why are you running so much don’t you get enough of a workout in during practice
  • Apparently no, no you don’t
  • It’s three in the morning and your parents were out of town, they called him to ask him to go check on you
  • You hadn’t answered your phone all day and still weren’t answering and while they knew you were probably asleep, they just wanted to make sure you were okay
  • He was driving to your house when he saw you on the side of the road
  • Your phone fell out of your hand when you fell, you were mostly on the sidewalk but your phone was broken in the street
  • He immediately pulled over and got out of his car without turning it off, rushing over to you
  • He asked if you could get up and you told him no, that your ankle couldn’t support your weight
  • You told him that you couldn’t sleep, you were just going to go on a short run until you were tired but that then you felt like you couldn’t stop, so you didn’t
  • You just kept going, and evidently your body tired out before your brain could register that fact, and your ankle gave out
  • You’d already twisted it a few times in the last week, but now it hurt like a motherfucker and you couldnt even stand on it
  • He helped you into his car and gave you his phone to call your parents and fill them in on what happened while he drove you to the hospital
  • He stayed with you all night, his mother didn’t even try to stop him at that point
  • The next day he bought you a new phone
  • Definitely kinda blames himself, tries not to let you know it though
  • One day he was at your house and you thought he was still asleep on the couch where you two had been napping together
  • You were trying to get to the kitchen and do things for yourself
  • He let you try, but got up so he’d be ready to try and catch you if you started to fall
  • You did fall, and he was right there to hold you up
  • You were so frustrated you started crying, and he couldn’t do anything but hold you tightly while you whispered how you just wanted a fucking glass of juice
  • If you listen close you can actually hear the exact moment his heart shatters!
  • If you need surgery he weeps with you, he knows how scared you are because he’d been in that situation the year before
  • He takes off school and nothing can stop him
  • Still goes to practice, though, but goes back to your side as soon as he can
  • While you’re healing he lets you see his knee
  • He doesn’t usually, he doesn’t like anyone looking at it
  • It’s discolored and eternally swollen in comparison to his other knee
  • But he doesn’t want you to be ashamed of your injury once you’ve healed, so he can’t let you know he’s ashamed of his
  • Make gentle work of tracing his scarred knee, press loving kisses to it while you hold his hands, let him know you love every part of him
  • He’ll do the same for you, he’ll absolutely worship every part of you, including your injured ankle
  • Any time you sit with your legs in his lap he’ll massage the area gently, the same way he knows feels good with his knee
  • If you just need physical therapy, he’ll change his schedule so that his appointments are at the same time as yours
  • That way he can go with you and leave with you
  • “Carpooling is good for the environment, Y/n-chan”
  • Really, though, he just wants to be able to do it with you, he wants to be the first one you see after an especially frustrating appointment, he wants to be the first one you tell when you make progress, he wants to be the one to take you to get food after every appointment
  • His kisses get a lot softer after you get injured
  • He’ll hold you close and swipe his thumb across your cheek as you melt against each other
  • It’s very sweet
  • If he’s already said it before the injury, then when it happens he’ll tell you he loves you and he will repeat it like a mantra
  • If he hasn’t, though, he won’t say it then
  • He doesn’t want the first time he says it to be while you’re terrified and in pain
  • But the moment you’re put back in the game, whether it’s the end of your third year season or your first season as a college student, the first game you’re back in after working your ass off to get to play again, he’s there
  • He’s there and he’s the one cheering loudest for you every point you score
  • Whether your team wins or not, he’s there lifting you up off the ground and he’s kissing you breathless, you’d think you’d just won in the last game of finals at nationals
  • Kinda obnoxious to everyone who doesn’t know the context
  • But you know, and that’s all that matters
  • He’s so proud of you, he holds you tight and he tells you he loves you and honestly, what more do you need?

Gen taglist: @fluffyviciousbunny

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