#tooru oikawa x reader



Aoba Johsai Third Years With An Athletic S/O Who Overworks Themself And Gets Injured

Requested: Yes

Characters: Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Oikawa

Warnings: Slight angst, Descriptions of injury and the events leading up to them

a/n: One of my roommates asked for this and i can’t tell if this is a self callout for her or if she’s calling me out bc we both do this

update: i asked and she said a little bit of both

  • You already know you’re not gonna get away with that shit with Iwaizumi fuckin Hajime
  • If he doesn’t let his best friend get away with it, why should he let his s/o?
  • You think you’re bein real slick about it but then he shows up at your house to surprise you and your mom tells him that you’re out on a run
  • Mf’s like “Come again”
  • He KNOWS you hurt your ankle at practice the other day, he’s the one who helped you ice it afterwards and he specifically told you not to work it any more than what’s required at practice
  • It’s clown bee hay yeh luv
  • He sits his pretty ass down to wait for you to get back
  • Well actually he slips into the kitchen to help your parent cook BUT you get the idea
  • When you get back you see Iwaizumi and your parents sitting in the living room together
  • You try to sneak by and limp your way to your room, but your mom clears her throat before you get the chance
  • “Y/n, dearest, Iwaizumi-kun has just told me the most interesting thing.”
  • shit
  • After that incident he keeps a closer eye on you
  • The tipping point is when he gets out of volleyball practice early one night and goes to surprise you at your practice so you can walk home together
  • Your practice had just ended fifteen minutes before, this is one of the short days on your schedule
  • Iwaizumi figured he’d catch you just as you were walking out to go home
  • He was wrong
  • You were the only one still on the court/field, you were still running drills on your own and you just weren’t stopping
  • He calls out to you to tell you to get your head out of your ass and go home, but you only glance at him before continuing
  • You shout that you’ll go home once you can get just this one thing perfect, you can rest once it’s good but you just couldn’tyet
  • He’s already on his way toward you when it happens
  • There’s a sickening crack as you fall to the ground, Iwaizumi can see your chest rise and fall with ragged breathing, he can see the beginnings of tears
  • He drops his bag and just fucking books it to get to you
  • After checking over you and confirm that yes that very much should not stick out like that, he gently holds you against him while he pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls for help
  • He’s crying too while you hide your face in his shoulder, he already went through this with his best friend the year before, why does he have to go through it with his s/o too?
  • He goes with you to the emergency room, holds your hand in the waiting room and pushes you in the wheelchair they provided when you need to go back
  • They say family only but fuck that he’s going with you no matter what
  • Lies through his teeth and says you’re engaged
  • They can tell it’s a lie, you’re literally in a high school practice jersey and hes in his uniform. They let it slide, though, because your family hasn’t gotten there yet and it’s pretty obvious that Iwaizumi isn’t leaving your side
  • Your family gets there while you’re getting x-rays done, he sits with them and hugs your parents because shit all three of them need it
  • When they tell you somethings definitely Not Right, he holds your hand and squeezes, watching your face carefully.
  • You have to schedule an appointment with a specialist to know what exactly is going on, and while he can’t go with you to that appointment, he waits with your sibling at your house for you and your parents to get home
  • If you have to have surgery, he’ll hold you while you weep, will reassure you as you ask why did it have to be me? Andtrust me when I say that he’s definitely crying too
  • If you just need physical therapy and a cast, he hounds you every day to do your exercises and mother hens you to no end to make sure you’re not overworking yourself
  • Honestly? If he hadn’t said it before this, he tells you he loves you the night you injure yourself.
  • He means it, too, he loves you so much.
  • When he figures out that you’ve been overworking yourself he gives you the chance to fess up
  • “hey y/n, are you limping?”
  • “ahaha no why do you say that”
  • He gives you a Look and you try to run away but it’s useless
  • He picks you up and slings you over his shoulder
  • If you try to make excuses he just stares at you with a blank expression until you slowly trail off
  • Doesn’t exactly lecture you? He just flicks your forehead and tells you not to hurt yourself, then asks what you want for dinner since his family is ordering in
  • It’s pretty refreshing actually, you have enough friends on your ass about how much you practice, you don’t need your boyfriend doing the same
  • He does keep a close eye on you, though. He remembers what it was like leading up to Oikawa’s knee injury, and he does Not want anything of the sort to happen to you
  • He’s not there when you get hurt
  • He gets a call at ten o’clock on a Friday night from one of your teammates
  • After your parent called them to ask if they’d seen you since you hadn’t been home and weren’t at Matsukawa’s house, they went to look for you at the practice field near the park
  • It started raining before they got there, but when they did get there they found you in the mud cradling your injured limb
  • Naturally after calling your parents and an ambulance, they called Matsukawa
  • He went to the hospital immediately, he hadn’t even bothered to get dressed
  • When you were wheeled back out to the waiting room, he was sitting there in his too-short spongebob pajama pants that showed just a little too much ankle and a t shirt he’d gotten from a fundraiser your team had done
  • It had your jersey number and name on the back
  • He looked a right mess but in your relief to see him sitting there you found that he’d never looked better to you
  • When he saw you he got up and crossed the room, dropping down to pull you into a tight hug (much to the disapproval of the doctor who’d walked you and your parent out)
  • He was close to tears which is unusual for him, you’d never seen him cry before
  • The sight made you tear up all over again as you held on tightly to him
  • He sleeps over at your house, something neither your nor his parents would typically allow, but this was different
  • He held you all night, careful of your injury
  • You try to apologize but he won’t hear it, he just shushes you and holds you tighter.
  • At first he’ll just hide his face in your neck with his arms wrapped around your waist as you trace shapes in his wrist
  • If you let him, though, he’ll press gentle kisses to your injured limb
  • If you have to have surgery he’ll take off school to be with you the day of and he’ll skip practice to be with you the day after
  • No one on the team wants to penalize him for it, but they know he won’t accept them just overlooking it since they wouldn’t usually
  • So coach and Oikawa agree to simply give him extra laps and gym cleaning duty with the first years
  • He’ll kiss the incision scar after it’s healed, if it makes you flustered that’s just all the more reason to keep doing it
  • If you just need physical therapy he will drive you to and from every appointment that he can
  • He’ll make sure you do your exercises, he’ll even do them with you if you want him to
  • Any time he thinks you’re overworking yourself he throws you over his shoulder and carries you away, he’s not letting you risk it again
  • Once you’re healed you’ll find that every time you’re sitting together, his hand will stray to where you had your injury and he’ll rub gently, applying a little bit of pressure
  • Definitely apologizes to Iwaizumi for making fun of him when he’d nearly broken down the year before when Oikawa got injured
  • He gets it now
  • This mf is one mean bitch
  • He’s only loud when you pair him with Matsukawa or you
  • Usually you think he’s funny
  • Then he turns that bitchiness on you and suddenly there’s a problem
  • “not funny. cried.”
  • Why is he being mean? I am so glad you asked
  • Somebody decided to sass him when he told them not to overwork themself
  • “Alright. I don’t wanna hear shit when you bust your ass from working too hard. Your bones are gonna snap like a twig and I will not be here to help you.”
  • “daddy chill”
  • LMAO please he probably takes himself seriously for all of thirty seconds after this interaction then he’s cracking up and asking what you want for dinner, his treat
  • Later, though, he grabs your wrist and leans down and just when you’re like fuck yeah I’m gettin a kiss
  • He goes to talk quietly with his lips pressed against your ear instead
  • “Seriously, though. Be careful with yourself. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
  • On one hand you might cry that’s so sweet
  • On the other hand your desire to make fun of your boyfriend outweighs your desire for kith
  • “Fuckin simp, you wanna get pegged so bad it makes you look stupid.”
  • He laughs and then he actually Does kiss you and honestly? Good for you, you get to make fun of your boyfriend AND still get a kith
  • One day after practice he starts to go to your house, but then he gets a text from you
  • “in locker room and can’t get up, pls help lmao”
  • Only you would add lmao after informing him you couldn’t fucking get up
  • He turns on his heel and hurries to the locker room your team uses
  • He finds you curled up on the ground and curses under his breath before crouching down beside you
  • “Hey babe, you come here often?”
  • “Literally shut up oh my god”
  • He calls for help since apparently you decided boyfriend>medical professionals
  • Calls your parents from the hospital and tries not to lose his shit
  • Usually his expression is calculated and steady but right now hes visibly worried and he’s chewing on his bottom lip and he just needs to know you’re okay
  • Honestly the sight kinda makes you feel like shit, he told you to be careful and now you’re in the hospital making him worry
  • If you have to have surgery he’ll definitely be a lot more on edge around his friends, especially the day of if his parents don’t let him skip to stay with you
  • He knows you’re scared, even if you try to hide it
  • He knows how much you love your sport, it’s the whole reason you’re even in this mess
  • In the days leading up to your surgery you try to tell him you’re fine but every time he just looks at you with that concerned, loving expression you’ve recently become acquainted with
  • And your resolve crumbles to pieces
  • You hide your face in his neck and cry, and he lets you
  • He’s probably the least likely to cry with you but that doesn’t mean he’s not aching just seeing you so afraid and in so much pain
  • If you tell him just how scared you are he’ll hold you as tightly as you need him to
  • If you just need physical therapy then he’ll pick you up from your appointments and he’ll watch you do your exercises
  • Then he’ll take you out for food
  • He takes care of you in his own way
  • He will tell you he loves you, and he’ll say it over and over as many times as you need to hear it
  • Only when you’re alone, though
  • When you’re hanging out with Matsukawa and he tells you he loves you, Mr Eyebrows over there starts pouting until you and Hanamaki shower him in the same affection
  • You wouldn’t trade it for the world though
  • Oh boy
  • You know that spiderman meme where they’re both pointing at each other?
  • Thats you two when you walk out of your respective club rooms at 10 o’clock and see each other
  • ‍♂️‍‍
  • “I won’t tell Iwa-chan if you don’t”
  • “Deal”
  • In all seriousness, though, he’s probably kinda pissy when he realizes you’re overworking yourself
  • “Y/n-chan you have to take care of yourself >:(“
  • “So do you tf”
  • “This ain’t about me”
  • He knows that last year he pushed himself too far and ended up getting hurt
  • What kind of boyfriend would he be if he let you do the same thing?
  • Starts trying to take up more and more of your time
  • Because you can’t overwork yourself if you’re spending all your free time with him, your loving, doting, brilliant genius of a boyfriend :D
  • …or so he thought
  • What he didn’t know was that you were running every night for hours
  • Which a) is fucking dangerous you idiot you could get run over and b) lit rally why are you running so much don’t you get enough of a workout in during practice
  • Apparently no, no you don’t
  • It’s three in the morning and your parents were out of town, they called him to ask him to go check on you
  • You hadn’t answered your phone all day and still weren’t answering and while they knew you were probably asleep, they just wanted to make sure you were okay
  • He was driving to your house when he saw you on the side of the road
  • Your phone fell out of your hand when you fell, you were mostly on the sidewalk but your phone was broken in the street
  • He immediately pulled over and got out of his car without turning it off, rushing over to you
  • He asked if you could get up and you told him no, that your ankle couldn’t support your weight
  • You told him that you couldn’t sleep, you were just going to go on a short run until you were tired but that then you felt like you couldn’t stop, so you didn’t
  • You just kept going, and evidently your body tired out before your brain could register that fact, and your ankle gave out
  • You’d already twisted it a few times in the last week, but now it hurt like a motherfucker and you couldnt even stand on it
  • He helped you into his car and gave you his phone to call your parents and fill them in on what happened while he drove you to the hospital
  • He stayed with you all night, his mother didn’t even try to stop him at that point
  • The next day he bought you a new phone
  • Definitely kinda blames himself, tries not to let you know it though
  • One day he was at your house and you thought he was still asleep on the couch where you two had been napping together
  • You were trying to get to the kitchen and do things for yourself
  • He let you try, but got up so he’d be ready to try and catch you if you started to fall
  • You did fall, and he was right there to hold you up
  • You were so frustrated you started crying, and he couldn’t do anything but hold you tightly while you whispered how you just wanted a fucking glass of juice
  • If you listen close you can actually hear the exact moment his heart shatters!
  • If you need surgery he weeps with you, he knows how scared you are because he’d been in that situation the year before
  • He takes off school and nothing can stop him
  • Still goes to practice, though, but goes back to your side as soon as he can
  • While you’re healing he lets you see his knee
  • He doesn’t usually, he doesn’t like anyone looking at it
  • It’s discolored and eternally swollen in comparison to his other knee
  • But he doesn’t want you to be ashamed of your injury once you’ve healed, so he can’t let you know he’s ashamed of his
  • Make gentle work of tracing his scarred knee, press loving kisses to it while you hold his hands, let him know you love every part of him
  • He’ll do the same for you, he’ll absolutely worship every part of you, including your injured ankle
  • Any time you sit with your legs in his lap he’ll massage the area gently, the same way he knows feels good with his knee
  • If you just need physical therapy, he’ll change his schedule so that his appointments are at the same time as yours
  • That way he can go with you and leave with you
  • “Carpooling is good for the environment, Y/n-chan”
  • Really, though, he just wants to be able to do it with you, he wants to be the first one you see after an especially frustrating appointment, he wants to be the first one you tell when you make progress, he wants to be the one to take you to get food after every appointment
  • His kisses get a lot softer after you get injured
  • He’ll hold you close and swipe his thumb across your cheek as you melt against each other
  • It’s very sweet
  • If he’s already said it before the injury, then when it happens he’ll tell you he loves you and he will repeat it like a mantra
  • If he hasn’t, though, he won’t say it then
  • He doesn’t want the first time he says it to be while you’re terrified and in pain
  • But the moment you’re put back in the game, whether it’s the end of your third year season or your first season as a college student, the first game you’re back in after working your ass off to get to play again, he’s there
  • He’s there and he’s the one cheering loudest for you every point you score
  • Whether your team wins or not, he’s there lifting you up off the ground and he’s kissing you breathless, you’d think you’d just won in the last game of finals at nationals
  • Kinda obnoxious to everyone who doesn’t know the context
  • But you know, and that’s all that matters
  • He’s so proud of you, he holds you tight and he tells you he loves you and honestly, what more do you need?

Gen taglist: @fluffyviciousbunny

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Melancholy Hill

a/n: okay this is very discombobulated but i promise it’ll make more sense later

You grin at your phone until a familiar pouting face pops into view. Takeru had moved to block your phone, nose scrunched in distaste.

“Y/n, put your phone down. I have to tell you something!”

You raise an eyebrow in intrigue, making a big show of turning your phone off and setting it to the side. “What’s up, little man?”

“Did you know uncle Tooru can burp the alphabet?” Takeru asks, eyes practically sparkling in excitement.

A sly grin overtakes your face as you nod, “Yes I did know. Who do you think taught him?”

Takeru’s eyes grow wide as your words sink in. “Did you teach him?”

“Yep, when we were little we all learned together.”

The brunet in question had been called upstairs to help his mother, leaving you alone with his sister and nephew. You didn’t mind, of course, you loved them and they loved you.

“Will you teach me?” Takeru asks, rocking back and forth on his feet.

You pretend to take a moment to think, then nod with a sigh. “Well, I dont see why not. Let’s go.”

He cheers as you lead him into the kitchen, and that’s the interaction that leads you to this moment.

Takeru, his mother, and you are all gathered around the counter. He’s finally managed to make it through the majority of the alphabet, though now you’ve abandoned your practice with soda in favor of making big glasses of chocolate milk—per Takeru’s request, of course. You each have a straw, blowing bubbles in the liquid.

You make a big show of taking a deep breath before blowing into the straw, grinning as Takeru laughs joyously at the bubbles you produced. There was something about the moment, something you couldn’t quite identify, that made you laugh to. And so the three of you sat in the kitchen, laughing breathlessly and trying not to choke on chocolate milk.

You’re so caught up in the moment that you don’t notice Tooru coming downstairs, and you don’t notice how he stops just outside the doorway. You don’t notice how he leans against the wall and watches you interact with his nephew, bright smile on your face as you listen to whatever exaggerated story he’s launched into this time. You definitely don’t notice the almost uncharacteristically soft expression he gets on his face as he watches his best friend interacting with his nephew.

His sister, however, she definitely notices. She doesn’t say anything, just tucks that observation away for later examination.

Part 6 - choccy milk


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pairing: oikawa tooru x fem! reader

warnings: swearing, suggestive content (17+), college drinking, college partying, breakdown

genre: fluff (?), angst, best friends, aged up characters

word count: ~2k words

a/n:hello friends!! enjoy this glimpse into what’s going on in my life through fanfiction bc writing is how i cope :) im glad to be writing for the first time in forever ! [btw, yes, this is about the boy i was talking about on here <3 ] pls reblog and enjoy xx

“hey… you shouldn’t sleep on the floor.”

you nudged his shoulder, hoping to wake him up. he let out a small groan, causing you to chuckle. the soft music echoed throughout your dorm room, only he was too tired to notice. you patted him again. instead of getting up, he moved closer to you and rested his head in your lap.

you didn’t expect to be spending your friday night like this. you didn’t think your friday night would lead to this. yet, it did.

it started out as every innocent weekend does. you were just looking to have a good time. one of your good friends, bokuto kotaro, always seemed to have something going on in his room, so you decided to go there.

however, you didn’t go alone.

you went with your best friend.

oikawa tooru.

you first went to his room. oikawa opened the door with a dashing smile as he always did and let you inside. he handed you a water bottle.

“i already made you your mix,” he said.

“what a good friend you are.”

“the best, i know.”

the two of you made your way to bokuto’s dorm, already feeling the affects of your drink. you could hear the music from down the hall.

“yooo! we got y/n and tooru here!” shouted kuroo, bokuto’s roommate. you laughed and joined in on the fun.

you liked these little dorm parties. they were harmless. just a group of friends getting together. however, every time you went to one of those dorm parties, there seemed to be something in the air.

“take a shot y/n!” insisted makki. you smiled, taking the small glass and downing it.

“that’s my girl!” said oikawa, causing your face to grow warm.

“hey now you gotta take one,” you teased. oikawa smirked, pouring himself a shot and taking it as if it were water.

as the night progressed and people began to reach their limits, you found yourself snuggled up on a bean bag with your best friend.

your best friend whom you’ve liked since the day you met him.

you stared up at the ceiling, watching the l.e.d lights above you blur onto one color. you looked over your shoulder at oikawa, who was on the brink of passing out. you patted his chest.

“don’t fall asleep.”

oikawa opened his eyes and chuckled.

“im wide awake.”

you could finally feel some clarity as the alcohol was wearing off. you looked around the darkened room as your friends held back each other’s hair and people were passed out on the futon. you looked at oikawa.

“we should go.”

you wobbled your way to the elevator, holding oikawa’s hand as you went in. he was practically begging for your attention. you clicked the button back to your floor, where he also lived.

you couldn’t just leave him like this. his roommate wouldn’t help him and you knew he’d be a wreck all alone. so, you led him to your room instead.

your roommate went home every weekend. you honestly liked having the room to yourself. it made situations like this easier.

and that led you to where you were now. sitting on your bedroom floor as he slept besides you. his soft breathing tickled your thighs. you ran your fingers through his brown hair, something you never thought would happen out of a platonic context. was all this platonic? you didn’t know. you soon would.

tooru shifted closer to you, nestling into your lap. you felt his hands snake under your shorts as he played with your underwear. you sighed.

the two of you laid there for hours it seemed. he was fast asleep while you pondered what was happening. he had to have known what he was doing.

suddenly, tooru got up and stretched out his arms. you looked at him with widened eyes. he yawned.

“your bed is probably way more comfortable than the floor.”

oikawa made his way to your bed, climbing up and getting under the covers as if he owned it. you took a deep breath and got into bed with him.

“hey,”you whispered. oikawa looked at you and gave you a tired smile.

“hey pretty girl.”

you felt your stomach clench at his words. why did he have to say that. you gulped.

“tooru i…i like you,” you whispered. oikawa sat up, placing his hand on your cheek.


“yes really. i like you,” you admitted. oikawa leaned in a bit closer to you, making your heart flutter.


oikawa pulled you towards him into a kiss. you had been waiting for this moment, so what else were you to do but kiss him back. kiss him like your life depended on it. you kissed him and everything felt perfect. like this was how things were supposed to be.

you stared into his eyes. his eyes that seem to encapsulate every reason why you liked him so much. so much more than just as your best friend. you memorized every sound he made and how he made you feel. you memorized every word he said and how you believed them to be true. as you dug your nails into his soft skin, you couldn’t help but realize how beautiful he was. you wondered if he thought you were beautiful in this moment too.

you pulled the covers over your bare body and snuggled into his chest. as the two of you caught your breath and he turned off the lights, you thought what could happen next. what will come of this night? certainly you couldn’t stay best friends now. there was something there. there had to be something between you two, or so you hoped.


you asked to talk to him. he asked why. you said you just thought it was best to speak in person. he said okay.

you made your way to his room, just as you had a million times before. why was this time different?

“hey,” he said. you smiled, letting yourself in. you sat down on his couch, fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater.

“so what’s up?”

you took a deep breath.

“i just wanted to talk and see where your head is at since…um…these last two weeks have been kinda weird,” you explained. oikawa chuckled.

“i kinda figured that’s what you wanted to talk about.”

two weeks. this has been going on for two weeks. staying in his room, sending flirty texts, confessing how much you missed him when he would leave. and he played along. for two weeks.

“look, y/n, i like you and you’re one hundred percent my type,” he began, “but, im just not in the place for a relationship right now. i think we should just stay friends. but hey, if anything happens in the future that’s cool too.”

you nodded at every word he said, even though it went in one ear and out the other. once you finally realized what he had said, you felt your heart crack.

but you couldn’t let him know that.

“right. that’s for the best.”

oikawa smiled and patted you on the back.

“i knew you’d understand. wanna watch a movie?”


it was another friday night, except this time you were alone. you laid in your bed, alone. he was just down the hall. you could go and see him. you missed him, and he was only a couple hundred feet away. what you wanted was for him to just hold you. not platonically.

you got up from your bed and walked over to his room. it was normal for you to come over unannounced. you were best friends after all.

you gave his door your signature knock and waited for his response.

“oh hey,” he smiled.

“can i come in?”

“of course”

as the credits of the movies rolled, you couldn’t help but look over at tooru every few seconds just to check if he was looking at you too.

he was.

oikawa moved closer to you on the couch, wrapping his arm around you. you slowly made eye contact with him and as he shot you that look, you knew what was happening next.

his lips felt like a cloud, his kisses a dream. everytime you tried to back away, he drew you back in. he was always drawing you back in.

“w-wait-“ you insisted. oikawa gave you a confused look.

“everything okay?”

“tooru…i thought you wanted to be just friends.”

“i do.”

“then why are we doing this?”

oikawa scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously.

“come on y/n…all this is just friendly.”

you felt your heart crack again.


oikawa gave you a pat on the back.

“it’s just platonic.”

you stared at him for at least two minutes. blank expression. you got up from the couch and began to pace back and forth.

“uh y/n-“

“so you like me, but not enough to date me, and you think everything we’ve been doing has just been out of friendship?” you shouted. tooru’s face was now blank.

“look y/n-“

“you have been toying with me for weeks, tooru! and i let you! you know why?”


“because im fucking in love with you! oh my god tooru im in love with you and you treat me like shit!” you screamed. your anger turned to sadness as you felt tears roll down your cheek. oikawa got up and stood in front of you.

“y/n you have to know i never meant to hurt you. i just wasn’t thinking and i didn’t expect this to happen the way it did…like i didn’t even know you liked me-“

“how! how did you not know? i even told you!”

“well i didn’t think you were so serious…”

you looked into those dark brown eyes, something you used to love to do. now, you looked into his eyes and saw yourself. a crying mess in front of him.

“why don’t you love me?” you pleaded. oikawa sighed.

“you know i care about you y/n. you’re my best friend and i can’t lose you. but i just can’t give you what you want. i’m sorry.”

your heart finally broke.

he wasn’t sorry. you didn’t believe him. you wanted him to lie. fake being in love with you because you were so in love with him. so in love it drove you insane.

“im gonna go.”

“y/n don’t go-“

“tooru, i need a minute. please.”

oikawa grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. your red eyes stared him down.

“come in y/n. you’re my best friend. you can’t be mad at me, right?”

you trembled in his grasp. you couldn’t stop crying. you felt like a fool.

“no, i can’t. unfortunately im too in love with you to hate you.”

you broke away from tooru and walked out the door.


it was excruciating.

the pain.

you didn’t even date him. why on earth did it hurt so bad? it was so much worse than anything you had felt before.

you gripped into your pillow, sobbing until the fabric would change color. before, when you were sad, you would go to tooru. now, he was the reason why you were sad. so you had no where to go. you couldn’t avoid him. after all, he lived just a few doors down and he still technically was your best friend. you had no choice but to fake it. fake that you were fine when he asked to study or grab lunch. fake this feeling of happiness to mask your heartbreak. all for him.

everything that happened was meaningless.

it was meaningless in the way you wanted it to be. it meant everything to you and nothing to him.


it was simply just platonic.

reblogs are sexy and so are you <3

“fancy meeting you here.”

your voice was like a caress, soft and gentle, in sharp contrast to the cool metal biting at the skin of his throat. oikawa could feel the length of your body pressed against his back, was acutely aware of the steady rise and fall of your chest. feigning calm, he adjusted the lapels of his suit.

“not so surprising considering you’ve been waiting for me to come out here since the ball started,” he drawled, the slight bobbing of his throat as he spoke causing the blade to cut into his skin. a thin line of blood smeared the edge of the dagger, a slow trickle rolling down his throat, staining the collar of his white shirt.

“i knew you’d come,” you breathed, your lips soft where they brushed against the shell of his ear.

“how’d you work that one out?” he teased, lips quirking upwards in a smirk, his hand reaching backwards to stroke gently down your outer thigh.

“you like a bit of danger,” you stated simply, teeth catching on his ear lobe and tugging gently. oikawa drew in a sharp breath, swallowing slightly, all his senses narrowing to that single point. the feel of your lips on his skin was almost enough for him to forget about the blade at his throat.

“do i?” he questioned, his fingers wrapping around your wrist, the sudden contact making you falter slightly. with one swift movement, he rolled your arm downward, pinning it to his chest. “because i think it’s you who likes a little danger.”

*GIF not mine*

Summary: Trapped in the university library due to a raging blizzard outside, you are forced to endure the cold night with the man you hate the most: the player who lives in the dorm across from you, Tooru Oikawa. But with tensions and anxieties at an all-time high, you begin to realize your feelings for Oikawa aren’t quite what you thought they were, especially when all he wants to do is keep you warm. 

A/N: I took like six hours to write this??? Bruh callin’ amateur hour in this bitch eh, whatever, enjoy!

Word count: 5345

        Snow, layers upon layers, piled up outside of the library. The glass doors of the library had long frosted over, and inside the lights began to flicker. Outside every window was a blanket of white, everything in the distance far too foggy to see through the flurry of flakes. 

       The lone television suspended above the library’s main desk played the same succession of videos–static with white noise, a scrolling of text warning people to stay inside, three loud buzzes, then more static with white noise. It far overpowered the sound of the library’s heater kicking on, its automatic settings desperately trying to battle the cold that succeeded in invading the closed and locked library. 

       You sighed, sparing another glance at the exit and the wall of snow that kept rising against it. Minutes ago you’d tried pushing open the doors, only succeeding in chilling the tips of your fingers against the frozen metal. Ever since then, your fingers never truly seemed to recover. 

       Just your luck; first a small windstorm had delayed your flight back home for Christmas Break, and now, just when you’d given up and decided to work on a few research projects while being stuck at the university, you were trapped inside the library. 

       But you weren’t alone. No, of course not. As if fate had it out for you, you were stuck inside the building with the one guy you despised with your whole being. 


       Oikawa held out a piece, a small smirk dancing on the edge of his lips. When all he received in response was a blank stare, he shrugged and unwrapped it, tossing it in his mouth before toying with the wrapper. 

       The both of you sat behind the librarian’s desk in tall, wooden stools. It was the only place with service, and it was where you had both scurried to the second the storm warning chimed through the announcement speakers. 

       While you had attempted to push through the doors, Oikawa had called the school’s main office, warning them of your predicament. Of course, he’d cut himself off halfway through with a cackle at the sight of the door slamming back in your face, but nonetheless he’d gotten a simple, if completely undesirable response. 

       “The both of you need to stay in there and not leave. It’s far too dangerous to go out into the blizzard right now. Tomorrow morning it should be calmed down, and then we’ll send people over to get you. For now, try to stay warm.”

       When he relayed this message to you, you had him put them on speaker so you could hear it with your own two ears. 


       Alas, it was the truth. You were stuck.


       With your worst enemy. Alone. 


       During a blizzard. 

       “Will you stop doing that?” you hissed, heaving a glare at him. 

       Oikawa froze in his seat, a gum-bubble the size of a golf ball slowly deflating with a wheeze. He raised his hands in surrender. “Excuse me for trying to find some source of joy in this miserable place. Maybe you should try having fun once in a while, YN.”

       Your cheeks burned in shame at that. “I have fun!”

       A single brown brow rose. “Do you?”

       “Yes,” you folded your arms across your chest, “I do. But unlike you, I don’t do it at the expense of other people’s sanity.”

       Long ago, amidst your third week of your first year at the university, you learned that you and Oikawa were two vastly different people. In co-ed dorms, he lived just across from you, and it seemed he reminded you of that every other night. 

       While loud music boomed across the hall and eventually spread throughout the building, you sat inside your dorms, hands over the headphones over your ears. You were usually leant over a textbook, pencil and notes abandoned long ago as you tried to comprehend the words despite not being able to hear your own thoughts. 

       Your roommate would slip out to join the fun, meeting and laughing with someone who had knocked on your door. Then that someone had tapped a single finger on your shoulder, squatting down beside your desk and leaning his head to one side. 

       As usual, a teasing smile danced on his lips. “You gonna join us, or sit here studying like a Debbie Downer?”

       You’d be the first–and most certainly not the last–to admit that he was attractive. Brown hair exploding in tufts and swept across his forehead. Bronze eyes twinkling in the light of your lamp. Thin, pink lips pulled into a goading grin. 

       “Come on, I promise the water’s warm.”

       It was at that moment that you started to hate him.

       “Get out of my room.”

       The smugness blanketing his face had dropped for a split second, and you genuinely wondered if you were the first to ever resist his charms. But how could you not, when in every second of your interaction with him, it felt like he was laughing at you?

       Hesitantly, it seemed, he rose to his feet, stumbling a bit. You shouldn’t have been surprised that he was already drunk, but you hadn’t smelled it earlier when he was inches from your face. 

       “All right,” he chuckled, rising to his full height with his hands on his knees. Swiftly, he turned and made his way to your door, not bothering to look back at you again. “I know when I’m not wanted. Enjoy your studying, YN.”

       How he’d learned your name, you never really. You’d figured he caught it on the first day of the one class you shared with him, English, amidst mandatory introductions. Since then, every time your name fell on his lips, he more sang it than said it, always in that sly tone of his. 

       You hated it. You hated him. 

       And now, as you spent the third day of Christmas Break locked inside alone with him in a freezing library, you found yourself despising him even more. 


       “Well, YN, you should know better than anyone that I have a knack for driving people insane,” Oikawa hummed, long fingers folding the edges of his gum wrapper against the desk surface. Your eyes drawn to the action, you absentmindedly scoffed. 

       “Yes, I certainly do.”

       His eyes darted to yours, an emotion flitting across them before dropping back down to his miniature origami. A chill ran up your spine. 

       “I’m going to go look for some blankets,” you sputtered out of the blue. You found yourself reflecting his shocked look, a little surprised at yourself at the outburst. 

       “Okay,” he grinned after a pause. “Hurry back soon.”

       Ignoring the wink he offered you, you slipped out of your chair and left him alone behind the desk counter, effectively beginning your search for stray, abandoned coverings. 

       Instantly, you realized the rest of the library was significantly chillier than the desk up front. Though the heater was still pumping and hissing through the air vents above you, it was now rattling much more forcefully than before.

       Must be the snow piling on top of the electrical system or something. 

       The fluorescent lights buzzed above you, still cutting off and flickering every few seconds as you passed bookshelf after labeled bookshelf. Signs labeled with genres and areas of study swung from the ceiling over rows of different-colored bindings. So distracted, you let out a yelp of pain after stubbing your toe against an abandoned book cart, plenty of go-backs filed one after the other in no discernible order. 

       “YN?” Far off, Oikawa’s voice called after you. Despite the distance you’d created between the two of you, he still must have heard your pained shout. A small part of you was surprised he bothered to acknowledge the noise at all. 

       Maybe he’s not a complete pain in the ass.

       “Yeah, that was me, I’m fine! Just hit my foot on something!”

       “Do you need help finding your way around? I’m sorry, I forgot my walking rope, so we’ll have to hold hands!”

       Nevermind, still a dick. 

       “Fuck you!”

       “That’s why I’m here!”

       Rolling your eyes, you purse your lips to prevent giving in to his teasing further. With a few hissed curses under your breath, you continue venturing through the uninhabited building. Though you did find a few abandoned belongings, none of which were of much use. A few too small hoodies, one suspicious pair of sweatpants, and some stray sunglasses. One poor soul even forgot their backpack at one of the work tables, and despite your initial curiosity, you refrained from digging through it and instead left it where it was. 

       It was when you arrived at the individual work areas divided by wooden partitions that your search finally paid off. Because it was arranged against a line of floor-to-ceiling windows, it was significantly colder in this work area than any other place you’d come across. Luckily, that also meant there was a higher chance of you finding spare blankets–which you did. 

       One was still strewn across the back of a work chair, a black fur throw with no designs but a single tear at one corner, presumably where a tag had been. Another, this one cream-colored, knitted wool, sat in a crumpled pile on the very last desk of the entire area, arranged in the furthest corner of the library from the entrance. The bulb in the ceiling above this desk had been out ever since the first time you’d been in the library, so you weren’t surprised to figure that people crammed out naps between studying in this dark little corner.

       While gathering the two–scratch that, there was another on the ground next to you–three blankets in your arms, you spared a look outside the windows. Frost and a glaze of ice covered each corner where metal met glass, and, because you were on the first floor, you could see how high the snow had piled by now. It reached as high as your hips, with more flakes joining or splatting against the pane every second. 

       The sun, you could see, was just barely setting, the gray of the sky growing darker. Soon enough, it was darker inside than it was outside. 

       The power. It had gone out.


       Because the heater sputtered a few more clicks before kicking the bucket, you could barely hear Oikawa’s voice, far off and muffled, over the large distance you’d covered in the library. The lights above you no longer buzzed, and instead an unsettling silence took over the building. 

       “Oikawa! The lights!” You hugged the blankets to your chest with one straining arm, the other fumbling with your phone flashlight. You began the trek back to the front desk, squinting to try and make out shelves and stray books along the way. Despite the long-sleeved T-shirt you wore, a chill was beginning to nip at your skin, and you slowed to wrap a blanket around your shoulders. 

       “I know, the weight of the snow must have taken out the electrical box or something!” His voice was getting closer; he must have been making his way towards you in return. 

       Passing through the towering bookshelves, you made it out and turned a corner onto the main path they created. A shadow of a figure stood inches from your face. 

       “Shit!” You flinched back, kicking a leg out blindly in self-defense. The tip of your snow boot struck something hard, and a strangled groan escaped the person as they dropped to the floor. Now level with the light of your flashlight, the person was finally visible–Oikawa hugged his shin to his chest with clenched eyes and gritted teeth. 

       “Ow, ow, ow, owie!” 

       You winced, your guilt growing worse after realizing he had just been searching for you. 

       “Oh, sorry,” you cringed, dropping the blankets and hovering your hands over his coiled form. You wanted to help, you just weren’t sure how. “Do you… do you want some ice for that?”

       The glare he threw you chilled you to the bone more than the weather outside.

       “C’mon,” you hid a snigger behind your hand, straightening up and offering him the other, “it was just a joke. I really am sorry. Let’s get back to the front desk; I’ll help you.”

       The huff he released ruffled the bangs on his forehead. “I should make you kiss it better,” he pouted, hand latching onto yours and pulling himself up. He almost yanked you down with him, but you’d stationed a hand on one of the shelves for support the second you felt his whole weight. You hadn’t expected it, but you supposed you should have guessed it–Oikawa’s body was packed with muscle from years of playing volleyball. 

       Even now, as the main setter of your school’s team, he had daily workouts that only made his body stronger. You’d passed him once during a warm autumn day; he was jogging around campus shirtless while you were on your way back to the dorms after just getting out of class. He was headed straight for you, and during that time, everything seemed to move in slow motion. 

       One, two, three… eight, you’d counted, eyes raking down his chest. The sweat glistened on his bare skin, bathing him in a glowing sheen due to the midday sun. A narrow waist trailed down, down to volleyball shorts hanging slanted on his hips. A smug snicker drew your gaze up, past a broad chest and shoulders and onto Oikawa’s simpering face.

       “Like what you see?” his lips mouthed, but you couldn’t hear over the pounding in your ears, blood rushing to your face. 

       “You’re disgusting” were the only words you could think to say, though they were the exact opposite of how you felt. Maybe you were actually speaking to yourself, ashamed at the way your body reacted to a man you hated with your entire mind. Nonetheless, his face fell in shock, and you brushed past him, ignoring how he’d stopped dead in his tracks and continuing back to your dorm. 

       The view from that day was still imprinted in your mind, as though somehow your mind was afraid of forgetting it. Forgetting him. 

       But you would never forget how much you despised his attitude. 

       You released his hand as quickly as you’d grabbed it, reaching back down and gathering the blankets off the floor. A red flush took over your cheeks, and for the first time you were glad the electricity had gone out. Maybe the rest of your body was beginning to freeze, but your face was completely warm. 

       “I’m not kissing anything, perv.”

       You tried to leave him stranded behind you, moving forward to return to the front desk through the darkness, but his longer strides easily caught up with you aside from a small limp. 

       “The night is still young, YN.”

       Instead of a proper response, you settled for a scoff, avoiding the gaze you knew was locked on your face. An amused hum escaped the man beside you, but you blocked it out. 

       Finally back at the front desk, you spared another look outside. The sun had set completely now, a dark blue hue now in the sky as more and more snow collected against the glass. It seemed the warmth of the room had been sucked away completely, leaving behind a stale, frigid atmosphere that dried up the back of your throat.

       “The blankets will certainly help,” Oikawa broke the silence behind you, “but we’ll need more than that. I snagged what I could from the backroom, some water bottles left in the fridge or so, but we need food.” When you shifted to face him, he nodded his head toward the vending machine next to the restrooms. 

       “You want to break into the vending machine?” you deadpanned. 

       “Unless you’ve got generous amounts of cash, of course,” he smiled sarcastically. 

       “Maybe we should wait until morning before we start committing crimes.”

       Oikawa shrugged. “Desperate times, YN.”

       “We’re not that desperate.”

       “Not yet.” He eyed the cloud of air his words left, releasing a larger, experimental breath and watching the fog that hung in the air afterward. 

       The sight made your stomach clench a little. If the cold from the outside had seeped in that quickly, you had a feeling three measly blankets weren’t going to last the two of you through the night. A wave of goosebumps ran along your skin when you thought about the cold too much. 

       You swallowed. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. We just have to make it till morning.” The strain in your arms from holding onto the blankets too long finally drew your attention back to them, and you busied yourself with arranging the throws on the floor. You handed one to Oikawa, saving one for yourself before spreading the last on the floor behind the front desk. 

       The rough carpet floor was less unforgiving when covered with a blanket, but you knew that in a matter of minutes your backside would be numb either way. Oikawa snagged the water bottles off the counter and passed them down to you before settling on the floor himself, a distance far too close for your comfort, but the heat he was giving off silenced any of your complaints. 

       Then it was too quiet. You cracked open a water bottle and took a sip, then you opened it again and took another sip. All the while, you saw Oikawa watch you in your peripheral vision, and when his staring came to be too much, you scrambled for your phone. 



       You patted your hands down your legging pockets once more, then along the ground. You flapped around your blanket, hoping to hear a weight thump against the floor, but there was nothing. 

       “My phone’s missing.”

       “When did you-”

       “Dammit, I left it on the ground after kicking you!”

       “Hey,” Oikawa screeched, offended. “You say that like it was my fault!”

       “Well,” you rose to your feet, Oikawa following suit, “you were the one who scared the shit out of me!”

       “Didn’t you know I was looking for you?” He followed you down the main walkway through the shelves, his presence inches from your back.

       “Yeah, but I didn’t expect you to materialize right in front of my face!” In effort to escape his suffocating presence, you quickened your pace, eyes on the ground but not really seeing anything.

       “Oh, I’m sorry, my bad. Next time you go missing during a snowstorm, I’ll be sure to wear a bell so you know exactly where I am at all times.”

       “That’s not what-”


       The both of you froze in place, argument out of mind in an instant. 

       “Was that…?”

       “Uh oh.”

       You both directed your attention to underneath your foot, where an object lay cracked from your aggressive stomping. 

       Dropping your face into your hands, you let out a loud groan. “Could this day get any worse?”

       Oikawa had squatted down to investigate, nudging your leg out of the way before picking up your cracked phone. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, it was useless anyway.” He tapped and poked at the screen, toying with the buttons. “Looks like it was out of battery.”

       “Fuckkkkk.” You tore it from his hands, performing your own investigations of pats and brushes along the screen before calling it quits. “Isn’t yours out too?”

       Solemnly, he nodded, taking his phone out and allowing you to tap around on it before throwing it back in his pocket.

       “So we’re fucked?”


       The pair of you slumped back to the main desk, flopping onto the ground and wrapping back up in your blankets. A shiver of cold mixed with frustration had taken over your body in a short span of time, causing your breaths to escape with slight chatters of your teeth. 

       You could feel it now, on the tips of your fingers and the end of your nose. A chill seeped through your leggings and slid up your shirt sleeves, sinking into every pore and leaving your hair standing on end. Your muscles began that all-too familiar buzz, a slow but steady trembling in effort to get your blood moving. Your toes curled in your boots. 

       “It’s cold,” you commented, the words slipping out like an afterthought. 

       You thought he’d agree, hum, or even nod his head. Instead, Oikawa scooted closer to you on the blanket, enough that his upper arm brushed the end of your shoulder. Then, slowly, as though approaching a wounded animal, his arm rose and wrapped around you, not only covering you with his heat but also with his blanket, still soaked in the warmth from his body. 

       Mind blank, you didn’t move a muscle for what seemed to be five minutes after he’d moved to embrace you. 

       “Is this okay?” he’d whispered into the silence, voice soft yet hesitant. 


       “You said you were cold.” He shifted a little, but didn’t move away. And surprisingly enough, you didn’t want him to. “I–didn’t want you to be cold.”

       A blanket of silence falls over the two of you, an atmosphere of peace you never thought you’d experience with the brunette man in your life. His warmth left you in a sort of lethargic trance; you didn’t want to move away, though your mind was urging you to, nor did you have the energy to. For the first time, you wanted Oikawa close to you, and you didn’t want him to leave for a while.

       You were exhausted.

       Formerly, the two of you were both leaning back against the wall. Now, tucked into Oikawa’s side, your right arm pressed into the side of his chest while your left was cushioned a distance from the wall by Oikawa’s arm, wrapped sturdily around your shoulders and urging you to lean toward him instead. 

       Man, you were tired. 


       “Hmm?” Your eyes cracked back open, and you shifted your gaze to him, waiting. 

       His head was leaned back against the wall, eyes still closed as a single brown tuft of hair fell across his forehead. In the light the moon reflected off the snow, you could see the length of his lashes brushing the apples of his cheeks, the sharp edge of his jawline that you yearned to run a finger along. He didn’t bother to look at you for a response when he muttered, “Why do you hate me?”

       The question zapped you to attention like a taser, guilt flooding your chest for a reason you didn’t quite think you knew. There was a strong urge in you to pull away from him, but the hand on your arm tightened, halting any drastic movements.

       “I… I don’t…”

       “I know you do,” he sighed, tongue running out along his lips. “Please, just tell me.” There was a sort of surrender in his voice you never thought you’d hear. For a second, you missed his smug tone. You missed the teasing lilt of his voice. You missed the Oikawa you knew. 

       You wanted him back. 

       “You’re weirding me out, Oikawa.” In this position, you couldn’t poke him in the cheek, so you settled for his thigh. He barely flinched, peeking a single eye open. “Go back to acting like that smug little shit I know you are.” His lips quirked up.

       “I promise I’m still me, YN. I’m just a bit curious is all.”

       “Yeah, well, it’s freaking me out. I want the normal you back.”

       Wrong words.

       “You do?” He was wide awake at that, head straightened up and eyes wide and at attention. If he was a dog, his tail would be wagging. 

       “Nevermind.” You twisted in his grip to get your back facing him. 

       “No, no, noooo.” Both of his hands grabbed onto your shoulders, shaking you back and forth. “Say it again. Say you want me again.”

       “God, you’re such a perv,” you stutter, voice wavering with his movements.

       “You’re so mean, YN!” he whines, finally releasing your shoulders. You think he’s given up and let down your guard slightly, a little curious at his expression. But when you turn your head to face him, two arms wrap around your waist, yanking you back and in between Oikawa’s outstretched legs. 

       “What the-” While you struggle in his arms, Oikawa only holds you closer, leaning back and taking you with him so your back rests against his front. He hooks his head over your shoulder, and you tense when you feel a breath of warm air against your ear. 

       A shiver tears through your body, but you’re relieved he doesn’t comment on it. 

       “Say it again, YN.” And he definitely feels the shiver that time. A breathless snicker heats up the skin of your neck, but you’re too trapped in his arms to escape the overwhelming feeling it erupts in you. 

       “God, I hate you,” you sigh instinctively. 

       Oikawa grows still. The fun and games are over, it seems, as he pulls his head away from your neck. The arms encircling your waist have become rigid. 

       There’s a thump against the wall. Then a pause. “Why?”

       You bite your lip, and though the words are on the tip of your tongue, you can’t seem to force them out. You’re ashamed, embarrassed, regretful. All of those ugly feelings he pulls out of you every other day, you draw out of yourself in this moment. 

       “Oikawa, I-”

       “Tooru,” he corrects.

       Flustered, you continue, “Tooru… whenever you… you always just… I never…” You groan at your lack of words, throwing frustrated hands over your face. The heat in your body, though small, rises. “I just feel stupid around you.”


       “Like an idiot.”




       “Stop it.”

       “Sorry,” he pauses, “I just… you think you feel stupid? Around me?”

       You don’t understand what he means, so you stay silent. 

       “So… you feel like an idiot around me… why, exactly?”

       “Because,” you wave your hands around, not really sure what your gestures are doing considering he can’t see them, “you just… you tease me all the time! And when we’re in class and you look at me and I just feel like I’ve got shit all over my face! And when you throw those stupid-ass parties, I feel so lame because it’s not like I don’t want to socialize, but I hate the way people act at parties! And then you come along and tell me that I should join, but I know it’s gonna fucking suck and I know you’re gonna see that I stick out during parties like a sore thumb and that makes me feel even worse and I-”

       “YN!” A hand slips from your waist, slapping over your mouth and effectively cutting off your rambling. A disbelieved breath sounds behind you. “Jesus Christ, YN.”

       And you feel like even more of an idiot. You take some pleasure in the fact that he can’t see you as tears begin springing in the corners of your eyes. 

       But then there’s a hard pressure against the back of your head. And then something soft against the back of your neck. “YN, YN, YN,” and you realize his lips are on your neck, his face buried into your hair, “God, you just… you drive me fucking crazy, you know that?”

       You didn’t know that.

       “The fact that you can say all of that, and think all of that, and feel all of that, without realizing why I even do it at all drives me insane.” You feel his mouth move against you with every word, your skin growing hot under his breath. You try to speak against his hand, and thankfully he pulls it away when you do, returning it to your waist as though it doesn’t muddle your mind. 

       “What are you talking about?” 

       And he laughs like it’s the dumbest question in the world. And maybe it is, but you have to know. 

       His lips are on your neck one last time before he pulls away, leaning back against the wall once more and taking you with him. “YN,” his fingers twitch against your skin, the cold of them biting through the fabric of your shirt, “do you have feelings for me?”

       And you feel like the biggest idiot of all, because you do. 

       You do have feelings for him, and you only just realized that now

       “Holy shit.” 

       Oikawa stiffens. “What?”

       “I have feelings for you.” The words slip out before you can stop them, mostly because you’re still in disbelief. Did you really? After all this time of thinking you hated him, of hating how he teased you, you seriously had feelings for him and you didn’t even notice?

       Stupid. So very stupid. 

       A loud scoff from Oikawa breaks you out of your stupor. 

       “Jesus Christ, you’re gonna drive me nuts.”

       And you can’t even turn around and call him an asshole because he’s turning you in his grip and pressing his lips against yours. The hand on your chin, the other on your hip, all to pull you closer, spin you around and tug you onto his lap without separating from you. 

       Your hands are in his hair, and you’re tugging, and it’s that whine you always hear whenever you don’t respond to his teasing, that needy one you thought you always hated because it just shakes you to your core but now you get it, you finally understand it. And those long fingers, the ones he always slams onto your notes drunkenly whenever he’s having a party and you’re not there but you forgot to lock your door so now he’s in your room and he’s bothering you, begging you and toying with you to get your attention, those fingers that have stolen your notebook away and held over your head while he smiles and stubbles around, getting you to chase him–they’re on your hips and you know they’re leaving bruises and you like that they’re leaving bruises. 

       You like it all because it’s so cold tonight and he’s so warm and he’s always so warm and you want more, more, more. 

       And he hovers over you, and you gasp. You hate how he teases you because he loves it so much, and that makes you love it. You love it. 

       It is cold tonight. There’s a blizzard raging right outside the doors to the library, stacking up snow higher and higher. You’re both trapped, but you don’t want to leave. Because despite all of the cold, you’re both very, very warm. 


       The next morning, when people find the two of you, they blame it on that little notion that runs through everyone’s minds when people are stuck together during a cold blizzard, because surely that’s what it must be. 

       And surely that’s why your cheeks are flushed and full of embarrassment, because although everybody knows how weird it can be, during such a life-threatening situation, it’s a desperate attempt to stay warm.

       So when they found you the next morning, thankfully safe and sound and wrapped around each other to try and preserve warmth, they were glad that you two innocent, poor little students, who must have been so scared to be trapped in a building without electricity and heat, were going to be okay, and that they could safely escort you out of the building and back to your dormitories with an official apology. 

       Until one of you asked if they could leave so you could finish what you’d started. 

       “Tooru, you fucking pervert!”


*GIF not mine*

Summary: After breaking up to go their separate ways after high school, YN and Oikawa struggle to accept the fact that neither is willing to give up their career paths for the other. Instead, they both confide in the moon, wishing that it was their other half. (Based on “Talking to the Moon” by Bruno Mars.)

A/N: I won’t take up too much space talking about the obvious (I straight up dipped for like a month, oopsies). Just know I missed writing and finally got the push I’ve been waiting for to return for a little (more like finally had no homework). Enjoy!

Word count: 2464

        The moon, with its deep craters and pale shine, mesmerized him each night, but not for its beauty. For each night, he watched it with intensity, almost glaring at the crescent hanging in the sky with great envy.

        It was never alone. There were always stars or planes or blinking lights on top of tall mountains keeping it company as it made its slow, purposeful journey toward the horizon. Across hazy clouds and black skies, it never strayed from its path, not once. 

        No matter how much he wished it would. 

        “YN.” Oikawa fiddled with his thumbs before continuing. “Are you… are you there?”

        Maybe he was crazy. His neighbors certainly thought so. On the balcony of his beachside condo, he leaned his elbows on a railing that never covered with dust and turned his face to the dark of the night. 

        “I miss you.” 

        And so, as he spoke to the moon of all his troubles, he imagined how she would respond. He told of his game earlier in the day, how his serving had improved and how they had won with just two points to spare. How his teammates had commented on his lingual improvements and celebrated with a drink. But as time went on, he found his shoulders slumping lower and lower until his head was almost hanging, limp. 

        The wind had bitten his nose and cheeks long ago and wisped his hair into a frenzy, and yet he could never find the will to go inside. Still, the moon lit up his form, encouraging his words further. 

        “I still love you.” His voice, barely above a whisper. Oikawa had reached that point that he seemed to reach every night, speaking of his regrets, of his goodbyes, of his sorrows. 

        “I’m sorry we had to end that way.”

        Thousands of miles away and twelve hours later, YN looked up at her own moon, her own stars. Yet, for her, they seemed to move too fast, pass by too quickly. She had never brought herself to open her mouth and let out how she felt, but with the soft rays peeking through her dorm window and painting her desk and papers gray, she’d certainly let her mind wander one too many times.

        Was the pain worth it? Did she do the right thing? Wasn’t this what she wanted?

        Love lay eighteen thousand miles away, right where she’d left it. Purposefully. But if she had done so on purpose, why did it feel like the world had caused her this pain? 

        Her high school sweetheart, her cocky brunette, her best friend, and what must be the love of her life because if he was anything less, she wouldn’t let it ruin her future like this. In college, she had grades to keep up and classes to focus in because, as she’d told him, this was what she wanted. And she wouldn’t stop it for anyone. 

        That night, in her house, Oikawa had told her he’d been recruited to another country. His skills were unmatched and they wanted him on their team. With the promise of beautiful beaches and a generous paycheck, Oikawa said he couldn’t say no. But YN made no such promises. 

        “You know I can’t go with you.” I couldn’t, I really couldn’t. 

        “What about online?” It wouldn’t have been the same.

        “I want the experience, Tooru, not just the classes.” The experiences aren’t enough anymore, though. 

        “So what does that mean, YN?” I didn’t know.

        “Come on, Tooru. We both… we both know what it means.”

        She’d bawled her eyes out, tears flowing without end the minute he shut her front door. A deep pain struck her chest each time she thought about his back turning without a goodbye. Her parents offered sympathetic smiles and well-meaning hugs, rubbing her back and whispering that everything was going to be okay until she cried herself to sleep.

        That was months ago. Seven, to be exact. 

        But as Oikawa and YN both peered out at their moons, confessing their pain and drowning in their sorrows, they couldn’t help but feel like the loss had happened yesterday. 


        Suitcases sat on the floor, filling the room and emptying it all the same. On his bare mattress, Oikawa sat with his teeth buried into his bottom lip, leaning back on his hands as tears trailed down his cheeks.

        Just across from him hung the collage of photographs YN had helped him pin against the wall. A photograph of them together as young kids where Oikawa pulled YN’s hair and laughed while she cried. Another of them on prom night, not smiling at the camera but instead at each other, lovestruck. Another, YN wrapped up in Oikawa’s arms as he hoisted her up high grinning and rubbing his nose into her neck as she squealed. 

        Two weeks ago, he never would have thought of throwing them away, but now it was all he wished to do. After all, by this fall he would be moved out of Japan and into Argentina, in an apartment he’d already arranged with the team manager. 

        Being recruited right out of high school. It was a blessing, it was lucky, it was everything the Aoba Johsai Volleyball Club called it and more. Now, Oikawa felt more cursed than blessed. 

        The one person he wanted smiles from gave him tears. When he wanted congratulations, he got heartbreak. Oikawa wanted her to come with him–he could make room in his new house. He would always make room, and more. 

        At the very least, he wanted to hear her beg for him not to. Not to leave, not to break her heart, not to follow his dreams. In the future, he knows he would’ve truly considered it if she had, but YN was not selfish like that. Oikawa’s YN would never try to take him away from this once in a lifetime opportunity. 

        YN loved him too much to hold him back with her, and that was the one thing he always resented about her.


        Dark circles and puffy bags hung under YN’s eyes. This was what she wanted.

        Clouds stormed overhead, whispering deadlines and test days and hundred point assignments. This was what she asked for. 

        This was how she got the job she wanted, the job she picked out when she was approximately nine. This was how she expanded her bubble, discovered a world she thought had at least a little more sunshine and rainbows. 

        But all she felt was alone. Her friends were spread across the country, some still in her hometown and some littered here and there, but none had come with her to the school she’d chosen. She had many classmates, all acquaintances and nothing more. 

        This wasn’t what she’d expected, and she soon came to realize this wasn’t what she wanted. Her future career that she’d pretended was more important than anything now felt like her worst enemy. 

        But what hurt the most was that she’d left behind the love of her life to pursue it. 

        Rain, a weather she once loved, pounded outside her window with occasional strikes of lightning. Every flash lit up the room, the photos hung on the wall above her bed glowing each time. Behind the clouds she knew sat the moon, but it was invisible to her at this moment. 

        Still, her thoughts ran rampant. Opening her laptop, she signed in past a picture of Oikawa and her she’d never gotten around to changing and clicked on the search bar.

        23 hours and 20 minutes. Tickets upwards of $3,000. 

        A phone call wouldn’t do–she wanted to see him. Talk to him. Not allow him to ignore her like she was so dearly afraid he would. 

        She didn’t have the money or time now, but when she did….

        YN bookmarked the page for later.


        For the first time in too long, the moon was full. And, as usual, Oikawa slid open his balcony door, leaving it cracked just a bit so he could slip back inside when he got too cold. Then he leaned his elbows against the wood railing, folding his hands and turning his face to the sky. 

        “YN, I don’t know if you remember, but it’s our anniversary today. Not when we started dating, no. It was the first time I ever got the guts to flirt with you. You know, when I shoved you on the playground and ran away for the first time.” His lips perked at the memory. 

        “God,” he snickered, “that was embarrassing. But I think we can both admit my flirting improved a lot.” 

        Running a hand through his hair, Oikawa sighed and gripped the railing just a bit tighter. Then he pursed his lips and swallowed. “I know I sound crazy, but I really do hope you do the same thing I’m doing right now. Even if you look insane doing it.”

        A knock sounded on his door just as Oikawa prepared to lean himself further on the rail, making him flinch. 

        Whipping his phone out of his pocket, he glared at the time. 12:57 am. 

        Who the hell…?

        More knocks urged him to return inside his home and jog over to the door. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” he gritted out, reaching the door and turning the knob. “Damn, you’re gonna wake up my whole-”

        The sight that met his eyes caused him to choke on his last words. 


        YN in a sweatshirt he’d given up searching for months ago. YN with backpack straps resting on her shoulders and a deer-in-headlights look on her face. 

        Neither spoke for what felt like hours, but was really a whole five minutes, just taking each other in. Heart pounding, Oikawa locked his eyes on her own, first taking in their usual, comforting shades of color he’d dreamed about too many times, then landing them on the bags underneath. He dragged his gaze down to her lips, parted, pink, and glistening from her tongue peeking out to lick them nervously. Down her neck (thankfully unmarked), to her chest where one of his very first volleyball tournaments’ titles greeted him, to her black pants, to her scuffed shoes. Overall unscathed, but that, to be honest, wasn’t truly what he was concerned about. 

        She’s here. She’s really here. 

        “Tooru, I-”

        When YN finally spoke, finally uttered his name in that beautiful way she did for the first time in too long, Oikawa’s gaze snapped to hers so suddenly she had to stop and take a breath. “I know you’re probably wondering why I’m here and why I look like crap and how I figured out where you lived and how I got here and why-”

        “YN.” Oikawa cut her off but never let her finish as he grasped her by both shoulders and yanked her into his apartment, crushing her against his chest as he kicked the door shut. 

        Warm and soft and plush like he remembered. His hands reached around and pressed flat into her back before balling up the cotton sweatshirt in his fists. Though Oikawa himself couldn’t breathe and he was certain YN couldn’t either, he couldn’t help but want her closer and closer to him. Though she was in his arms, she still felt too far away. 

        He dropped his head to her shoulder and turned his face into her neck, stray hairs tickling his nose as he nuzzled back and forth into her bare skin. 

        “Tooru,” she whispered gently, with a smile he could hear in her voice. “You’re probably wondering why I’m here.”

        “No,” he shook his head, hating that the movement caused her hands to stop brushing through the strands. “I’m not. Not right now.” He pressed a kiss to her skin before whispering, “I’m just glad you are here.”


        “No buts.” He pulled his face away from her neck to press his forehead against hers. Instantly, their breaths mingled just as they always had. If either of them moved even an inch closer, their lips would brush and that would be all it took. 

        “You need to know,” YN pulled away just a bit but, swiftly, Oikawa tugged her flush against him once more, each part of their bodies brushing like they always had, like they’d never stopped. The thundering of his heart almost drowned out her words–almost.

        She smiled, and her eyes twinkled like they always did when she looked at him, like they hadn’t done in a while. And her gaze softened and her body relaxed as she gave in to the truth of her own words. 

        “I can’t be happy without you, Tooru. I just can’t. Because,” she shook her head with a growing smile as her hands fell to his nape, “I don’t want my future to be one without you. You’re what I want, Tooru. All that I want.”

        And they brushed and Oikawa sunk into the beating of his own heart as her body and soul fell against him, drawing him in with the warmth and pleasure he knew he would never find without YN by his side. 

        When their lungs finally pleaded too much for air, Oikawa and YN surfaced with grins and happy tears, love filling the room in a wonderful way. 

        Leading her backwards, one hand cradling her head and the other clutching her hip, Oikawa peppered kisses across all of the bare skin he could find and then more when he searched farther. When her knees finally buckled against his bed and they both collapsed among the sheets, Oikawa let himself speak, sparingly. 

        “God, I missed you, YN.” His lips brushed along her chin reverently. “So, so much. I can’t stand not having you with me.”

        “Me too,” she sighs.

        “How?” He stops suddenly.


        He draws the hand behind her neck to her cheek, breathing heavily as he traces his thumb along her bottom lip. His eyes can’t seem to stop moving, heatedly taking in every inch of her. “How did you find out where I was?”

        This makes her release a breathy laugh before she brushes her nose against his. 

        “I heard you talking to the moon.”


This is the fourth piece out of seven written for the one year anniversary collaboration event for the @konoblog-simps discord. I encourage everyone to check out the masterlist for today’s prompt and support the other creators. Some content might not be suitable for minors so please pay attention to the warnings.

Prompt: Song Piece
(Tooru Oikawa x Reader)

Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol

Song:Case Of The Ex - Mya
I’m old, just like this song, so I apologize if you don’t know it. I provided a link if you wanna check out the song/video.

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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x fem!reader

Summary:Falling in love with Oikawa Tooru was a mistake, doing it again was stubbornness.

Word count:1.2k

Warning:angst…that’s it. Slight timeskip spoilers that we all know.

A/N:Blame this on remembering old breakups…yeah, and Lorde. This has no sense more than the brakeup and the pain that it is forget someone, but I have the idea for more interactions and all, lmk if I should post the rest! Reposting bc I dont think ppl were seeing it:(

To Oikawa, his all time priority had always been volleyball.

For years, he let what started as a simple hobby become his whole life, and rightfully so, he hadn’t found anything else or anyone else to make him as happy as volleyball did. Nothing and no one, until you came along.

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