#mayo clinic

invisiblyafflicted: Doin the #hospitalglam thing at Mayo Clinic this week It looks like the dermatom


Doin the #hospitalglam thing at Mayo Clinic this week

It looks like the dermatomyositis isn’t quite improving on my current immunosuppressant. I’m still having pretty severe symptoms and my blood work still isn’t too great.

My rheumatologist suggest I start IVIG to combat my illness. Intravenous immunoglobulin is plasma and healthy immune cells taken from human hosts and concocted into a fucking multi-thousand dollar vile that will hopefully stop my body from crapping out on itself.

The only issue is that I have to do the infusions locally. I’ve had a lot of trouble in the past finding doctors who respect me and take my condition seriously. Anyone who has been through illness has probably had a shitty doctor experience. South FL is filled with terrible doctors and I have horror stories that are almost unbelievable. Nonetheless, I’ll be doing some research and try to find a good rheum somewhere locally. Many people have suggested I try to get into Cleveland Clinic so I might check that out.
This picture was before a set of x-rays and a lung functioning tests. Hospital gowns and robes are my look tbh. And the face mask? That and constantly washing my hands still didn’t stop me from catching someone’s damn flu. Even with all the precautions, you can’t control autoimmune disease.

Anyway, I’m quite looking forward to starting IVIG. As long as I can find a decent local doctor, I’m excited to try something new and hopefully start to feel better than I do now.

Have any of my followers done IVIG for autoimmune disease? What was your experience? I’m eager to learn as much as I can about this…


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Rochester, Minnesota(Alfred Eisenstaedt. 1939)

Rochester, Minnesota

(Alfred Eisenstaedt. 1939)

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Discovery Wall by Darcy Ferrill This pediatric center at the Mayo Clinic creates a welcoming and pea

Discovery Wall by Darcy Ferrill

This pediatric center at the Mayo Clinic creates a welcoming and peaceful environment for children and their families. 

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