#maze runner janson

We finished The Death Cure - wait sorry:*We finished The Death Cu-HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA We finished The Death Cure - wait sorry:*We finished The Death Cu-HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA We finished The Death Cure - wait sorry:*We finished The Death Cu-HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA We finished The Death Cure - wait sorry:*We finished The Death Cu-HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA We finished The Death Cure - wait sorry:*We finished The Death Cu-HHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

We finished The Death Cure - wait sorry:


1. Newt flipping out at the Rat Man. >) Who definitely deserves it. Bucket and I kept picturing him with a ponytail for some horrible reason. DI I don’t think it said anywhere that he had a ponytail, but it must have just been the whole rat … Thing.

2. The escapees, and then the escapees yawning after their failed escapee.

3. That window-cafe scene was funny. XD Minho and Thomas’ friendship is one of my favourite things in the books. And uh … You can see a tiny Jorge and Brenda there, too, but I wasn’t confident enough in how I pictured them to draw them in more detail.

4. Thomas in the back of the truck while it was being attacked by cranks. >8) That scene was cool - if not slightly unsettling.

5. Minho and Thomas passing through the Flat Trans together. ;-; This felt like the real point in the book where everything wrapped up for me. They started the journey together and then finished the journey together. I thought it was really nice how they were the last ones to pass through. D'X The only runners left, basically .. - *sniffs* Ahh, anyway.

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